St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood Association
Town Hall Meeting
August 7, 2012 [Special Meeting]
In late-July and early-August, a neighborhood survey was e-mailed to all owners and residents that had an e-mail address in the Abbott directory. This survey was the kick-off point for a special “Town Hall” meeting between interested owners and Council of Stewards members. Vera Victorino, Community Manager with Abbott Enterprises, was also available at the meeting. Approximately 30 residents and owners attended and shared in an active dialog that presented and answered many questions and concerns about the neighborhood. The meeting also presented preliminary information regarding the budget preparation for the Membership Meeting scheduled for September 18.
Dave Stout, COS Chairman, began the meeting with a moment of silence for Doug Boone who passed away on August 2. Doug was the founder and developer of New Neighborhood. This development was always considered by Doug to be his crowning achievement in life and he dearly loved the neighborhood. Consideration is being given to naming the front fountain in honor of Doug. He also created the initiative for the neighborhood dog park and built it himself. He devoted a lot of hours to the park and was well known by other users of this facility. The Town of Davidson will be approached about naming the dog park after Doug Boone.
Before opening the meeting to individual reports and questions by attendees, Dave Stout briefly summarized the survey results. 69 persons responded with useful and varied feedback. The results showed overwhelming support for our neighborhood as a desirable or very desirable place to live. Questions regarding “best” and “worst” aspects varied widely with several issues repeating among residents (enforcement of parking rules, enforcement of covenants, home mail delivery, rental property concerns, swimming pool, etc.). It would be difficult to summarize results in this newsletter, but a complete summary was developed by Bob Cameron and will be included in early-September on the neighborhood website ( Notes taken by Jill Stierli, COS Secretary, will be included on that website.
Celeste Colcorde addressed some of the concerns regarding an increase in rental property in the neighborhood. She has suggested creating a “short list” of rules/covenants to educate owners, property managers, and renters. Non-resident owners bear the responsibility of informing renters of neighborhood restrictions and covenants. Attendees were reminded that leases and rental agreements should be registered with Abbott. The form can be found on the website. As for the high volume of rentals, these numbers do not come close to exceeding levels that would cause alarm to mortgage companies, particularly given the current economic situation.
Dave Smith presented a summary of townhome maintenance issues and a schedule for big projects. Two walkthroughs were conducted this year with Abbott. Repair work will be “bundled” to save costs, with safety issues receiving top priority. Shutter painting is expected to start soon. Painting of doors has created a security and logistical problem and will be addressed after shutters are complete. Several questions were raised about gutters. Routine cleaning is conducted twice each year. Residents should understand that although all townhome gutters are over-sized, they will not handle the volume of water in a 2-inch+ rainfall. Even clean gutters will overflow under this condition. There are no immediate plans to remove byway bushes, but quotes are being obtained for better alternatives. The Architectural Review Committee has been asked to develop a new process for relocating patio A/C units to the byway in light of the larger size of newer models. In this case, original shrubs may be removed. Residents should continue to report problems to Abbott rather than rely on walkthroughs to catch all needs. Feedback will be requested from the Town of Davidson regarding any future plans for repaving byways.
Bob Cameron addressed questions regarding the possibility of home mail delivery. Of the 69 responses on the survey, this issued surfaced in 6 cases. New Neighborhood was built to be a cluster community and not designed to have mailboxes. Streets were not designed for mailboxes and the only solution would be centrally located ‘cluster boxes.” This is not an acceptable solution and would require approval and input from three town departments. The USPS Postmaster Sheri Cole indicated that there are no plans to expand routes. In conclusion, there was not an overwhelming request for home delivery on the survey and the discussion will be tabled.
Note: Residents who have experienced delivery problems with post office boxes can request use of the address “99 Jackson Street.” If you plan to use this address for any delivery, you must sign-up and get approval from the Davidson Post Office.
Other questions and concerns included:
- Traffic visibility issues due to two parking places at the intersection of Caldwell Lane and St. Alban’s Lane - This issue has already been sent to Doug Wright, Public Works Director for Davidson, and a study was started on Friday, August 24.
- Problems with bats in homes on Harper Lee Street and Fairview Lane - The construction of bat houses in some parks will be investigated as a solution.
- Larger trees and shrubs coming in contact with homes – The landscaping contractor has been asked for a quote to resolve this problem.
The tone of the meeting was conducive to constructive progress on many neighborhood issues. Other Town Hall Meetings will be likely in the future. Thank you to all that attended and contributed to this meeting.
Candidate Profiles for New Council of Stewards Nominees
& Membership Meeting Info
Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 7 pm
Your attendance at the Annual Membership Meeting on Tuesday, September 18 (7:00 p.m.) at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church is very important. Two items of business will be discussed in addition to comments and concerns taken from the floor. The first item of business will be the election of Council of Stewards members to fill expired and/or open positions.
This year, there are three spots to be filled. The three year terms of Tom Fischer (current treasurer) and Jill Stierli (current secretary) expire in September. Tom Fischer is running again. Jill Stierli does not wish to run for another term. Due to the resignation of Dana Sonnenberg, a third position on the COS is also now available. Dana had completed nine months of a three-year term. There are four candidates running for the three positions. The two highest vote getters at the Membership Meeting will fill the two three-year terms. The third highest vote getter will fill the remaining two years of Dana Sonnenberg’s term.
A nominating committee appointed by the COS has offered three candidates for consideration. Note: In order to be nominated, an owner must be in good standing with the Association (i.e.: no pending covenant violations and no overdue assessments).
Tom Fischer
111 North Faulkner Way (townhome)
Tom and wife Shirley have lived in their North Faulkner townhome for ten years and were original residents when that part of the neighborhood was built. They moved to Davidson from Savannah, Georgia. Tom grew up in the greater Cincinnati, Ohio area where he attended Xavier University and graduated with a degree in Math and Physics. He also holds a Masters degree in Business and, prior to retirement, worked as a hospital computer information systems consultant.
Tom has served the neighborhood faithfully since first moving here. He was a member of the original Council of Stewards and has served on the Finance Committee from the start. He served as President for two years and has been Treasurer for the last six years.
Tom and Shirley have thirteen grandchildren to occupy their spare time. They both enjoy biking and will seldom pass up an opportunity to ride in scenic locations. Tom is an avid woodworker and enjoys playing golf.
Residents of New Neighborhood can be sure that Tom will provide good service and continuity to the COS.
Cecil Clifton
225 North Faulkner Way (townhome)
Cecil, a graduate of Davidson College (1968) and the University of Georgia Lumpkin School of Law (1975), moved to the neighborhood in January, 2011. He and his wife, Jennie, have owned their townhome since 2002 and were frequent visitors during the eight years before moving here.
Cecil retired in June, 2011, after practicing law for 36 years, first in private practice for 27 years and then for 10 years as the Chief Legal Officer for UHS-Pruitt Corporation, a multi-line long-term care company whose affiliates have locations in four states, a legal department budget of over $15 million, and experience in acquisitions, corporate governance & finance, compliance, regulatory permitting and risk management. He has extensive personal experience in local government as the Stephens County Attorney for 25 years, in real estate in Georgia, North and South Carolina and Florida, in risk management and in corporate finance.
Locally, he is a member of Davidson College Presbyterian Church where he sings in the choir and is on the board and treasurer of DavidsonLearns, Inc., a life-long learning program. He began serving on the HOA Building Maintenance Committee in August. Cecil and Jennie are serving as co-chairs of OktoberFest 2012 for the neighborhood.
Jerry T. Hancock
134 O. Henry Avenue (single-family home)
Jerry and wife Emmie moved to New Neighborhood in August, 2009. They have lived in Davidson since 1987. They have six children and twelve grandchildren, ranging in age from 6 months to 30 years.
Jerry was a business owner for 35 years and a business consultant for 25 years to U.S. and international corporations. He has gained good experience as a trainer on negotiation/interpersonal communication for 25 years. This experience also included expertise in group dynamics, team skills, marketing, sales, advertising and public relations.
Jerry has had association experience as past president and board member of the North Point Homeowners Association. Within New Neighborhood, he has shown an interest in and attendance to the Covenant Committee.
Visit Jerry’s online biography at:
In keeping with neighborhood by-laws, one additional candidate has asked that his name be added to the ballot for consideration:
Robert (Bobby) C. Bowers
Non-resident owner - (single-family home)
226 Fairview Lane
Bobby and wife Sandy moved to New Neighborhood in April, 2002, and lived here until September, 2008. They now live in Davidson Wood and rent their former residence on Fairview Lane. The two enjoy many friendships with neighborhood residents. Sandy, with help from Bobby, manages a Davidson business (Monkee’s of Lake Norman/Monkee’s on Main).
Bobby is a practicing attorney and has handled matters involving homeowner associations and North Carolina’s Planned Community Act. As a past treasurer and chair of the Finance & Operations Committee for the Mecklenburg County Bar, he had responsibility for a seven-figure budget. Bobby currently serves on the Mecklenburg County Bar’s Audit Committee. He has previously served as an officer of a homeowner association in Winston-Salem.
Feel free to review Bobby’s web bio page at:
A ballot will be included with meeting notification documents mailed to all Class-A voting members (owners) in September. All candidates will be allowed a few minutes at the meeting to further introduce themselves. Nominations from the floor will also be accepted at the meeting.
The second item of business is ratification of the 2013 Budget. There is no planned increase this coming year in operating expenses for both the Common and Peer Groups. The third planned increase ($6.00/month) in the Peer Group Reserve Fund assessments will take effect in January, 2013. Single-family home owners will also benefit from a discussion of the overall budget issues and other general information that will be included in the meeting.
The Membership & Budget Ratification Meeting cover letter, a summary of the proposed 2013 budget and a proxy statement and ballot will all be included in a notification letter required to be mailed to all members at least 10 days in advance of the meeting. Your attendance is important! The Association requires at least a quorum of 25% of neighborhood members to complete business and make your vote count. If you cannot attend the meeting on September 18, please do not forget to return your ballot and proxy to Abbott Enterprises or to a Council of Stewards member.
As in past Membership Meetings, reports from all neighborhood committees will be presented. Time will be allotted for questions. If residents are interested in signing-up for a committee, please plan to share your interest with one of the committee chairpersons at the end of the meeting. All committees are in need of new members.
Take an interest in your neighborhood. We hope to see you at the Membership and Budget Approval Meeting on Tuesday, September 18.
St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood Association
Report from Council of Stewards Meeting
August 22, 2012 [Regular Meeting]
Note: Dana Sonnenberg resigned from her position on the Council of Stewards for personal reasons. Until elections at the September 18 Membership Meeting, the COS executed its right to appoint an interim member to fill this slot. Dave Smith, past COS member & president, has agreed to serve until September.
The COS and neighborhood wish to express their gratitude to Dana and wish her the best.
In attendance: Dave Stout (Presiding), Bob Cameron, Celeste Colcord, Tom Fischer, Gary Simmons, Dave Smith, Jill Stierli (Secretary), Jennie Clifton (Recording Secretary), and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).
A final hearing was held to review parking violations by a townhome owner. As the owner did not choose to be present, the hearing defaulted to assessing a fine for future violations of the overnight parking restriction. Abbott will make arrangements to follow-up on this situation.
There were no homeowner questions or items of concern brought before the COS.
The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:
- Committee reports were presented as follows:
1. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee [Gary Simmons, COS representative and acting chairperson] – The status of major work orders was reviewed. Most of the individual storm water drainage issues have been completed.
Townhome owners that had utility cables running through drainage lines (as discovered on the pipe-camera work completed in 2011) will receive a letter from Abbott outlining this finding. The resolution of this problem will need to be addressed between the owner and the cable company.
A request has been made to Abbott to provide a quotation for a solution to crushed storm water pipe ends in byways. Dave Smith has agreed to follow-up with Abbott’s maintenance supervisor and the contractor to insure understanding of the problem.
Shutter painting will begin during the week of August 27. All shutters will receive two coats of paint to match the original color. Due to security concerns, painting of doors will be done based on need and owner request following the shutter work. Details of this process will be communicated at a later time.
The committee reminded Abbott that it is time (September/October) for annual termite inspections. [Note: See article on page 5 of this newsletter.]
Two or three new members are needed on this committee. If interested, contact Gary Simmons.
2. Finance Committee [Tom Fischer, chairperson; Dave Stout & Jill Stierli, COS representatives] – The updated financial report for July was presented. Expenses are on target to budget.
The first draft of a budget for 2013 was presented to the COS for review. Suggestions were made to balance the budget with no increase in assessments for operating expenses for both Common and Peer (townhome) Groups. The third planned increase of $6 for Peer Reserve Funds will become effective on January 1, 2013, for townhome owners. Single-family assessments will remain the same as in 2012. Approval of the 2013 budget will occur in a special COS review meeting on August 29.
Tom Fisher continues preparation of a long-term (3 to 5 year) Reserve budget plan. Input is required from all committees, especially Townhome Building Maintenance and Landscape & Grounds. This forecast will establish if funding for Reserves is on target with projected expenditures and will give owners and residents better information regarding the need for recent Reserve Fund increases in the Peer Group.
3. Property Transition Committee [Celeste Colcord, chairperson and COS representative] – Activity in the housing market and in our neighborhood is continuing to improve. There are currently six single-family homes for sale, with two under contract and two being closed. Four townhomes are for sale, with two under contract and one recently closed.
Investigation is underway on consideration of foreclosure of one townhome unit by the Association. The COS gave approval to starting the lien process on a second unit.
4. Landscape & Grounds Committee [Judy McLean, chairperson; Dave Smith, COS representative] – The committee had no formal report.
Quotes are needed from the landscaping contractor for trimming high trees and shrubs away from townhome buildings and for cleaning excess mulch away from individual A/C units.
5. Architectural Review Committee [Luann Christine, chairperson; Celeste Colcord, COS representative] – Two requests were approved: one for paint color change and a second for a screen porch.
The committee is researching and writing modifications to the process for relocating patio A/C units to the byway. This has become necessary due to the increased size of replacement units that now require a different refrigerant.
6. Newsletter & Website Committee [Dave Smith, editor; Steve Lee, webmaster; Bob Cameron, COS representative] – Conversion to electronic delivery by residents continues at a slow pace. Newsletter delivery will continue every other month.
The COS wanted to insure that certain articles were presented in this newsletter. A summary of the neighborhood Town Hall meeting held on August 7 is covered on page 8 of this newsletter. A summary of the survey that was completed prior to this meeting is on the neighborhood website ( due to its complexity. Detailed minutes of the Town Hall meeting can also be found on the website.
7. Covenant Committee [Shannon Stout, chairperson; Jill Stierli, COS representative] – The committee has reviewed neighborhood Covenant and town ordinance restrictions regarding size and placement of realtor signs and other signage. The COS has requested a recommendation at a future meeting.
Overnight parking violations are continuing to be a problem. A default hearing was held on one townhome owner, with fines authorized to begin immediately. Abbott and the Association are considering hiring a part-time security guard to more closely identify offenders.
8. Ad Hoc Safety Committee [Alfred Geiger, chairperson] – The Association is awaiting a response from Doug Wright, Davidson Public Works Director, regarding completion of road marking and signage.
As a follow-up to an issue raised in the Town Hall meeting, the Town of Davidson will investigate safety issues regarding parking spots and visibility at the intersection of St. Alban’s Way and Caldwell Lane.
Uneven sidewalk sections have been marked and will be repaired by the town by year-end.
9. Ad Hoc Neighborhood Beautification Committee [Dave Stout, chairperson and COS representative] – Painting of fencing along the neighborhood entrance from Grey Road and the common area on Fairview Road has been completed. The COS and the neighborhood wish to thank the Stallings’ family for their efforts to scrape and clean the fence in advance of the contractor painting. This hard work saved the Association big dollars. Dave Stout should also be recognized for his efforts on follow-up and work on this project. [Note: See newsletter article on page 6.]
- Management Report – The Aging Report and the Management Action Log were reviewed.
A request by an owner for a refund of the Neighborhood Enhancement Fee paid in 2010 was granted as the result of his payment of the fee instead of the seller at the time of a short sale on the unit. The fee will be applied to his payment on the impending sale of the same unit.
A final hearing will be set for a single-family homeowner that has failed to maintain his yard to neighborhood standards.
- Unfinished Business – Work to repaint reserved parking pad numbers by Tom Fischer and Dave Smith is approximately 50% complete. The work will be completed when outside temperatures improve.
A letter has been sent to the Town of Davidson regarding the need to fix the broken light fixture at Fairview Lane and North Faulkner Way, behind the park. No response has been received.
- New Business – Dave Stout presented a resolution prepared at his request by Abbott. The proposal would limit the COS membership to one non-resident owner. The resolution was discussed with mixed opinion. Following review, the resolution was tabled for further study until 2013.
Four potential nominations have been received for the three open COS slots to be voted on at the September 18 Membership Meeting. Additional candidates will be sought for presentation at a special COS meeting on August 29. At that time, the slate of candidates will be finalized. [Note: Nominations from the floor may also be taken at the September Membership Meeting.]
Planning for the September 18 Membership Meeting (St. Alban’s Church, 7:00 p.m.) will be conducted at a special called meeting sometime in early-September. Notification of the Membership Meeting, including proxy documents, a copy of nominations to the COS, and a summary copy of the 2013 budget, must be mailed to all Association members at least ten (10) days prior to the meeting date.
- The meeting was adjourned at 10:31 p.m.
- The COS went into Executive Session following the regular meeting.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled for October 24. If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting. |