Living in the Neighborhood
Online Newsletter Availability
It is the long-term goal of the Newsletter Committee to eventually provide residents with an electronic copy of the newsletter and to drastically reduce the number of hand-delivered copies. Please send me an e-mail at if you are interested in an electronic copy only. Please include your name, street address, phone number, and e-mail address. This action is being taken to streamline delivery and reduce Association costs, not to mention, taking a “GO GREEN” approach to the environment.
The most recently posted version of the newsletter can be found on our neighborhood website at Back issues, both online and .doc versions can be accessed from the “Back Issues” link on that page. There is an updated version of the Neighborhood calendar posted near the first of each month, even in months without a newsletter. This can be found through a link at the same site listed above.
Please consider the electronic delivery option. As the list grows, subscribers will receive an e-mail reminder with links to the above site each month in which a newsletter is issued. This is also an excellent way for non-resident owners to receive the newsletter. Not only will this save printing costs, but it will also save postage. If you are a non-resident owner, please contact Abbott if you wish to start receiving the information electronically. Please then have Abbott remove your name from the mailing list.
If you are a resident owner, but have previously requested your newsletter by mail, please contact Abbott and change your delivery to e-mail and request that Abbott remove your name from their list.
As always, a special thank you goes to Steve Lee (O. Henry Avenue) for an excellent job as webmaster and for providing additional services and links to our neighborhood website as requested.
Recycle & Garbage Collection Reminders
The Town of Davidson contracts garbage, yard debris, and recycling pick-up through an outside service. At the end of 2008, Allied Waste and Republic Services merged into one company. However, at this time, Allied remains as the company that responds to phone calls at 704.393.6900. Please call this number to obtain a roll-out garbage cart or recycling bin or to report service problems. The website is
The following are helpful tips and reminders:
- March winds are here! Secure trash and recycling materials to avoid blowing debris on windy days.
- Cardboard can be picked-up with recycle materials. However, it must be cut and flattened into pieces no larger than 3 ft. X 3 ft. Larger sections will be left at curbside unless a call is made for special pick-up.
- Curbside pick-up of yard debris occurs on Wednesday. No piece can be longer than 6 feet in length or greater than 6 inches in diameter. Please stack neatly in small piles. For Townhome owners, yard debris is generally picked up in front of townhome units and homes, similar to Christmas tree pick-up in January.
- Allied recognizes six holidays during the year: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. If a holiday falls on a weekday, pick-up will occur one day later if the actual holiday occurs prior to collection time. Allied actually will make up the holiday on Saturday.
- Disposal of large items (i.e.: mattresses) requires a call and a schedule for special pick-up. Scheduling of a special pick-up may also apply to unusually large amounts of yard waste.
- By NC State law (effective October 1, 2009) all #1 and #2 plastic bottles and containers cannot be disposed in landfill sites and must be recycled.
- Both recycle bins and trash bins are now picked up on Wednesday. Containers should not be rolled out any earlier than the evening before pick-up and must be pulled out of sight within 24 hours of actual pick-up. If you plan to be out of town, please make arrangements with a neighbor to follow these restrictions.
- Hazardous wastes not accepted as recycle (i.e.: fluorescent bulbs, batteries, paints) may be carried to the North Mecklenburg Recycling Center and Yard Waste (12300 North Statesville Road) for disposal. For more information, contact the center at 704.875.1563. Hours of operation are Tuesday through Saturday (7 am – 3 pm). [Directions: From Davidson, take I-77 to Exit 18. Turn left onto Reames Road. Turn left at the stop light (US 21) and travel north approximately 3 miles. The North Mecklenburg Recycling Center entrance is on the right.]
Your cooperation with these guidelines is appreciated and will keep our neighborhood safe and attractive!
Termite Inspection Responsibility - Update
The Association has contracted TermiTech South of Charlotte as a bonded agent to inspect townhomes annually and to cover treatment and/or damage caused by any termites that are found during the inspections. The insurance through Fireman’s Fund, the company used by TermiTech for properties in St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood, will cover losses up to $500,000. Notice of the annual inspection goes out in October of each year and residents are generally given 30 days (or more) to call and make an inspection appointment. This annual request is also put in the newsletter at least twice.
This process has become a growing problem each year because a number of owners/residents fail to contact TermiTech and complete the inspection. In 2009, only 96 of 139 townhome units scheduled inspections. This fact creates a problem for the Association in that the insurance company may cancel coverage or increase charges significantly for coverage. By law TermiTech cannot “force” homeowners to comply. It is up to the Association to create an incentive for 100% compliance. The issue was discussed at the February COS meeting with the following points of note:
- If termites are found in a unit that has not been inspected, the owner becomes responsible for treatment and all damages incurred as a result of the infestation. Neither TermiTech nor the Association has the responsibility in this situation to cover costs.
- If termites are found in adjoining units to a townhome that was not inspected and are determined to have spread from the slab or structure that was uninspected, the owner of that uninspected unit can be held liable for damages to the units that were inspected. [Note: The inspected unit would be covered for loss and treatment. However, TermiTech can legally recover damages from the owner of the source unit.]
- The Association has requested TermiTech to move inspections from October/November to September in order to catch more people at home. Inspections done outside of the 30-day period specified for New Neighborhood will be charged $30 by TermiTech to complete the inspection. In addition to flyers distributed by the contractor, articles will also be included in the newsletter.
- Not only does failure to complete an inspection subject owners to potentially high liability for property damage, but it also will become a property disclosure issue if the unit is subsequently put on the market.
- The COS is considering a fine for owners that fail to complete an inspection. This has not yet been passed.
The Association is planning to send a mailing to all townhome owners regarding this issue and to remind those owners of their responsibilities and potential liability if compliance is not followed. Termite damage insurance is an important asset for members of the Association. However, it does require cooperation from all to be successful.
Stay Informed – Register on eCrier
The newsletter features the website address for the Town of Davidson in each issue. That website contains an enormous amount of information, including current events, announcements, useful links to town government officials and all town departments, and historical background information. However, the best way to stay in touch with current announcements is to take the website one step further – register on eCrier. Visit the town website at, and click on the “E-services” tab to the left of the home page. Click further on “eCrier” and a registration page will appear. Registration for this service can keep you immediately informed regarding Public Safety issues, news releases, Parks & Recreation Department activities, Public Works announcements, and even changes in waste collection dates. As you will note on the registration page, the amount of information received is up to the requester. Click on desired choices and try it out. You can easily modify or add requests to your base page.
Another useful service within the E-Services page is a link to useful town forms that can be copied for mailing or submitted online. These forms include an Alarm Permit Application, Home Security Check Request, Registration for Civics 101, and an Application for Tree Permit. Some of the forms require registration of your name and a password to protect your information. This is a minor one-time requirement.
The town website and the services it provides are an excellent way to “stay in-touch.” Visit the site often and browse. Discover the many uses and learn more about our community.
Newsletter Delivery Volunteers
Thanks go to all of our “Cooooold Weather” delivery volunteers! Our January snow people included Adria & Woody Appleby, Harold & Paula Bell, Barbara Dillman, Joyce Feir, Tom Fischer, Jo & Bob Herman, Anne Jerands, Sherman & Nancy Kahn, Norman Richards, and Dave Smith. Our list is growing. New volunteers are always welcome!
If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 (e-mail
Important Reminder
. . . Or just be late! |