Living in the Neighborhood

Chairperson Needed — OktoberFest 2011

We are looking for one or two neighbors to chair this annual event. There always seems to be an endless supply of helpers and volunteers, but we do need a chairperson. There are plenty of notes on experience from previous years. If you are interested, please contact a member of the Council of Stewards. A chairperson must be named by August 1 to ensure continuation of this tradition.

The neighborhood celebrates with a party annually in Faulkner Square. This is a budgeted event supported by the Neighborhood Association. Advance planning is required to reserve park facilities from the Town of Davidson.

Correct Abbott & Website Personal Data

Abbott Enterprises and the Association are continuing to experience problems due to incorrect personal data (especially post office box numbers) in the database. For new residents, post office box numbers are supposed to be listed at closing. However, frequently this data is not available at that time. Since billing information, billing coupon books, and important or official information cannot be delivered by Abbott to a street address, it is imperative that this key piece of data be given to Abbott as soon as possible. Abbott can then correct their database for official mailings. Remember: Phone number changes and e-mail changes are also important to Abbott.

Abbott Enterprises now has a Community website for New Neighborhood. This includes your profile info, account summary, neighborhood documents, and a complete directory. To access this website, visit Click on E-SERVICES. Under “Homeowners,” click on “Visit My Community.” For protection of the information, all data is password protected. If you are a first-time user, registration of your profile information, login address, and password are needed. Instructions are fairly user-friendly. Please login and check or correct your personal data. E-mail addresses are now an important part of the profile. This allows Abbott to send our safety alerts and to gain feedback on work order surveys.

As most owners and residents are already aware, there is also a neighborhood website which includes an on-line (and printable) directory. This site, unlike the Abbott site, is run by our neighborhood Webmaster, Steve Lee. Due to new owners failing to enter data and current residents or owners failing to make changes when appropriate, this database has become inaccurate and unreliable. The Association does not download the Abbott database due to technical problems in doing so. Instead, it relies on owners and residents making changes on-line.

Unfortunately, the neighborhood website is full of the names of residents no longer living in New Neighborhood. In order to correct this problem, new owners are requested to let Steve Lee know when a name and associated data need to be removed. There is an e-mail contact tab for the Webmaster on the website. You may not change or delete another person’s personal data. The Webmaster must do this.

In order to change your own personal data (i.e.: P. O. Box number changes, new e-mail addresses, new phone numbers), enter the website ( and enter the “MEMBER’S AREA.” Then click on “VIEW AND UPDATE MY DIRECTORY INFORMATION” and make the appropriate addition or change. If you have forgotten your password, there is a menu item to request a new password from the Webmaster. This can usually be done in less than a day.

Yard-of-the-Month — June & July, 2011

The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Jon Guttman and Lewis Deaton of 108 Caldwell Lane as the June 2011 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” Jon and Lewis have watched with pleasure as many of their neighbors on Caldwell received the “Star of Excellence” over the past several years. Now, it is their turn at the award . . . and well deserved!

It is obvious that much work and care has gone into the upkeep of this classic Charleston home. The committee has often noted the imagination and creativity that are possible with the narrow front of this style home. This yard is no exception! The planting beds have a raised stone border and are accented with colorful red and orange celosia. These “popsicle-like” flowers are an excellent choice for summer color and grow well with minimal water. The yard is highlighted on the right by a large crepe myrtle and on the left by two large Rose-of-Sharon hibiscus shrubs with beautiful red flowers. The trees, shrubs, and beds are all well tended and mulched. The perfect description would be “neat and tidy.”

home picture

The “Star of Excellence” hangs proudly on the lawn of this winner. This Charleston home can take its place along with several other past winners on Caldwell Lane.

Congratulations to Jon and Lewis!


The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Joel Macht and Susan Andre of 308 O. Henry Avenue as the July 2011 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” Joel and Susan moved to New Neighborhood in late 2009 and have been busy on their home ever since. A number of changes have been made to both the porch and landscaping and have contributed to making this home a winner!

It is obvious that hard work has kept this yard in great shape. Varied summer color, including potted plants and flowers along the steps, contribute much to the effect. The beds are well tended and accented with an attractive brick border. Blue bottle art adds a new version of the traditional bottle tree. A crepe myrtle draws attention to the right front of the house, while tiger lilies catch the eye at the corner of the garage on the left. The two maples and all shrubs, including two dwarf Japanese maples, are well trimmed and mulched. John and Marcia Williamson, original owners of this home, were proud of their front porch and kept rocking chairs for relaxing and taking in the total scene. Joel and Susan have kept this tradition alive. Their rockers and the bright red front door beg neighbors to “step up and relax a spell.”


O. Henry Avenue has had its share of past winners and this home will be no exception to that tradition. Take the extra time to drive to the back of New Neighborhood along O. Henry and take in the view!
Congratulations to Susan and Joel!

Thank You, McLeans — Again

The neighborhood owes a special Thank You to Judy & Ed McLean for mowing and upkeep of the grass area next to the off-leash dog park and along property lines for homes on the east side of Clemens Place. Judy and her committee award the “Star of Excellence” each month to a winning yard. This active couple deserves a year-round gold star for their work above-and-beyond the call of duty.

Note: Additional volunteers for this hard work would be welcome!

Go Green! – Receive Your Newsletter via E-Mail!

Please consider receiving the newsletter by e-mail and save on Association costs and delivery times. If interested, e-mail Dave Smith at and give your name, street address, and e-mail. Your newsletter will be delivered earlier and in color!

Don’t delay. Sign-up today!

Have a Townhome Maintenance Problem?

Abbott Enterprises – 704.527.2314
Kara Killette (Maintenance Coordinator – ext. 106
Maureen Floyd (Community Assistant) – ext. 114

  • The Council of Stewards and Abbott Enterprises have approved a more efficient process which will be mailed to all townhome owners along with the Membership Meeting packet of materials in September.
  • Complete the e-mail feedback survey that should be sent following completion of all work orders.
Please provide feedback on how the system works by calling Gary Simmons (phone: 704.896.5749).


Newsletter Delivery Volunteers

Thanks go to all of our delivery volunteers! This has been a rough winter, but spring appears to be a reality. The January team included Adria & Woody Appleby, Paula & Harold Bell, Bob & Deb Cameron, Barbara Dillman, Shirley & Tom Fischer, Jo & Bob Herman, Anne Jerands, and Dave Smith.

If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 (e-mail


St. Albans Square Neighborhood Associationfountain