Report from the
St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood Association
Council of Stewards Meeting
February 24, 2010 [Regular Meeting]
IIn attendance: Steve Kessler (presiding), Tom Fischer, Nancy Lingle, Lemie Richards, Gary Simmons, Dave Stout, and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).
A brief Executive Session was held to conduct a formal hearing on a Covenant violation by a homeowner. [Note: Minutes of Executive Session hearings are taken, but as the proceedings are closed, details are not presented in the newsletter summary.]
There were no homeowner concerns. The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:
- Committee reports were presented as follows:
1. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Based on the 2009 year-end summary report from Abbott, maintenance expenses finished below budget. However, there were one or two specific accounting issues. Roof leaks and drainage problems top the list. No work order report has been received in 2010.
Tom Fischer and Steve Kessler met with Abbott on Monday, February 22, to discuss issues and concerns regarding maintenance supervision and documentation. An additional employee has been assigned to maintain work order recordkeeping.
Representatives from TermiTech South (the Association’s termite inspection company and insurance holder) spoke to the COS in regard to fall inspections and questions about coverage if inspections were not completed by individual townhome owners. Phil Ferger, owner, and Rick “Da Bug Man” Tiikkala, field technician, made the presentation. Only 96 of 139 units completed the annual inspection in 2009. Mr. Ferger explained the issues of owner responsibility and insurance liability as covered by his company. The issue of a possible booster treatment was discussed. TermiTech has been requested to furnish a quotation for this work. A letter will be sent to all townhome owners outlining owner responsibility and liability. [See newsletter article on page 4.]
Repair to weatherproofing in townhomes on Caldwell Lane was completed in December. However, there is still a question regarding the actual scope of work. Documentation is not complete. Following a late December repair to original work, no further water leakage has occurred. The contractor has been paid for services and a warranty is in effect for two years.
Quotes have been received for repairs to patio water drainage issues in several townhome units. However, the scope of work covered water drainage issues only and did not cover repair to concrete and pavers. A second contractor will provide a quotation during the last week of February. The work is expected to be completed within the next two months.
The 2010 painting project (the last in a 6-year cycle) is expected to start in May, with quotations received in March.
Heather and Jim Faulkner, chairpersons for the Townhome Building Maintenance Committee, have announced that they will step down from the committee effective immediately. Gary Simmons, COS representative to this committee, will act as chair until replacements are named. [The COS expressed appreciation and gratitude for the hard work Heather and Jim have put into this group. They were both original members when the committee was formed 5 or 6 years ago.]
2. Finance Committee – The financial reports for year-end 2010 were reviewed. Expenses were positive to budget in both Peer and Common. The status of Association CD’s was presented. The Association continues to seek good investment opportunities with this money.
It was announced that Abbott is in the process of changing banks to Alliance Bank. This is not expected to affect homeowners.
The final copy of the 2009 Reserve Study has been received and is under review. The impact on potential assessment increases will be discussed in the April COS meeting.
3. Property Transition Committee – Celeste Colcord (Market Properties) presented a potential survey problem to the COS. In preparation for closing on a townhome, the survey noted a 4-inch encroachment of the front porch onto what shows on original drawings as a “private sanitary sewer easement.” Variance approval by the Association was requested. Following discussion, it was felt that the drawing is likely in error regarding location of the sewer line and use of the word “private.” This is likely an issue with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utilities Department (CMUD). Celeste agreed to contact this department and to provide an update to Nancy Lingle when available. Although this issue is likely applicable to other units, it is not expected to create a problem.
4. Landscape & Grounds Committee – Landscape renovations have been completed for townhomes on the west side of Twain Avenue. An issue with ivy growing up brick walls has surfaced. As this presents a potential cost to future repairs and added work to the landscaping contractor, a letter from Abbott will be sent requesting that any ivy encroaching brick be removed.
Lemie Richards has completed a survey of damaged corners throughout the neighborhood resulting from waste and recycle trucks. The six problem areas will be presented to the Town of Davidson.
Two lights are out again along the walk through Ashby Park. This issue will also be presented to the Davidson Public Works Department.
The issue of increasing costs for landscaping needs was discussed. A larger landscaping budget is likely the long-term answer. The removal of arborvitae trees on both sides of Faulkner is the next big landscaping project.
5. Architectural Review Committee – There have been no meetings for the last two months.
6. Newsletter & Website Committee –The option of electronic newsletter delivery will continue to be investigated. [See newsletter article on page 3.]
Efforts are underway to verify and update the large non-resident owner list used by Abbott.
7. Covenant Committee – Letters continue to be sent regarding, parking, trash can, and yard upkeep violations. [New members are still needed.]
8. Ad Hoc Safety Committee – Traffic striping on Fairview Lane has been delayed due to weather and workload, but is expected to be completed in early-March.
- Management Report – The Aging Report was reviewed. The COS approved proceeding with foreclosure on one townhome. An individual request to wave late fees in 2009 was granted. Following a legal review of the easement question presented by Celeste Colcord, it has been determined that the Association is NOT responsible for granting this particular easement variance.
- Unfinished Business – Following a phone call by Steve Kessler, complimentary copies of the Weekly Harold will no longer be distributed to townhomes. The local paper does have the right to distribute such copies to single-family homes.
- New Business – Norm and Lemie Richards will be moving out of New Neighborhood. The COS has named Kathy Cockrill (154 Clemens Place) to complete Lemie’s term. [A profile of Kathy Cockrill will be presented in the April newsletter.]
Steve Kessler, Association President, announced his resignation for personal reasons. Replacement candidates will be discussed and a selection presented at the April meeting. Nancy Lingle, as Vice-President, will fill in as President during this period.
The neighborhood owes many thanks and much gratitude to both Lemie Richards and Steve Kessler for their service to our Association. Thank you and best wishes going forward! |
The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on April 28. If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting. |