St. Albans Square Neighborhood Associationfountain


March Newsletter

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Report from the

Council of Stewards Meeting

April 23, 2008 [Regular Meeting]

In attendance: Dave Smith (presiding), Sam Coleman, Tom Fischer, Teresa Furlong (secretary), Lemie Richards, Dave Stout, and John Williamson, and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).

There were no homeowner issues or comments.

The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:

  • Committee reports were presented as follows:

1.  Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Total expense for work orders in 2008 is currently at $4,517 (Total work orders – 19; Average expense per work order - $238). Monthly expense is running right at budget and, although higher than 2007 levels, is still well below 2006 and 2005 levels.

The committee continues to examine alternatives to the fluorescent bulbs currently being used in fixtures over byway garage doors.

The painting project for 2008 will include the three buildings on the south side of Harper Lee Street. The COS reviewed the bid from Foreman’s Painting Company and approved $43,523 for this year’s project. (The total includes the Foreman’s Painting Company bid of $38,380 with 5% additional for contingencies and 8% for Abbott project management.) This amount compares favorably with the $42,784 spent on last year’s project on North Faulkner Way. The COS accepted a recommendation at the February meeting not to solicit multiple bids this year since this was done in 2007. As the result of a review of all buildings on Harper Lee, damage to wood trim on several units on the north side will also be repaired and painted with the project this year.

(NOTE: At the request of the Association and due to Charlotte-Mecklenburg water restrictions, the painting contractor has been asked to furnish his own water supply for pressure washing rather than relying on homeowner faucets. This was included in the bid.)

The Council also reviewed and approved a total of $4,222.20 for Foreman’s Painting to remove mildew and dirt and repaint all fences belonging to the Association, including the Clemens Place arbor and the Clemens Garden trellis.

All work is expected to start by mid-to-late May. Residents will be contacted ahead of work to provide access to patio areas.

2.  Finance Committee – The financial report for month ending March 31 was reviewed. Income and expenses are looking favorable to budget for the year. Abbott has been requested to transfer $40,000 in the Peer Reserve account to a 12-month CD.

Several residents have raised questions regarding the Association insurance coverage for townhome buildings/units. Tom Fischer, Treasurer, is reviewing the policy to verify appropriate coverage.

3.  Property Transition Committee – The committee met in March and reviewed a proposed Lease Registration Form. Planning of some type of social event for newcomers was also discussed. A pre-party recognition event for these neighbors during the OctoberFest Party is one possibility.

4.  Landscape & Grounds Committee – Landscaping renovation on Twain Avenue will continue on hold until later in 2008.

Lemie Richards and Judy McLean have been asked to contact the contractor for pond maintenance and re-activate an annual contract. (With the release of some water restrictions, the front fountain on St. Alban’s Lane may now be repaired and put back into service.)

5.  Architectural Review Committee – Three requests were reviewed by the committee. Two were approved, but a request to provide a patio cover was denied. The committee is considering the development of a standard regarding shade-covering for patios.

6.  Newsletter & Website Committee – No report.

7.  Covenant Committee – The committee will review a list of repeat parking violations at their next meeting. The intent is to start the process of enforcement of penalties.

A list of parking spaces that have been eliminated for safety reasons was presented to the COS. The Town of Davidson has completed remarking of spaces on the north end of Twain Avenue and on the lower circle of Clemens Place. Wolfe Street is expected to be marked “No Parking” on the south side in order to avoid congestion that may block through traffic and emergency vehicles.

  • Management Report – The Management Action Log, including the aging report, were reviewed. Abbott will continue follow-up on the three top delinquent accounts on the aging report.
  • Old Business – Work has been completed on asphalt curbing along Wallace M. Gamble Byway to prevent erosion and drainage run-off from the wooded area. Payment of the final invoice was approved.

    Unauthorized structures in the common area at the corner of Fairview Lane and Ashby Drive have been removed.

    The Council reviewed a draft copy of a Lease Registration Form and a cover letter that will be mailed with this form to all non-resident owners. The intention of the form is to gain information regarding total rentals in the neighborhood. The Covenant allows the COS to request this information and to specify minimum requirements for owners that do lease.

    The Town of Davidson has been contacted regarding lack of maintenance in Town Park areas. A request has been made to remove a dead tree in Ashby Park and to refresh mulch in both Ashby Park and Forest Park. Foreman’s Painting Company has provided a bid for painting all fences around Davidson parks, including the two arbors in Faulkner Square. This bid has been presented to the Town of Davidson for consideration in the 2008 budget.
  • New Business – Preparation for SPINN in June is behind schedule and volunteers have not been found. The COS has decided to move the event this year to the later part of October and celebrate OPINN (OctoberFest Party in New Neighborhood). [See newsletter article on page 4.]

    The COS discussed appropriate ways to express sympathy to residents and family upon the death of residents in our neighborhood. Lemie Richards has agreed to send a sympathy card from the Association when this occurs. Please contact Lemie (phone at 704.892.6993 or e-mail at with this information when known.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on June 25, 2008.