Report from Council of Stewards Meeting

November 17, 2010 [Rescheduled Meeting]

Note: Due to meeting date conflicts on October 27, the regular Council of Stewards meeting was rescheduled for Wednesday, November 17. The meeting normally held early in December due to the Holiday Season, will be rescheduled for Wednesday, January 12. Regular meetings on the fourth Wednesday of every other month will resume on February 23.

In attendance: Sam Coleman (presiding), Tom Fischer, Charlie Huffine, Nancy Lingle, Gary Simmons, Jill Stierli (Secretary), and Dave Stout. Since this was a rescheduled meeting, there was no representative from Abbott Enterprises present.

There were no homeowner complaints or concerns.

The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:

  • Committee reports were presented as follows:

1.  Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee [Gary Simmons, COS representative and acting chairperson] – Repairs to units damaged by patio flooding on Harper Lee Street in August have all been completed. All work was charged to Townhome Reserve Funds. As discussed in the October meeting, an Operations & Maintenance (O&M) plan will be developed for 2011. This program is expected to include guidelines and controls on plantings in the byways, clean-out of patio drains and gutters on a semi-annual basis, and patio inspection and drain sump maintenance. Recommendations to townhome owners on how to avoid the potential for future flooding problems will be made.

Two front patios on Twain Avenue have experienced excessive settling and damage as the result of improper initial construction practices. An agreement was reached between Cunnane and the Association regarding a solution and split of costs for repair. This work began in early-November and is complete.

Resolution of tile problems on an upper porch on North Faulkner Way as the result of a design flaw has resulted in potential replacement of all tiles. Quotes have been requested for this work.

Only four (4) townhome units have not completed the required 2010 termite inspection. Letters will be sent from Abbott to these owners. Late inspections will incur a charge of $30 to Apex Exterminating, Inc. Failure to complete this inspection will result in loss of insurance coverage to the unit and potential fines by the Association. These owners may also be held responsible for future damage resulting from an infestation starting in an uninspected unit.

The resolution outlining a detailed procedure for handing all work orders and for prioritizing repair requests has been returned to committee for minor changes before presentation to the COS for approval in February. When this process is finalized, a letter will be sent to townhome owners. Residents should continue reporting problems by calling Abbott and speaking to Kara Killette (Ext. 106) or Maureen Floyd (Ext. 114). This will initiate the most efficient repair process. If an emergency occurs off-hours, call the Abbott number and follow directions for emergency situations.

2.  Finance Committee [Tom Fischer, chairperson; Sam Coleman, COS representative] – The financial reports for October 2010 were reviewed. Revenue vs. expenses are positive and on target to budget in both Peer and Common.

Increased assessments for both Common and Peer Reserves will go into effect in 2011. Expenses for flood damage repairs will be moved from routine expense and charged to Peer Reserves.

3.  Property Transition Committee [Nancy Lingle, chairperson and COS representative] – With the slow recovery of home sales, a larger committee will be reformed to address communication issues among new residents. Abbott will be requested to start reissue of a monthly report of all home sales in the neighborhood.

4.  Landscape & Grounds Committee [Judy McLean, chairperson; Charlie Huffine, COS representative] – Dead shrubs and landscaping materials noted early in 2010 have been replaced throughout the neighborhood. This includes several plantings that died after the landscape upgrade last fall on the east side of Twain Avenue. If trees and bushes have been missed, please contact Judy McLean.

Landscaping upgrades to both North and South Faulkner Ways are underway. This includes the removal of most of the overgrown arborvitae trees and the installation of drip-type irrigation.

5.  Architectural Review Committee [Luann Christine, chairperson; Dave Stout, COS representative] – There were no new requests in the October meeting.

6.  Newsletter & Website Committee [Dave Smith, editor; Steve Lee, webmaster; Nancy Lingle, COS representative] –The option of electronic newsletter delivery continues to slowly grow in popularity. Additional requests will be made in future newsletters as this option will continue to lower copy costs.

7.  Covenant Committee [Shannon Stout, chairperson; Jill Stierli, COS representative] – Letters continue to be sent regarding violations. A request will be made to Abbott to notify the committee each time a letter is sent. Abbott will also be expected to respond in a timely manner to all e-mail requests or reports.

Violations regarding trash receptacles continue to increase. Owners should also expect increased letters regarding upkeep of lawns and homes in 2011. This is a growing problem among some homeowners.

8.  Ad Hoc Safety Committee [Julie Robinson & Alfred Geiger, co-chairpersons] – There were no new updates presented at the meeting.

9.  Ad Hoc Neighborhood Beautification Committee [Dave Stout, chairperson and COS representative] – The committee will set-up a notification process for volunteers and a detailed list of items needed by spring. Increased emphasis will be placed on use of volunteers for much of the needed work in park areas.

Volunteers for Faulkner Square work will plant a woody plant in the center of each of three plant islands this fall. Plantings will then be replaced seasonally twice each year. The landscaper is expected to provide plants and the work will be done by volunteers.

  • Management Report – The Aging Report and the Management Action Log were received from Abbott in advance of the meeting and reviewed.
  • Unfinished Business – Covered in reports.
  • New Business – The next scheduled COS meeting on December 8 will be rescheduled to January 12.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on January 12, 2011. [The date has been changed for this meeting due to end-of-year schedule conflicts in 2010.]

If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting.


St. Albans Square Neighborhood Associationfountain