St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood Association 2010
Membership & Budget Ratification Meeting

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

According to Association bylaws, the Neighborhood Association Membership Meeting must be held in the third quarter. The purpose of the meeting is to elect new members to the Council of Stewards and to present committee reports of the past year’s activities. Presentation and ratification of the next year’s budget is covered in the same meeting. Issues and questions are also discussed and official actions taken or referred to the Council of Stewards (COS).

Nancy Lingle, Association President, called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. A quorum of members was verified. Homeowner notification of the meeting was verified. Minutes of the 2009 meeting were approved.

The Nominating Committee presented via ballot the names of candidates for the Council of Stewards: Dave Stout agreed to run for another term. Charlie Huffine (Harper Lee Street) was nominated to fill the expired term held by Cathy Cockrill. Gary Simmons and Sam Coleman both agreed to complete positions appointed within the last year to fill vacancies left by resignations. There were no nominations from the floor and no other nominations had been submitted to Abbott Enterprises. All nominees were voted into office unanimously.

A summary of the committee reports is submitted below. For questions, please call the committee chairperson or Council representative.

Finance Committee

Tom Fischer, Treasurer, reported that the current budget is on target. The Council of Stewards approved the 2011 budget in the August meeting with an increase of $2.00 per month for Common operating expenses (both townhome and single-family home owners). The need for an increase is predominantly the result of increased landscaping fees and additional expenses taken on by the Association as the result of reduced budget funding of parks by the Town of Davidson. No increase in assessments for townhome maintenance was proposed. Following recommendations from a Reserve Study completed in 2009, an increase of $6.00 per month was proposed for Townhome (Peer Group) Reserve Funds. This increase is part of an annual increase that is required to increase the percent funded in the Reserves and to begin planning for large expenditures around 2022 for roof replacement. Another Reserve Study will be completed in 2014 or 2015 to validate the current plan. This is the first Reserve Fund increase since the neighborhood was developed. There were no objections to the 2011 budget and it was ratified.

Architectural Review Committee

This committee meets monthly to consider requests to make architectural or landscape changes and to establish neighborhood standards as needed. Luann Christine, chairperson, reported that, although the flow of requests has maintained a steady level, there have been no major issues in a number of years. Any architectural or landscaping change not originally part of a unit requires approval by this committee. Please allow 30 days to get submissions approved, particularly if major changes are requested.

Covenant Committee

This committee’s responsibility is to review reported or observed covenant violations with the intent of maintaining and preserving community standards. Parking violations continue to be a key focus, with lighting, street regulations, and yard/home appearance also reviewed as primary issues. Although the committee does periodic inspections in the neighborhood, violations can be reported by any resident to Shannon Stout, chairperson, or a committee member.

Landscape & Grounds Committee

Cathy Cockrill, COS representative, stated that this committee is responsible for maintaining landscaping appearance throughout the neighborhood, including removal of dead trees, replacement of dead shrubs and bushes in townhomes, and replacement of shrubs/trees where needed. Development of a plan to upgrade landscaping in all townhomes over a period of years is underway. [Note: South Faulkner Way will be completed this fall.] Requests for landscaping changes not involving architectural revisions must also be reviewed and approved by this committee. This committee is responsible for the Yard-of-the-Month award and the Holiday Decoration Contest. It is also responsible for the holiday decorations at both neighborhood entrances. Focus this year has been on development of a plan to cover Town of Davidson Budget shortfalls in park maintenance funds. An ad hoc Neighborhood Beautification Committee has been formed to work closely with town officials and volunteers to reach cost effective solutions. Curbs have been replaced where damaged and landscaping boulders have been installed to deter damage from waste pick-up vehicles.

Townhome & Workplace Building Maintenance Committee

Gary Simmons, chairperson since early in 2010, reviewed the committee’s responsibilities which include the exterior maintenance of townhomes and the review and processing of repair orders in a timely fashion. The sixth phase of the townhome exterior painting project (buildings on O. Henry Avenue) has been completed. Expenses for repairs are on budget for 2010. The committee has been working hard to develop a process for requesting maintenance repairs, routine or emergency. This procedure should be available by year-end. Major repairs in 2011 have been required to correct water run-off and flooding problems. Roof leaks around openings continue to be an issue. Particular focus in 2011 will be made on recognition and correction of drainage issues. Neighbors were requested to help avoid patio drainage problems by keeping drains clear and flushed.

Newsletter & Website Committee

Steve Lee, neighborhood webmaster, reported that the on-line directory was updated on September 10. Neighbors are again encouraged to correct data in that directory. The newsletter is posted to the website each month. During 2010, nine issues were published to save costs. Casita residents may receive copies of the newsletter upon request. “Human interest” stories of neighbors are encouraged. [Note: Please visit] Dave Smith, editor, encouraged residents and owners to take advantage of e-mail delivery of the newsletter. To date, only about 10% of the neighborhood uses this option.

Property Transition Committee

The original purpose of this committee was to help new resident transition by providing information regarding covenants, the website, committees, and the maintenance fee payment process. Nancy Lingle is handling work for this committee, but due to the current slowdown in the housing market, there has been little activity in 2010. Emphasis needs continue to be made on getting a P.O. Box number to Abbott during closing transactions.

Following committee reports, the floor was opened to new business and comments:

  • A question was raised regarding investment of Association funds. To remain partially liquid and to protect principal, funds are invested only in CDs with an average return of approximately 1 1/2%
  • Issues continue to be raised regarding safety on Fairview Avenue and other streets in the neighborhood. A school bus was unable to travel down Fairview Lane earlier this week because cars were parked on both sides of the street. Jill Robinson is looking for someone to chair the ad hoc Safety Committee formed late last year and to push forward with solutions to the problems.
  • Several comments were made regarding covenant violations. In particular, a number of specific overnight parking violations were noted on Twain Avenue and Harper Lee Street. Identification of cars and specific townhome units is needed to start the notification process. This will often require other residents to report specific information to Shannon Stout on the Covenant Committee. Towing is NOT an option for legal and expense reasons.
  • Many comments were made in regard to landscaping issues. Trees in the front of two units on St. Alban’s Lane are too large for the setting. Several residents expressed a general feeling that landscaping has not been as good as in years past, particularly with respect to regular trimming. Leaves are sometimes blown onto clean patios and not cleared. All issues will be passed onto the Landscaping & Grounds Committee.
  • A question was asked about selection of house colors when repainting is requested. The Architectural Review Committee tries to maintain color in the neighborhood and reviews all requests closely. Repainting of homes with original colors does not require approval.
  • A question was raised about potential safety issues along the pipeline that runs through the neighborhood. This question resulted from a recent problem in San Francisco. The COS will address actions to answer this question at the next meeting.
  • Residents wanted to know the current status of cell phone reception throughout the neighborhood and whether or not improvements could be made. Nancy Lingle reported that Verizon is going to do a study as the result of a personal request by her. Current problems with AT&T are expected to be resolved soon. Otherwise, signal reception remains poor.
  • In response to a question about patio awnings, the ARC responded that approval would not be granted for fixed awnings, but portable umbrella-style shelter was permissible.
  • Several specific questions regarding maintenance issues were directed to the Townhome Maintenance Committee.
  • Mike Stenhouse thanked all residents and volunteers for making the St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood a great place to live!

Drawings for the $100 and $50 cash prizes were held. Betty & Russell McWilliams (North Faulkner Way) won the $50 prize and Heather & James Densmore (Harper Lee Street) received $100. Both winners donated the prize money to the expense fund for OktoberFest. Thanks are in order for this kind and generous gift from wonderful neighbors!

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M.

Following the Membership Meeting, a special session of the Council of Stewards was held to select officers for 2010-2011:

Sam Coleman, President
Nancy Lingle, Vice-President
Jill Stierli, Secretary
Tom Fischer, Treasurer
Jack Christine, Recording Secretary

Representatives for the various neighborhood committees will be announced in the November newsletter.

The special session was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.


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