St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

July Newsletter
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Living in the Neighborhood

NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church library (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents. The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on June 28, 2006.

 In the Know in Our Neighborhood

*  * Garbage and Recycling Collection * *

The Town of Davidson contracts garbage, yard debris, and recycling pick-up through BFI, an outside service. For a roll-out garbage cart or recycling bin or to report service problems, call 704.393.6900. Neighborhood experience has been positive in regard to response to service calls.

Curbside pick-up of garbage:   Fridays (early!)

Curbside pick-up of recycle materials:  Wednesday

[NOTE: Cardboard must be cut into pieces no larger than three feet square.]

Curbside pick-up of yard debris:   Wednesday

[NOTE: No piece can be longer than 6 feet in length or greater than 6 inches in diameter. Please stack neatly in small piles so the debris can quickly be picked-up by one man.]

“In the Know in Our Neighborhood” is intended to provide important, useful, or interesting information that might not be known by all neighbors. I need topics that you feel appropriate. If you have ideas, call Dave Smith (704.987.1472) or e-mail

Yard-of-the-Month Winner – July, 2006

The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Anthony and Frances Walley of 613 Wolfe Street as the June 2006 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” Wow! What a landscape - great color, incredible texture, and amazing plant selection. This yard has it all! Please take a look as you drive along Wolfe Street from or to the Grey Road neighborhood entrance.

July Yard

The Walleys will proudly display the neighborhood Star of Excellence during the month of July.

Congratulations to the Walley family!

Selection Criteria for Yard-of-the Month

Each month from April through November, a yard will be selected among single-family homes. The home will be selected one or two weeks prior to the month of the award and will be featured in the newsletter and posted on the website.

The criteria established by the Selection Committee (representatives from the neighborhood) are listed again to help all neighbors recognize and develop outstanding yards in our neighborhood. Several good candidates were not considered due to the fact that the grass strip between the sidewalk and street was not maintained. This grass/planting area is the owner’s responsibility and has been added to the criteria for clarification.

The total exterior appearance of the yard should be one of neatness and visually appealing as evidenced by:

  • Mowed and edged lawns.
  • Well defined planting beds that are mulched and weed-free.
  • Pruned shrubs and trees.
  • Effective use of seasonal color through plantings of annuals and/or perennials.
  • Plantings in scale to size of yard.
  • No, trash, junk, or dead plant/grass material.

If you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please call Shirley Fischer at 704.894.0222.