Report from the
St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood Association
Council of Stewards Meeting
December 9, 2009 [Regular Meeting]
In attendance: Steve Kessler (presiding), Tom Fischer, Nancy Lingle,
Lemie Richards, Jill Stierli, Gary Simmons, Dave Stout, Vera Victorino
(Abbott Enterprises), and Jack Christine (Recording Secretary).
A brief Executive Session was held to have a formal hearing on Covenant violations
by a homeowner. In addition to Council of Steward members, Shannon McLean and
Dave Smith were present in the hearing as witnesses and adjudicators. [Note: Minutes
of Executive Session hearings are taken, but as the proceedings are closed, details
are not presented in the newsletter summary.]
Two concerned townhome owners presented a list of three issues for discussion and resolution by the COS: (1) Concern was expressed regarding results from the annual termite inspections which started in October, 2009. Termite infestations were found in multiple units on the south side of Harper Lee Street. Although no damage occurred and each affected unit was treated (cores drilled and pesticide injected), there is concern that many townhome owners have not followed through with inspections and could result in future problems. To this point, all owners are requested to have these inspections done, but cannot be forced to comply if enough units are completed and meet the percentage required to maintain the Association insurance. In addition to the guaranteed insurance coverage through TermiTech South of Charlotte, the Association has also purchased additional coverage to cover catastrophic damage. The requirements under these two policies regarding compliance with inspections were not clear. [Abbott Enterprises was requested to investigate the extent of the policies covering termite damage and to get a specific count and listing of owners who have been inspected in 2009. Action by the Association to require townhome owners to get this inspection or lose coverage is also being investigated and will be discussed at the February COS meeting. See article on page 3 of this newsletter.]
(2) Parking violations continue to be an issue on Harper Lee Street. Although not limited to one unit, repeated violations from rental units have been reported. [This issue continues to be monitored by the Covenant Committee and repeat violations will be dealt with further letters and potential penalty assessment hearings for owners. Residents are requested to report vehicle type, license number, date, and homeowner address to a member of the committee or the COS.]
(3) Repeated incidents of pet owners not cleaning up after their dogs have been reported. This is a problem that is of continuing concern throughout the neighborhood. [A newsletter article that was first published a couple of years ago was reprinted in the December, 2009, newsletter. Unfortunately, the Association has not been able to exert appropriate action on violators. However, not picking up after your dog is a Town of Davidson violation and can result in fines and possible loss of the pet. Repeat offenders should be reported to the COS or to the Davidson Police Department. A copy of the December article, including the ordinance wording, can be viewed on line at the Association website.]
The COS will report further updates to the concerned residents.
The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed the following issues and took actions as presented:
- Committee reports were presented as follows:
1. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Based on the latest summary report from Abbott, maintenance expenses continue at or below budget for the year. Roof leaks and drainage issues top the list.
Repair to weatherproofing in townhomes on Caldwell Lane was completed and landscaping updates addressed following the drainage work. One of the units continued to have a water infiltration problem following an early December rain. [Note: The waterproofing was redone under warranty at the one unit and repairs were complete by the end of December.]
Quotes have been received for repairs to patio water drainage issues in two units on North Faulkner and in one unit on Caldwell Lane. The problem is slightly different in each situation. The work is expected to be completed within the next two months.
A final meeting to review the 2009 Reserve Study draft will be held in late December and results and questions forwarded to the contractor so a final report can be issued.
A number of residents have reported gutter overflow problems. These should be reported to Abbott as any other maintenance issue would be handled. Owner patience is requested as work on gutters is usually seasonal and multiple units are generally cleaned at the same time in order to save money.
As reported in the October COS meeting, a spreadsheet of maintenance components listing whether coverage is by the Association or the townhome owner has been completed and fine-tuned. This list will be posted to the neighborhood website by the end of January.
A list of specific townhome owners who have not completed the TermiTech South inspection has been requested through Abbott. This list will be evaluated in order to determine further action by the COS in regard to homeowner concerns listed above.
2. Finance Committee – The financial reports for October 2009 were reviewed. Expenses continue to run positive to budget in both Peer and Common. Maturity and rollover of several CD’s will occur in the next few months. The Association continues to seek good investment opportunities with this money.
3. Property Transition Committee – Forms expressing Association needs and information to the buyer’s agent or attorney at closing have been completed by Nancy Lingle. However, work needs to continue on distribution of these forms as these papers did not show at one closing in early December.
4. Landscape & Grounds Committee – Landscape renovations have been completed for townhomes on the west side of Twain Avenue and the five townhomes next to the church on Caldwell Lane. The Caldwell townhomes were coordinated with repairs to water-proofing in those units. As these landscape upgrades are completed, the irrigation system for new plantings is being converted to a soaker hose style in order to conserve water usage and more effectively supply irrigation needs. [Note: Many of the shrubs and bushes that were removed as part of this work have been recycled and planted as needed in other areas of the neighborhood.]
Warning signs for the water feature at Clemens Place and the entrance fountain on St. Alban’s Lane will be installed as soon as wording and design are approved.
5. Architectural Review Committee – Four requests were submitted in November. Two landscaping requests were approved and further review was required on the other two requests. [At least one new member is still needed on the committee.]
6. Newsletter & Website Committee – Newsletter costs continue to run slightly below budget. Response has been light to the survey of residents wishing to receive the newsletter by e-mail. This option will continue to be investigated in hopes of having a system of website links in place by early spring.
7. Covenant Committee – Letters continue to be sent regarding, parking, trash can, and yard upkeep violations. Abbott has been requested to add trash can violations to the weekly inspection list. [New members are still needed on the committee.]
An Executive Session formal hearing was held at the start of the COS meeting in regard to Covenant violations by a townhome owner.
8. Ad Hoc Safety Committee – Traffic striping on Fairview Lane has been delayed at least six weeks due to weather and workload. The contractor is also expected to refresh and add traffic stripes to all streets in the neighborhood.
Extra surveillance of speeds and STOP sign violations continues on Fairview Lane.
- Management Report – The Aging Report was reviewed. The lien process on one single-family home was put on hold and additional information requested on two townhomes where the process has already started.
Late payment charges were waved for one townhome owner due to bank error.
- Unfinished Business – As noted above.
- New Business – Dates for 2010 Neighborhood Association Calendar will be reviewed by committees and included in the January newsletter.
Due to a move out of the neighborhood, John Williamson has officially resigned his position on the COS. The Council has appointed Gary Simmons (134 Harper Lee Street) to fill this vacancy. [See profile on page 6 of this newsletter.] As per Association by-laws, Gary Simmons will be presented for a vote by the membership at the 2010 September annual meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on February 24. If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting. |