Living in the Neighborhood

Winter Holiday Decorations Contest

The Landscape and Grounds Committee invites all residents (single-family and townhomes) to participate in the New Neighborhood Fifth Annual Winter Holiday Decorating Contest.  The contest will be judged in two separate categories:

  • Best Overall for Single-Family Homes

  • Best Overall for Townhomes

The Yard-of-the-Month Committee will judge all entries. Judging will take place at night between 6:00 and 8:00 P.M. on December 13 and 14. Entries will be evaluated on creativity, originality, thematic elements and overall design quality and not just on quantity of lights. Winners will be awarded a blue ribbon and photographed for the newsletter and website.

All participants will be asked to remove decorations no later than the third Sunday in January, 2011.

Begin planning now. Everyone is invited to participate and we encourage all to get in the spirit!!

Judy McLean and her committee have done another outstanding job in 2010! Call Judy at 704.895.0940 if you have questions or suggestions about the contest.

Email Delivery of Your Newsletter

The Newsletter Committee wants to continue to encourage residents to receive their newsletter by e-mail. This option reduces copy costs for the neighborhood and makes delivery day a shorter event for our monthly volunteers. Other advantages realized by those now receiving an electronic copy include early delivery (usually several days in advance of door-to-door delivery) and the enjoyment of a full color edition. You can be sure that the Yard-of-the-Month will always look much better in color!

If interested, please e-mail your request to Dave Smith at Include your name, home address, phone number, and e-mail address. Please do not forget your home address. We need to know where “not to deliver.” Thank you for saving trees and $$$ for the neighborhood.

Proper Disposal of Christmas Trees

It’s that time of year again and, for many of us, there is nothing better than the smell and beauty of a live Christmas tree during the holiday season. However, the traditional tree must eventually be taken down and properly discarded. The Town of Davidson will announce tree pick-up during one or two weeks in January. This service will work like pick-up of yard debris and trimmings. Place the tree at the front curb and the town will pick-up for disposal. Please remove the majority of tinsel. Townhome owners should place trees at curbside in the front of their units. Trees left in the byways will not be picked-up.

Trees should not be discarded in town park areas, drainage areas, or in one of the two neighborhood wetland areas. Trees should also never be discarded in nearby wooded areas, and particularly not in the nature preserve area next to the dog park. Believe it or not, this has actually been a problem in our neighborhood in the past. The dead tree becomes an unsightly and unnatural part of the landscape and eventually has to be removed by our landscaping contractor. Enjoy a great tradition, but please maintain the beauty of our natural areas.

Another Reminder: The leaf pick-up truck previously used by the Town of Davidson is no longer in service. Do not leave unbagged leaves in piles at curbside. Leaves will be picked-up along with yard debris and trimmings if bagged separately and left at the curb. Clear plastic or green yard bags are acceptable, but the “green” and preferred method is to bag leaves in Kraft paper bags that can be purchased at home supply stores. The town will recycle these bags. It is a violation of town ordinances to dispose of leaves or grass trimmings in storm sewers.

Thank you for caring about the appearance of our neighborhood!

Newsletter Delivery Volunteers

Thanks go to all of our delivery volunteers! The November team, which was light in numbers and strong on foot, included Adria & Woody Appleby, Paula & Harold Bell, Barbara Dillman, Shirley & Tom Fischer, Anne Jerands, Nancy & Sherman Kahn, and Dave Smith. We also want to welcome first time volunteers, Bob & Deb Cameron. Bob & Deb also happen to be our newest neighbors on Harper Lee Street. Let’s give them a warm welcome and many thanks for getting involved!

If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 (e-mail


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