Report from Council of Stewards Meeting
June 22, 2011 [Regular Meeting]
In attendance: Sam Coleman (Presiding), Nancy Lingle, Tom Fischer, Jill Stierli (Secretary), Dave Stout, Jack Christine (Recording Secretary), and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).
There were no homeowner complaints or concerns.
The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:
- Committee reports were presented as follows:
1. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee [Gary Simmons, COS representative and acting chairperson] – Phase II of the patio and roof drainage project has been completed and a video of the results prepared. This completes all units in the neighborhood. There were very few problems noticed in the upper half of the neighborhood relative to problems noted in the lower (north) half of the townhomes. At the next scheduled meeting, the video results will be reviewed and letters sent to homeowners requiring action. Dave Smith has agreed to prepare a letter to those owners having plant and/or utility cable problems that need to be addressed. [Note: Townhome owners are again being advised that shrubs, flowers, and trees other than original landscaping should not be planted along byways since roots may block proper drainage.]
The COS has not yet received any copies of survey results from homeowners receiving maintenance services from Abbott contractors. Vera Victorino will confirm that these questionnaires are being sent by e-mail at the completion of each work order.
A resolution approved at the April meeting outlining the Standard Operating Procedure for Townhome Maintenance & Repair Work will be mailed to all homeowners in the packet that will be sent in advance of the Membership Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 27. It will also appear on the website.
2. Finance Committee [Tom Fischer, chairperson; Sam Coleman, COS representative] – The financial report through May, 2011 was presented to COS members. Common operating revenues are on budget with expenses under budget. Peer revenues are ahead of budget and general maintenance expenses are over budget. However, total expenses are on budget since no irrigation system maintenance expenses have been incurred in 2011.
The planning for the 2012 budget will begin in July after the financial results for the first half of the year are available. Maintenance expenses in the Peer Group will likely need to be increased as the age of townhomes is presenting the Association with increasing work orders.
3. Property Transition Committee [Nancy Lingle, chairperson and COS representative] – Two homes are under contract. A system to insure proper information, including P.O. box number, is exchanged at closing will be tested with these units.
4. Landscape & Grounds Committee [Judy McLean, chairperson; Charlie Huffine, COS representative] – Shirley Fischer developed a concise history of the development and maintenance of town parks in our neighborhood and presented a letter of recommendations to the Town of Davidson for review and response. Unfortunately, due to tight town budget allocations and shortfalls, the response was less than satisfactory. Although the town did agree to increase services in some areas, the overall effect will still not return our parks to the status they were in prior to 2009. The town will not allow outside contractors hired by the neighborhood to work in these areas for liability reasons. However, the town is receptive to increased volunteer work.
The COS requested Shirley Fischer and Judy McLean to develop a specific list of recommended tasks for volunteers and a proposal for coordinated maintenance with the town in areas not covered by volunteers (i.e: painting of arbors, sidewalk repair, erosion problems).Once this list is complete, it will be sent again to Doug Wright, Director of Public Works for Davidson. Shirley will prepare an article for the August-September newsletter to summarize the status of her work and what is being done to maintain our park areas to neighborhood standards. [Note: Many residents have assumed that the Association has direct responsibility over these parks and sports fields. The Town of Davidson was deeded these areas during the early development of the neighborhood and have responsibility for upkeep.]
On another unfortunate note, the town currently does not have the budget to replace street trees that have died over the last several years. This is also a town responsibility, but the COS is looking at alternatives to address this problem now.
5. Architectural Review Committee [Luann Christine, chairperson; Dave Stout, COS representative] – Requests presented at the June meeting were approved, including one request for a front door change.
Note: Changes to landscaping or the addition of shrubs and plantings must be approved by the Landscape and Grounds Committee or by the Architectural Review Committee. Failure to get approval may result in removal of landscaping changes.
6. Newsletter & Website Committee [Dave Smith, editor; Steve Lee, webmaster; Nancy Lingle, COS representative] – Requests for electronic newsletter delivery are increasing, but at a slow pace. This topic will be discussed at the Membership Meeting in September. At that time, the COS will review future options to the traditional newsletter delivery.
Note: Newsletter delivery will cover July and part of August with this issue and the next newsletter will cover the remainder of August and all of September.
7. Covenant Committee [Shannon Stout, chairperson; Jill Stierli, COS representative] – A proposal to modify the neighborhood Canons of Conduct regarding roll-out garbage and recycle bins was approved by the COS. The proposed amendments would change neighborhood policy to match current town ordinances regarding visibility of garbage receptacles. A cover letter and copy of the proposal will be mailed to all homeowners in the packet that will be sent in advance of the Membership Meeting in September. Final approval will be announced at the meeting.
Parking problems are again an issue in the neighborhood, especially on Harper Lee Street. Residents who are not following the neighborhood covenants and canons can expect increased emphasis on notification and potential fines.
8. Ad Hoc Safety Committee [Julie Robinson & Alfred Geiger, co-chairpersons] – No update.
9. Ad Hoc Neighborhood Beautification Committee [Dave Stout, chairperson and COS representative] – A recent storm downed a tree along Wolfe Street and destroyed part of the fence. This was repaired and there is now an effort by volunteers to repaint all of this fencing on both sides of Wolfe. (An inquiry will be made to Foreman’s Painting in regard to pressure washing the fence in advance of this work.)
- Management Report – The Aging Report and the Management Action Log were reviewed. The Aging Report is still short.
The Association Collection Policy for fines was reviewed by the new Association attorney and wording regarding administration of fees was modified to comply with the federal Planned Community Act. A resolution containing the reworded policy was presented and approved. The late fee for unpaid assessment balances will increase to a maximum of $20 per month.
- Unfinished Business – The play structure in Wolfe Neighborhood Park was awarded to one of the interested neighborhood residents following a drawing and, with the signing of a liability waiver, will be removed within the month.
- New Business – Nancy Lingle, as chairperson of a nominating committee, presented representatives to fill two vacancies on the COS in September due to expired terms. Biographies of these candidates will be included in the August-September newsletter.
- The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
- The COS went into Executive Session following the regular meeting and adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on August 24, 2011. If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting. |