Living in the Neighborhood

OktoberFest Party — Sunday, October 24

Frost is not yet on the pumpkin, but the temperatures are creeping downward and it’s time for the annual New Neighborhood OktoberFest. The date this year has been set for Sunday afternoon, October 24 from 4:00 until 7:00 p.m. on Faulkner Square. Come join all the fun in the style of the “Old-Fashioned Party.” Bring blankets, lawn chairs, and pop-up tents if desired. There will be no pre-set tables or chairs. Meet new and old neighbors and enjoy good food.

Old-fashioned games for both kids and adults are planned. The following games are requested: Bocci Ball, Croquet, Horseshoes, Cornhole. If you have any of these games, please notify a member of the organizing committee listed below.

Plans include a bicycle-tricycle-wagon-scooter parade around Faulkner Square for kids with prizes to be awarded. Families are encouraged to decorate their kid’s non-motorized means of transportation and participate in the parade as well. This will provide fun (and laughs) for both big and small!

As in past years, we hope to get local businesses to provide door prizes and support.  Business names and contributions will be listed in the November newsletter. If you are a business owner, or know one you think may be willing to contribute a door prize, please contact a member of the organizing committee.

The Association will furnish hamburgers, hot dogs, and chicken with buns and all the fixings. Neighbors are asked to provide side items according to the following street assignments. (Please bring enough to serve 8-10.)

Salads (any kind, any style, any recipe)
Twain Avenue, Caldwell Lane,
North Faulkner Way (single-family homes)

Side Dishes (vegetables, beans, chips, appetizers)
Fairview Lane, South & North Faulkner Way (townhomes)

Desserts (for the sweet at heart)
Harper Lee Street, O. Henry Avenue

Drinks (juice boxes, soda, tea, lemonade)
Clemens Place, Conroy Avenue,
Wolfe Street, St. Alban’s Lane

Many thanks go to this year’s Organizing Committee:

Rodney Graham: phone: 704.896.8872
Lesley Swartz: 704.895.1350
Bernie Witter: 704.237.3433

Volunteers are still needed!
Help is needed with children’s activities, cooking, greeting (name tags), clean-up, and purchase of food and fixings. A photographer is needed to capture the fun. If you can spare a few hours to insure a great day, please contact a member of this committee.

Join the Neighborhood Facebook Group

New Neighborhood has a new form of communication. It has its own Facebook group. If you are familiar with Facebook, please join the group. It is a great way to publish messages about kids’ activities and to publish information about walking to school, as one example. This can become an effective tool for publishing information about other neighborhood events. You can even get info about the fall party OktoberFest! The group is called “St. Albans Neighborhood in Davidson, NC.” You can also visit the site:!/group.php?gid=134745106535671
A special thank you goes to Rodney Graham (North Faulkner Way) for creating this group.

Join Today and Enter a New Age of Communication!

Termite Inspections Underway

Annual termite inspections for townhomes began on Tuesday, September 7. This process has been changed from October/November to September/October of each year. The Association carries insurance for damage from termites and has contracted with Apex Exterminating, Inc. of Troutman for this service. Once a year, an inspection is required to maintain this policy. Inspections include investigation of external areas of each townhome block and an inspection of first floor interior walls, patio areas, and garages.

All townhome residents received a flyer in early-September explaining this requirement. Apex Exterminating hopes to complete all units within 30 days. The inspection does not involve any actual spraying for pests. It is a termite inspection service only. However, since the neighborhood does have this contract, Apex offers a special to townhome owners for interior pest control at a discounted rate of $45. If interested in receiving this additional service at owner expense, please contact Apex at the number below.

Signs of termite activity include mud tubes by drain pipes under sinks, near washing machines, and at the water tank. These signs may also include small holes in walls and baseboard paint starting to bubble-up. Make sure that you stay protected and call for an inspection appointment. This is an important service covered by your assessment fees.

To add incentive to owners for 100% compliance, the Council of Stewards agreed at the April meeting to assess a fine for all townhome owners who do not comply with the inspection within the 30-day timeframe. In addition, owners may be required to pay the pest contractor for actual cost of inspections completed beyond the 30 days. If a townhome owner does not complete the required annual service, that owner becomes responsible for treatment and all damages incurred in that unit as a result of termite infestation. The owner of the uninspected unit can also be held liable for damages to adjoining units that were inspected.

If you have further questions, please feel free to call the Apex Exterminating office in Troutman at 704.528.8037. Rick “Da Bug Man” Tiikkala will be conducting our inspections again this year. He can be reached for an appointment on his cell phone at 704.902.0172.

Yard-of-the-Month — September, 2010

Karen & Peter Castoral of 618 Wolfe Street as the September 2010 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” The Castoral’s join a select group of repeat winners of our monthly recognition. [See August 2008 newsletter, page 4.] The Wolfe Street home now enters the Star of Excellence Hall of Fame for New Neighborhood.

This large Victorian-style home begs for a well kept landscape and Karen & Peter have provided the effort to make this a winner. Focus for the entire home goes to the curved front porch and the potted and well-trimmed shrubs at the entrance stairs to this porch. All residents are struggling with the recent drought, but this yard has held its own in the late-summer heat. Attractive shrubs and landscaping compliment the yard. The predominant shrub along the front is dwarf abelia, providing many tiny white blooms that add a stunning appearance. Young trees will provide a shaded future. The wooden bench at the side of the yard is an integral part of this picture. The back yard is also well tended and landscaped, but not clearly visible without a pause to take in the entire setting.

The front porch displays both the American and the N. C. State flags. The large porch invites visitors to stop and relax at the entrance street to New Neighborhood.

Castoral home

The Star of Excellence is a “natural” at this address. Drive slowly up the Wolfe Street hill when entering the neighborhood from Grey Road!

Congratulations to the Castoral Family!

Yard-of-the-Month — October, 2010

The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Linda & Ron Reding of 454 O. Henry Avenue as the October 2010 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” This is the last selection of the year as the season is drawing to a close.

Picking a winner this month was difficult with lawns throughout the neighborhood suffering from the “Dog Days” of August and September. However the Reding home was a stand-out winner. The lawn is in good shape and well kept. The reddish mulch around the maple tree and crepe myrtles and shrub beds is attractive and well done. The crepe myrtles work well on both sides of the yard and the red hibiscus plants across the front add rare late-summer color. Attractive plants are also included on the porch.

This Charleston-style home is a “must see.” The house and landscaping are both complimented by a warm and inviting wooden front door. As with all Charleston homes, the front is narrow in width, but wide in appeal.

Reding home

This is a fitting winner to the final selection of 2010. Drive slowly by this home and look for a potential repeat win in 2011!

Congratulations to the Reding Family!

Each month from May through October, a yard is selected among single-family homes. Judy McLean and her committee have done another outstanding job in 2010! Please call Judy at 704.895.0940 if you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan.

Reminder: Start planning now for the annual Holiday Decorations Contest (December 13 and 14). This contest is open to both townhomes and single-family homes.

Community Garden: Leadership Changes

We are quite fortunate to have a Community Garden located in our neighborhood along the gas pipeline to the east of St. Alban’s Church. Participants have been busy growing all kinds of great organic food. Not only have the gardeners been enjoying the bounty, but much of the food is donated to the Food Pantry at Ada Jenkins.

Members just completed the first Annual General Meeting where a new Executive was elected. Susan Andre, who lives in New Neighborhood, will be the new Secretary. The garden has enjoyed huge success in its first year. There are plot openings expected over the next year. Expansion is also expected within the next two to three years. If you are interested in being a part of this “growing” experience and want to add your name to the waiting list, please contact Susan Andre at

Help from Residents Needed

Following heavy rains in July and early-August, a number of drainage issues led to expensive repairs. Although some of these issues were design problems that will be addressed, residents can help prevent major damage with simple follow-up:

  • Keep patio drains clear of leaves and debris.
  • Flush the patio drain at least once per year.
  • Do not block drains with potted plants or patio furniture.
  • Respect the drainage of others. Major blockages can occur from storm water drains crushed by vehicles driving on curbing in the by-ways.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Newsletter Delivery Volunteers

Thanks go to all of our delivery volunteers! The August team included Adria & Woody Appleby, Paula & Harold Bell, Barbara Dillman, Shirley & Tom Fischer, Jo & Bob Herman, Anne Jerands, and Dave Smith. Let’s hope for cooler fall deliveries!

If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 (e-mail


St. Albans Square Neighborhood Associationfountain