Living in the Neighborhood
In Memoriam
Douglas Larry Boone
September 19, 1945 to August 2, 2012
Our newsletter policy is generally not to include obituary notices for neighborhood residents. However, we make an exception this month for the man who was New Neighborhood developer and founder. Doug fought negative sentiment from the Town of Davidson from the beginning for the “dream” that he had of a great neighborhood. His efforts and hard work paid off and we all benefit today from the vision of this man. Doug often stated that this community was the crowning achievement of his professional career. As a fitting memorial to Doug Boone, his ashes were spread in the front garden of St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, overlooking the majesty of the very neighborhood he developed.
Thank you, Doug, for your wonderful vision!
OktoberFest Is Back for 2012!Save the date! After a brief hiatus, OktoberFest in the St. Alban’s neighborhood will be happening -weather permitting - on Sunday, October 28th, from 3-6pm in the Faulkner Square Town Park. The event is being coordinated by Jennie & Cecil Clifton and Deb & Bob Cameron. We are hoping to have a fun but low-key affair, where there will be music, games for children, food and drink, and a lot of getting-to-know-your-neighbor. Fried chicken will be provided by the committee, and other food items will be provided by families, assigned by street as in the past. We are hoping to have Davidson’s finest (police and fire personnel) join us for at least part of the celebration! A number of volunteers have already offered their assistance, but more are needed. If interested, please email Jennie at or Deb at and we will find a task for you! We will need to know how much chicken to order, so if you plan on coming, please email Jennie at with the number of persons who plan to attend. We don’t want anyone to go hungry! Sometime in mid-October we will deliver flyers to each home with further information, including the all-important food assignments by street. Bring enough to share with a crowd, and bring your chairs! Many thanks from the neighborhood go to the Cliftons and Camerons for bringing frost and fun back to the pumpkin! |
Termite Inspections Begin in September
If you live in a townhome unit, it is time for the annual termite inspection. The Association carries insurance for damage from termites and has contracted with Apex Exterminating, Inc. of Troutman for this service. Once a year, an inspection is required to maintain this policy. Inspections include investigation of external areas of each townhome block and an inspection of first floor interior walls, patio areas, and garages.
All townhome residents will receive a flyer in early-September explaining this requirement and the start date of inspections. Apex Exterminating hopes to complete all units within 60 days. The inspection does not involve any actual spraying for pests. It is a termite inspection service only. However, since the neighborhood does have this contract, Apex usually offers a special to townhome owners for interior pest (ants, spiders, roaches, etc.) control.
Townhome owners should not take this service lightly. Evidence of termite infestation has been noted on past inspections. The Association completed a booster treatment for all units early in 2010. Signs of termite activity include mud tubes by drain pipes under sinks, near washing machines, and at the water tank. These signs may also include small holes in walls and baseboard paint starting to bubble-up.
Make sure that you stay protected and call for an inspection appointment when you receive your notice. This is an important service covered by your assessment fees. To add incentive to owners for 100% compliance, the Council of Stewards agreed to assess a fine for all townhome owners who do not comply with the inspection within the 60-day timeframe. In addition, owners may be required to pay the pest contractor for actual cost of inspections completed beyond the 60 days.
If a townhome owner does not complete the required annual service, that owner becomes responsible for treatment and all damages incurred in that unit as a result of termite infestation. The owner of the uninspected unit can also be held liable for damages to adjoining units that were inspected.
If you have further questions, please feel free to call the Apex Exterminating office in Troutman at 704.528.8037. Rick “Da Bug Man” will be conducting our inspections again this year. He can be reached for an appointment on his cell phone at 704.902.0172.
Changes Coming for Collection of Garbage and Recycled Items
The Town of Davidson has announced to the Association that changes are coming for collection of garbage and recycled items. Currently residents have a 96-gallon blue roll out cart for garbage and red or blue plastic tubs for recyclables. Pick-up is once per week (Wednesdays) for both items
Sometime during the fall (date undetermined), residents of New Neighborhood will be issued two new 96-gallon containers – one red and one black. One container will be for garbage only and the second roll-out container will be labeled for mixed recycle items only. [All forms of recycle (paper, glass, cardboard, cans) will be put in the one container.] Recycled cardboard must fit in the container. All collection will be with the automated lifting arms used now for garbage bins only. There will no longer be extra workers to hand-sort and dump recycle bins. Pick-up for the garbage container will continue to be once per week. Pick-up for the recycle bin will occur every two weeks. No change in day of collection has been announced.
It is recognized that garages, particularly among townhome owners, are cramped for space and extra storage. Although only 96-gallon receptacles will be issued, individual homeowners may apply individually to the Town of Davidson for a smaller 68-gallon container. However, residents should understand that the town has already been approached in regard to receiving the smaller bins and our neighborhood does not qualify. Developments with single-car garages have already been identified and will receive the smaller containers. The COS has requested that the Covenant Committee revisit the recently revised policy for trash and recycle bins in light of this new process. In the interim, residents are requested to accommodate in-garage storage of bins as much as possible.
As more details become available, communication will be made to residents.
Great Fence Work!
Hopefully, residents have noticed the fresh paint and crisp appearance of the entrance picket fencing off Grey Road and the picket fencing around the Common area at the corner of Fairview Lane and Ashby Drive. As part of the ad hoc Beautification Committee, Dave Stout had been investigating an approach to how to get this work done at minimal cost. At one point, the plan was to use all volunteer labor. These fences are owned by the Association and are not part of the Town of Davidson park system. They have been repeatedly painted in the past with marginally acceptable results. In past paintings, the preparation work (scraping, washing, and cleaning) was the problem part of the job. Poor prep work will always leads to poor results on the final job.
But this time around, Dave Stout received a call from the Stallings family in regard to this pre-painting work. What an amazing family effort! New Neighborhood owes a big Thank You to the Stallings family for the great work on preparing the two fences for painting. They worked tirelessly, under very hot conditions, to wash and scrape the fence to ensure we could get a lasting paint job. It was a monumental task, but the results were well worth the effort as these two areas now look fresh and beautiful once again.
The final paint job was contracted to an outside company. The efforts of the Stallings family saved the Association hundreds of dollars over what the job would have cost as a totally contracted project.
This is a perfect example of what makes New Neighborhood a great place to live!
What a great family portrait of the Stallings family! Ready-Go!
This was a really hot day, but the troops were prepared and determined. This picture should be cut out and kept as a reminder to all volunteers. This is certainly perspiration turned into inspiration for all!
Yard-of-the-Month, August, 2012
The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Jody and Matt Kurtz of 257 Harper Lee Street as the August 2012 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” This home is a first time winner and neighbors will be delighted to see the “Star of Excellence” reside for at least one month off Caldwell Lane.
There are two words that come to mind for this month’s winner – neat and attractive. Some of the single-family homes in New Neighborhood have limited space for imagination and grandeur, so it is pleasing to find this working well in this case. The Kurtz’s have done some simple things that highlight the yard. Rather than focusing all plantings on the ground, there are two flower boxes hanging from the porch railings, a planter with summer color on a porch pedestal without a column, and a hanging basket on either side of the porch. Our neighborhood landscaping seems to have been founded with the crepe myrtle and there is an attractive white one at the porch corner. Fresh mulch covers the area with well-trimmed shrubs, but also extends down both sides of the front sidewalk to add a nice treatment.
This yard and home are all about appearance. The two front porch rocking chairs add a hint of Southern comfort and a whole lot of hospitality!
Congratulations to Jody and Matt! Well done!
Yard-of-the-Month, September, 2012
The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Pat McCall of 214 of Fairview Lane as the September 2012 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” We have another first time winner this month and it is well deserved. It is always welcome to have a winner on one of our neighborhood entrance streets.
Pat has accomplished a lot on a small lot. The planting beds exhibit a balance between green and lots of summer color with red and white vinca. This is a hardy bloomer and perfect for a hot summer. There is a planter at the top of the steps with climbing red Mandeville vine. Several small stone statues adorn the beds, with the ‘littlest angel” seated in the bottom front of an attractive Japanese maple. As with all winners, the yard and shrubs were well trimmed. Porch rocking chairs also seem to be a recurring theme among our neighborhood’s attractive and “friendly” yards.
The “Star of Excellence” will indeed inspire other residents within our neighborhood as they drive down Fairview Lane. “Drive slow and enjoy!”
Congratulations to Pat!
Each month from May through October, a yard will be selected among single-family homes. If you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please call Judy McLean at 704.895.0940.
One final note: The Landscaping Committee wanted special mention made of Ed and Judy McLean’s home. This yard, a past winner, is yet another one of Anthony Walley’s landscaping success stories. Judy and Ed spend a lot of time keeping their yard looking like a winner at the east corner of Clemens Place and O. Henry Avenue. It is great to live in a neighborhood that cares!
Note: Since the newsletter is now delivered every two months, the October winner will be included in the November-December issue.
Want to Make a Landscape Change or “Punch-up” your Yard’s Appearance?
This is a frequently asked question and there is a great answer within our own neighborhood. The newsletter does not run paid advertisements, but does pass the word when residents find outstanding companies to complete work. Neighbors on Caldwell Lane, especially Mike and Nancy Kota, and neighbors on other streets such as the McLean’s on O. Henry Avenue highly recommend resident Anthony Walley (Wolfe Street) for landscaping services. His company is Landscape Solutions of North Carolina – phone number: 704.895.9530; or e-mail address:
Anthony and his company have been responsible for many of our Yard-of-the-Month winners (multiple times). Anthony’s yard itself has been a repeat winner. Drop by Wolfe Street or call Anthony to see what he can accomplish for your little piece of earth!
Please contact Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 if you have other recommendations for GREAT landscaping contractors!
Newsletter Delivery Volunteers
A special “Thank You” is always due our delivery volunteers! The heat is “almost” gone, but winter is approaching. You can make the task easier by having your newsletter delivered by e-mail. The July-August team included: Bob & Deb Cameron, Barbara Dillman, Tom & Shirley Fischer, Jo & Bob Herman, Anne Jerands, Eileen Mason, and Dave Smith. New volunteers are always welcome.
If you wish to help, call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 or e-mail at
Go Green! – Receive Your Newsletter via E-Mail!Please consider receiving the newsletter by e-mail and save on Association costs and delivery times. If interested, e-mail Dave Smith at and give your name, street address, and e-mail. Your newsletter will be delivered earlier and in color! Don’t delay. Sign-up today! |