For the last five years, the neighborhood has celebrated SPINN (Spring Party in New Neighborhood) in late-May or early-June. Efforts to organize and plan the party for 2008 failed to develop as we had very few volunteers who wanted to help this year.
However, all is not lost! It has been decided that we will break with tradition in 2008 and plan for OPINN (OctoberFest Party in New Neighborhood) in the fall. Many residents have previously requested a different date from May/June due to Memorial Day plans and vacations. Details are not complete, but the date is expected to be the third or fourth week of October. (St. Alban’s Church holds a Pig-Pickin’ BBQ on the first weekend of October each year.)
This could be the start of another great tradition! Your comments and ideas
are welcome and, at this point, the concept is wide open. We also need to
start gathering volunteers now. Planning for an October event will present
a new set of exciting events and food ideas. Obviously, Association funding
for SPINN will now be directed to this party. If you are interested in volunteering,
please contact Dave Smith (704.987.1472) or any other member of the Council
of Stewards.
The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Joanne and Neil Kirven of 104 Caldwell Lane as the May 2008 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” This is our first 2008 winner and it is a special one. The Kirven home, known as the “Red Barn” to most neighborhood residents, is quite different from the Charleston style homes and townhomes in most of the neighborhood. This house was already in the development when it was started and has been included in the Association since the beginning. The yard is indeed a showcase of lush green lawn, trimmed shrubs, and shade trees. The azaleas highlight a natural wood walkway up to the screen porch. The fenced back yard is also magnificent. As a corner lot for all of New Neighborhood, it seems to fit in a perfect setting. The yard is well kept and abundant shade invites walkers to pause and cool a bit from the hot summer sun.
Each month from May through October, a yard will be selected among single-family homes. The criteria for selection are established by the Selection Committee. If you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please call Judy McLean at 704.895.0940.
Trying to fit the entire home into the picture is difficult, but the inviting walkway says it all!
The Star of Excellence will look at home in this setting in May.
Congratulations to the Kirven Family!
The Selection Committee has decided to retire yards that have been awarded the Star of Excellence for two years in a row for a period of one year. Last year was our second year of judging Yard-of-the-Month and there were three yards that received this award in both of the first two years. Congratulations go to the following residents for making the Star of Excellence Honor Roll:
Anthony & Frances Walley (613 Wolfe Street)
Alan & Cathy Sterling (107 Caldwell Lane)
Gregg & Lesley Swartz (310 Fairview Lane)
It is certain that these neighbors and past winners will continue to maintain great yards. They will again be eligible for the award in 2009.
IMecklenburg County water restrictions are still in effect, but with some differences over the extreme restrictions imposed at the end of last year. Residents should continue to be conservative as some predictions indicate another dry summer. Mandatory restrictions are summarized as follows:
If you have further questions or concerns about water use restrictions, please call 704.336.7600 or visit
No, this is not another April Fool’s article! Pink flamingos have been migrating to various homes in the neighborhood over the last several weeks. It is not clear if the birds have changed migratory patterns this spring or if they just like the friendly setting of New Neighborhood. The flock is estimated between 30 and 40 strong, and includes both adults and babies. The flock actually seems to be increasing in size with each migration! No one has been able to explain the behavior or the random choice of home.
Beware! The Selection Committee does not utilize the same criteria when deciding on Yard-of-the-Month.
St. Albanus Pinkus Flamingus! The latest “target” for the pink migration was the Swartz home at the Corner of Fairview Lane and North Faulkner Way Where will they go next? Maybe they will hang around the Faulkner Square Pool when it opens.
The Davidson Police Department reported that thieves broke into five vehicles in the McConnell neighborhood on one Monday evening in mid-April. In every case, the cars were not locked. Similar crimes occurred in the Spinnaker Cove neighborhood in late-March.
Police offer this advice: “Please be advised if you are
parking your car on the street or in your driveway, remove all valuables
from your car and lock the doors.” For more information, contact the
Davidson Police Department at 704.892.5131.
Our April crew included Adria & Woody Appleby, Barbara & Tom Doster, Tom Fischer, Norm Reid, Norman Richards, Dave Smith, Norma Stewart, and John & Marcia Williamson.
If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472
(e-mail at