Town of Davidson Events

Davidson Farmer's Market: New Fall-Winter Hours

The Davidson Farmer’s Market (next to Town Hall between Main and Jackson Streets) has normally been held on Saturdays from May through October. Starting this year, the market will meet year-round with reduced days. In November and December, it will be held on the first and third Saturdays (November 6 & 20 and December 4 & 18) with the same hours (8 am to 12 noon). In January through April, the market will be held on the second and fourth Saturdays at reduced hours (9 am – 12 noon).

This producer-only market features more than 30 local producers selling a wide variety of locally grown vegetables and fruits, meats, eggs, honey, dairy and fresh flowers as well as baked goods, soaps and farmer-made crafts. Themed market days and activities are planned throughout the year. For more information, please visit the website at

November 11 (Thursday) — Veteran's Day Observance

October 29 (Friday), Town Hall (5 p.m. to 8 p.m.) - Davidson characters of all ages are invited to dress in their favorite costume and participate in the annual “Trick or Treat” March. Representatives from local businesses located on Main Street in downtown Davidson will be in front of their stores handing out treats with a few tricks mixed in. Line-up for the march begins at Town Hall at 4:45 p.m. and the march starts at 5:15 p.m. Contact the Parks & Recreation office at 704.892.3349 if you have questions or are interested in volunteering during the event.

December 2, December 3 and December 4Christmas in Davidson

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for this annual festive event, ending with the North Mecklenburg Christmas Parade on December 4 (Saturday). [Details will be included in the December newsletter.]

Davidson Senior Scholars Programs

Second and fourth Tuesdays (10:30 a.m. until noon), Davidson Parks & Rec office (Room A, 416 Armour Street) – The fall programs continue through December 28. The general meeting format consists of lecture followed by question and answer. The speakers, often Davidson College professors and local physicians, are experts in their fields. Programs are free! Call 704.892.3349 or visit the Town of Davidson website and click on “Parks & Recreation” for more information and specific programs.

These programs are increasing in popularity and are attracting great attendance. Don’t miss an excellent opportunity to learn from the experts!

50+ Coffee Club

Come and join friends and neighbors every Wednesday morning from 9 a.m. until 12 noon at the Parks & Recreation Department (Armour Street) for coffee, snacks and a social opportunity. No registration is required.

Adult Trips

Visit the Parks & Recreation website to see a listing and details of some of the great trips planned for the fall-winter of 2010-2011! There is a trip to the Grove Park Inn scheduled for Wednesday, November 17. Have lunch in the Blue Ridge Dining Room and visit the Gingerbread House display at one of North Carolina’s best-known resorts.

Call the Town of Davidson at 704.892.7591 or visit the newly revised website at For Parks & Recreation information, click on “Online P&R Registration” or “Parks & Recreation” under the “Departments” heading on the town website.

“Rural Hill Sheep Dog Trials”
November 13 & 14 (Saturday & Sunday)

Bring your kids and dogs! The 15th Annual Sheep Dog Trials will be held for prizes and points. Witness the top sheep dogs on the east coast in competition and view demos by Greater Charlotte Sheltie Club sport dogs. The event includes traditional music, kid’s games, a bake sale, a yard sale, cornfield and mini mazes, Punkin’ Chunkin’, and hay rides. Food and merchandise vendors will be available. Join the fun both days from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. [Adults - $10; youth 5-12 yrs. - $7; children under 4 - FREE] For information, call 704.875.3113 or visit

And don’t forget . . . There is still one week left for the Amazing Maize Maze, including one more Flashlight Maze on Friday night, November 5, and day mazes through November 7.

Rural Hill is a 265 acre historical site in Huntersville that was the original homestead of Major John Davidson and his family. This is the location of the Lake Norman Highland Games and other events during the year. The location will also host the “Rural Hill Sheep Dog Trials” on November 13 & 14 this year.



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