Town of Davidson Events

March 6 (Saturday) and March 20 (Saturday) – Winter Tailgate Market (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.) – Join the “mini” version of the Farmer’s Market. Available items include pastured beef, pork, chicken, freshly baked breads, cakes, pies and cookies, assorted cold-weather produce including lettuces and greens, sweet potatoes, root vegetables and winter squash, soaps and more . . . The Tailgate Market is located between Main Street and Jackson Street in downtown Davidson next to Town Hall.

March 19 (Friday) – Davidson Arbor Day – Town Green (2:00 – 4:00 p.m.) – The State of North Carolina has determined that Arbor Day shall be celebrated annually on the first Friday following the fifteenth of March. “Branching Out” activities actually start in Davidson on March 2 with classes, workshops, and tours all month. For more information, call 704.940.9621 or visit the town website.

March 27 (Saturday) – Earth Hour 2010 (8:30 p.m.) – The World Wildlife Fund is proud to announce the date and time for this year’s observance. Please join millions of people around the world in turning off the lights for Earth Hour to raise awareness and demand action to fight climate change. Grow the movement by sharing this message with your friends and family. Visit the new website at to access videos and tool kits to help grow the movement and get ideas on how to make Earth Hour a special event in your home, community, or business.

Davidson Senior Scholars Programs

Davidson Senior Scholars Programs - Second and fourth Wednesdays, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m., Davidson Parks & Recreation office (Room A, 416 Armour Street) – Programs are designed to stimulate continual intellectual and cultural growth. The general meeting format consists of lecture followed by question and answer. The speakers, often Davidson College professors and local physicians, are experts in their fields. Programs are free! Call 704.892.3349 or visit for more information and specific programs.

March 10 (Wednesday) – “Movie Music”Neil Lerner, PhD, Associate Professor of Music, Davidson College – Fascinating history of music in movies with excerpts of various themes and illustrations.

March 24 (Wednesday) – “Elder Law”Natalie Miller, Attorney at Law, Mooresville, NC – Legal issues facing Seniors (Did you know that the State can recoup Medicaid benefits from your estate?), estate planning, reverse mortgages, the necessity of wills, living wills.

These programs are increasing in popularity and are attracting great attendance. Don’t miss an excellent opportunity to learn from the experts!

50+ Coffee Club

Come and join friends and neighbors every Wednesday morning from 9 a.m. until 12 noon at the Parks & Recreation Department (Armour Street) for coffee, snacks and a social opportunity. No registration is required.

Adult Trips

Visit to see a listing and details of some of the great spring and summer trips planned by the Davidson Parks & Recreation Department. Excursions include shopping, local concerts, area vineyards and wineries, baseball parks and games, and much more. Visit online and register early. Some of these trips fill up quickly.

Note: Registration for spring and summer youth activities begins early. Don’t miss the summer fun!

Call the Town of Davidson at 704.892.7591 or visit the newly revised website at For Parks & Recreation information, visit

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