Town of Davidson Events

Christmas in Davidson

December 3 - 5 - (Thursday, Friday, & Saturday) – Christmas in Davidson – 6 to 9 p.m., each evening – Downtown Davidson Inc. and the Town of Davidson are gearing up for the 21st Anniversary celebration of Christmas in Davidson. Since 1988, this event has kicked off the holidays for visitors and residents alike. Christmas in Davidson is the Town’s largest and most popular festival of the year, drawing crowds of 20,000+ people over the three nights. Celebrate the warmth and joy of the holidays in the beautiful and historic village of Davidson with three evenings and one afternoon of shopping, entertainment, refreshments and special events sure to please children and adults of all ages. The activities extend all along Main Street from south of Griffith at the WDAV studio to the arts district on South Main. Opening ceremonies begin at the Village Green at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday night and Santa is expected to arrive at 6:30 p.m. The Davidson United Methodist Church will again display a live nativity. Christmas in Davidson features carriage rides, Santa Claus, a blacksmith at The Wooden Stone, hay rides, children’s train (Thursday & Saturday nights), magic, and more. Bring your favorite pooch to the Doggie Fashion Show on Friday evening. Lots of food is always available from local merchants and vendors.

If you are new to Davidson, you will not want to miss this event. Many residents have attended all three days for many years. Please refer to the complete schedule for details of all festivities at or contact event planners, Margaret Martens at 704.796.9510 or Angela Blashaw at 704.940.9645.

27th Annual North Mecklenburg Christmas Parade

December 5 (Saturday) –– 1:00 p.m. – This event adds to the excitement and fun of Christmas in Davidson. The parade route closing will begin at 12:30 p.m. and continue until the parade ends at approximately 3:00 p.m. All connecting roads along Hwy. 115 from North Main at Beatty Street in Davidson to South Main at Washam Potts Road in Cornelius will be closed. Arrive early to get a good viewing spot!

Gingerbread House Creations for the Whole Family

December 10 (Thursday, 4-6 p.m.), December 12 (Saturday, 2-4 p.m.), and December 17 (Thursday, 4-6 p.m.) – Gingerbread House Creations for the Whole Family, Parks & Recreation Office Rec Room – Use your creative sweet tooth in decorating your very own gingerbread house with lots of candy. Registration required. (Children 4 yrs. & up, fee: $45)

Davidson Farmer’s MarketReminder:

The Farmer’s Market will open this year for one more special holiday date – Saturday, December 19. For more information, visit

Call the Town of Davidson at 704.892.7591 or visit the newly revised website at For Parks & Recreation information, visit

St. Albans Square Neighborhood Associationfountain