Report from Council of Stewards Meeting

Augusut 25, 2010

In attendance: Nancy Lingle (presiding), Sam Coleman, Tom Fischer, Gary Simmons, Jill Stierli (Secretary), Dave Stout, and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).

There were two homeowner complaints and concerns. One owner questioned recordkeeping practices at Abbott following accounting problems with her account. A registered letter sent to Abbott requesting follow-up was not answered. A second resident did not receive a payment book, but has been making payments on time. Abbott will research both issues and report to the COS.

The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:

  • Committee reports were presented as follows:

1.  Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Committee member Dave Smith presented a status report on work that is ongoing by the Town of Davidson throughout the neighborhood. Doug Wright, Public Works Director, has been working from a list of issues developed in early spring. Sidewalk and curb damage has been repaired. Some road patching is complete. Work in parks is underway, with upgrade work in the dog park complete. Bushes and trees around STOP signs have been trimmed. Replanting of dead trees will not be done for at least a year, perhaps longer, due to budget restraints. Follow-up and coordination by the committee will continue.

A status report on major drainage projects was presented. Much of this work was highlighted by heavy rains in mid-July. Damage has been repaired in all units that were impacted by the storms and modifications to storm water run-off systems were completed where applicable to prevent future occurrences. Roots from plants planted by an owner resulted in blockage to one drain line, causing water back-up and interior damage to the townhome.

In lieu of beginning a second painting project cycle in 2011, it was suggested that committee focus be placed on storm water drainage issues throughout the neighborhood. Costly repairs already completed and future work will be charged to townhome Reserve Funds.

Discussion continues in regard to a detailed procedure for handing all work orders and for prioritizing repair requests. Although this resolution was to have been presented at the August meeting for final approval, it has been delayed again in order to input procedures that should be taken following a catastrophic event (e.g.: roof damage from falling tree, water damage from patio flooding, etc.). This process was not included with the original outline reviewed by Abbott. The emergency procedure will be added along with appropriate follow-up procedures by Abbott to insure that contracted work is scheduled with the homeowner in these situations. When this process is finalized, a letter will be sent to townhome owners. Residents should continue reporting problems by calling Abbott and speaking to Kara Killette (Ext. 106) or Maureen Floyd (Ext. 114). This will initiate the most efficient repair process. If an emergency occurs off-hours, call the Abbott number and follow directions for emergency situations.

A request for a work order history summary report has been made by the committee to Abbott. Software for such a summary has not yet been put in place.

2.  Finance Committee – The financial reports for July 2010 were reviewed. Expenses are on target to budget in both Peer and Common.

The Reserve Report was discussed and a presentation of future funding presented. To date, the Association has not increased reserve funding in any year since the development was founded. However, an annual increase will be presented at the Membership Meeting to meet peak requirements and to meet potential future requirements by the state of North Carolina to provide a minimum “percentage funded” amount.

The 2011 Budget was presented and approved by the COS. This budget will also be presented at the Annual Membership Meeting.

3.  Property Transition Committee – Economic and real estate numbers indicate a slow recovery of housing sales.

Transmittal of post office box numbers to Abbott at closing is still an issue. To avoid billing problems through Abbott and general problems with official mail, residents are again reminded of the importance of making sure that post office box numbers are listed and correct in Abbott and Association databases.

4.  Landscape & Grounds Committee – The landscaping contractor is now cutting previously neglected Common areas behind homes on the west side of Clemens Place.

Areas damaged by waste/recycle trucks making turns along byways have been repaired and re-seeded. Landscaping boulders have been installed to deter future problems and the Town of Davidson has repaired nearly all damaged curbs.

The continuing problem of poor park maintenance due to restricted town funding was discussed and additional funds were requested for the 2011 Association budget in order to cover some of these expenses. The ad hoc Neighborhood Beautification Committee continues to look for opportunities to utilize volunteers to complete much of the work. The Town of Davidson is working closely with the neighborhood to address needs.

A dog park upgrade to improve the ground cover and eliminate excess mulch has been completed by the Town of Davidson.

5.  Architectural Review Committee – There were no new requests this month.

6.  Newsletter & Website Committee –The option of electronic newsletter delivery continues to slowly grow in popularity. A sign-up sheet will be available at the Annual Membership Meeting. To reduce copy costs, this option is highly recommended for residents with e-mail access.

7.  Covenant Committee – Letters continue to be sent regarding violations. Neighborhood walk-thrus by the committee are being conducted on a regular basis. A request was made to Abbott to add additional items to the drive-thrus conducted by the Management Company.

8.  Ad Hoc Safety Committee – There were no new updates presented at the meeting.

9.  Ad Hoc Neighborhood Beautification Committee – Increased emphasis will be placed on use of volunteers for much of the needed work in park areas. Sign-up sheets will be available at the Membership Meeting.

  • Management Report – The Aging Report and the Management Action Log were reviewed. An Executive Session was held to resolve one issue.
  • Unfinished Business – Covered in reports.
  • New Business – Planning for the Annual Membership Meeting on September 28 was discussed. The agenda will follow what has been done in previous meetings.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m.

NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on October 27.

If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting.


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