Living in the Neighborhood

Newsletter Delivery

This newsletter covers the remainder of January and all of February. There will be no February delivery. The next newsletter delivery will be on March 1. Other delivery dates are shown on the 2010 Neighborhood Association Calendar at the end of this newsletter.

Responsibility for Termite Damage

The Association has contracted TermiTech South of Charlotte as a bonded agent to inspect townhomes annually and to cover treatment and/or damage caused by any termites that are found during the inspections. The Association has also purchased additional termite coverage through Fireman’s Fund, the insurance company used by TermiTech South to cover properties in St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood. Notice of the annual inspection goes out in October of each year and residents are generally given two months to call and make an inspection appointment. This annual request is also put in the newsletter on at least two occasions.

There is no required percentage of townhomes that must be inspected in order to maintain the insurance, and by law, TermiTech cannot force residents to let them into their units for the inspection. However, the contractor does keep accurate records of which units have been inspected. The percentage of residents who make this appointment and complete the inspection each year is just over 50%. By contract, TermiTech is not liable in any way to fix or pay for damage caused by termites to the units that did not complete an inspection. Obviously, what this means is that non-inspected townhome owners may be liable for treatment and damage costs caused by an infestation.

Townhome owners may ignore this work, but should be aware that termites were actually discovered in at least two units during inspections in 2009. Abbott Enterprises has received a list from TermiTech of owners who did not complete inspections in the past year and this list will be reviewed at the next COS meeting. In the meantime, owners will receive a mailing explaining this insurance coverage and the consequences of non-compliance.

Contacting TermiTech South to set up this inspection each year is an owner/resident responsibility. This service and insurance are an important part of your Association benefits. Why risk potential high costs to yourself and possible inconvenience to fellow residents?

Community Garden Available Soon!

A community garden is being planned for the green space beside St. Alban’s Episcopal Church. Organizers expect to break ground in February. This garden will be open to everyone and there are still plots available. This garden is a non-profit entity and will not be supported by Association dues. It will be supported by plot rentals and donations. (Volunteers are always welcome!)

The garden will be located on the PSNC easement granted by the church. Permission to use this land has been obtained from both PSNC and St. Alban’s Church. The existing grass strip adjacent to Caldwell Lane will remain and the vegetation on the land downhill of the garden will be maintained in its current state. The community garden is committed to water conservation and care will be taken to protect existing drainage swales. Hand watering and drip irrigation will limit water run-off. All plot holders will be required to garden organically and to conserve water as much as possible.

The produce will not be sold for profit. All production will be used for private consumption or for donation to charity (e.g.: Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry or Ada Jenkins Center). St. Alban’s Church will not receive any money from this project.

For those individuals who do not know anything about gardening, especially about growing vegetables, workshops will be offered on all aspects of gardening. These workshops will be open to everyone, including persons that are not part of the community garden. It is expected that there will also be experienced gardeners with their own plots.

Volunteers are needed to source materials, equipment and other items. Financial donations would also be very welcome!

Don’t miss yet another perfect opportunity to truly GO GREEN! If you have further questions, please contact John Burke at

Holiday Decorations Contest Winners

Selection of winners for the fourth annual Winter Holiday Decorations Contest was, as usual, a difficult task. The total number of decorations was slightly lower than normal, but the quality of those participating was outstanding!

The winners in the Townhome Category were Harriet & Steve Kessler of 415 O. Henry Avenue. Both the upper porch and lower porch were decorated with attractive greenery. Wreaths on the upper porch present a particularly attractive display. Santa is waiting on the front porch and the attractive holiday flag hanging from above accents this winner.

Kessler home

If only my night photography skills were better!
The tiny white lights added much to making this a winning entry. The snow was extra!

Congratulations to the Kessler family!

Honorable Mention among townhomes goes to Linda & Ashley Page of 141 Harper Lee Street. Last year’s winners, Tamara & Dennis Dietzel of 167 Harper Lee Street, also presented a wonderful display with a large angel replacing their traditional Santa.

Winners in the Single-Family Home Category were Frances & Anthony Walley of 613 Wolfe Street. The greenery along the wrap-around porch definitely outlines this winner. As with the townhome winner, night photography would show just how outstanding this house was with the small white lights, icicles, and candles in the windows. The front porch begs for Christmas carolers with true holiday warmth.

Walley home

This home has been a Yard-of-the Month winner on a couple of occasions.
Obviously, the season makes no difference to this winner!

Congratulations to the Walley family!

Honorable Mention among single-family homes goes to Karen & Peter Castoral at 618 Wolfe Street (just across from the winners!). Barbara & Paul Sanchez of 506 North Faulkner Way should also receive an award for stunning creativity. The Swartz family of 310 Fairview Lane was again a front-running favorite.

Thanks, Holiday Decorations Volunteers!

The Association owns a display of holiday decorations that are put at the entrances to our neighborhood each December. These lovely wreaths, garlands, and bright red bows would not be of much value without dedicated volunteers that are willing to hang them up. The Landscaping & Grounds Committee is responsible for these decorations and solicits volunteers to help.

Thanks go this year to Judy & Ed McLean, Tamara Dietzel, and Dave Stout for volunteering to help make the neighborhood sparkle with warmth and spirit. Judy took ribbon purchased by the Association and made 26 new bows to go with the garlands and wreaths.

Please do not forget to thank these caring neighbors!

Destroy Old Glory with Dignity!

Many residents of New Neighborhood proudly fly the United States flag every day or at least on special occasions. These flags do become worn and tattered and at some point will need to be retired. One of our neighbors, Anne Jerands, contacted the American Legion in Cornelius wondering if they have a way to dispose of flags with honor. One of their members, John Washam (an optician), collects old flags and saves them until Eagle Scouts have a burning ceremony. Flags can be dropped off at John Washam’s office at 9417 Westmoreland Road in Cornelius. The office is on Westmoreland just before U.S. Highway 21.

If more convenient, residents can take worn flags to Anne Jerands at 172 Harper Lee Street. Once she collects several, she will take them to the optician’s office in Cornelius for proper disposal. If Anne is not home, please leave flags on the front porch.

Thank you for honoring our country and our flag!

. . . And thank you, Anne Jerands, for obtaining and sharing this information and for providing a service to the neighborhood.

Pet Registration — Town of Davidson

All dogs and cats are required to be licensed by the Town of Davidson. Renewals of existing licenses are due each January. The cost is $10 for the year and valid proof of rabies vaccination is required at both initial registration and renewal. These tags can only be obtained at Town Hall. The good news is that if your animal is lost wearing its town tag, whoever finds it can use this system to return the pet to you.

All dogs that use the off-leash park in New Neighborhood must be licensed in the Town of Davidson. This includes out-of-town users or guests who can also obtain a “Pooch Pass” at Town Hall with proof of current rabies vaccination.

Questions? Call Davidson Parks and Recreation at 704.892.3349 or visit

Vehicle Break-Ins on Increase

During the last several months, the Davidson Police Department has reported numerous car break-ins throughout the Davidson area. Several reports have come out of McConnell Neighborhood just off Fairview Lane. Prevention is often simple – Do not leave valuables, bags, cell phones, iPods, or GPS systems in sight in your vehicle. Some thefts have included wallets with credit cards! Although thieves can often break into locked cars with ease, many of the reports indicate that vehicles were unlocked! Beware of this activity and take appropriate precautions. Do not leave valuables in your vehicle and lock it every time!

Reminder: Vehicles should not be parked overnight on the street. Do not encourage crime.

Gary Simmons, Newest COS Member

As per Association by-laws, when a member of the Council of Stewards is unable to complete his/her term, the COS must appoint an interim member to fill the vacancy. That person is then officially voted on by the membership at the next annual meeting. John Williamson, former President of the COS, recently moved out of the neighborhood and Gary Simmons (134 Harper Lee Street) was appointed to fill his vacancy.

Gary and his wife, Lib, moved from San Antonio, Texas to Davidson in May, 2008, as the result of his wife being called to serve as pastor of Davidson College Presbyterian Church. Gary and Lib have been married for 35 years and they have a son living in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Gary is a veteran of the U.S. Army, 101st Airborne Infantry, and served one tour in Vietnam where he received the Bronze Star, Air Medal, and numerous other ribbons. He enjoys golfing, fishing, cooking, gardening, playing poker and bridge, and reading. It did not take Gary long to establish his place in the Davidson Community as he volunteers and works with church-related groups and is currently serving on the neighborhood Townhome and Workplace Building Maintenance Committee.

Gary is particularly well suited to both the COS and the Building Maintenance Committee as a 1974 graduate of Georgia Institute of Technology in Civil Engineering. He has participated in, or conducted, over 100 Continuing Education courses related to technical, management, architectural or sales disciplines. He has also had much experience in technical writing of specifications and contracts.

Gary has “hit-the-deck-running” and wants to be involved in our neighborhood as much as possible. Let’s give a warm New Neighborhood welcome to our newest COS member – Gary Simmons.

Newsletter Delivery Volunteers

Thanks go to all of our delivery volunteers! Our December team included Adria & Woody Appleby, Harold & Paula Bell, Barbara Dillman, Joyce Feir, Tom Fischer, Anne Jerands, Sherman & Nancy Kahn, Norman Richards, and Dave Smith. Our list is growing. New volunteers are always welcome!

If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 (e-mail


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