The COS is still looking for a replacement for Donna Howell as Recording Secretary and would welcome volunteers. This is a non-elected position formed in 2005 to allow the Secretary to focus on meeting issues and to participate more freely in discussion. The job includes the taking of minutes at all Council meetings and issuing them to the Secretary for final approval. Other functions include recordkeeping for annual membership meetings. Interested persons should have a mind for details and good writing skills. Please call Dave Smith by phone at 704.987.1472 (e-mail at if interested. This is a great opportunity for someone to serve the neighborhood while staying “in-the-know.”
In the Know in Our Neighborhood* New Program — DavidsonWalks *DavidsonWalks is a new initiative to encourage children to walk or bike to school. This is a collaboration between public safety officials, neighborhood organizations and school officials to devise safe routes to school. It will provide support and resources to neighborhood organizations to assist in developing programs like walking school buses and to organize events like walk to school days. What is a walking school bus? A walking
school bus is a group of children walking to school with one
or more adults. If that sounds simple, it is, and that's part
of the beauty of the walking school bus. It can be as informal
as two families taking turns walking their children to school
or as structured as a route with meeting points, a timetable
and a regularly rotated schedule of trained volunteers. Starting in September, DavidsonWalks and Davidson Elementary School will sponsor monthly walk to school days called Walking Wednesdays, to be held the first Wednesday of each month. Representatives are needed from each neighborhood to lead a walking school bus or bicycle train. The town has a limited number of fluorescent crossing guard vests and hand-held stop signs for walking school bus leaders and will train them in how to safely lead children on the walk to school. The Davidson Police Department has committed to providing patrol vehicles and officers at specific intersections around town in the morning and afternoon on Walking Wednesdays. The Town needs our help in finding leaders from the neighborhood. The objective is to have volunteers trained and in place to walk to school on the first Walking Wednesday in September. If you are interested, please contact Sara-Lynne Levine at 704.940.9602 or Talk to your friends and neighbors about taking turns leading the walk! |
“In the Know in Our Neighborhood” is intended to provide important, useful, or interesting information that might not be known by all neighbors. I need topics that you feel appropriate. If you have ideas, call Dave Smith (704.987.1472) or e-mail
After half a century at a tiny chapel on Lorimer Road, St. Alban’s Episcopal Church relocated in 2001 and became the centerpiece of New Neighborhood. It is one of the fastest growing Episcopal churches in the state and now has more than 500 members, many of whom live in the immediate neighborhood. The Association has had a very good relationship with the church and the two organizations have supported each other in many activities and events. St. Alban’s Church has literally opened its doors to our community for meeting space and has presented a wonderful cultural opportunity to residents through its Concert Series.
Saint Alban’s Episcopal Church is about to undergo yet another change in its history and outreach. It has called the Reverend David E. Buck to be its new Rector. The Rev. Buck will be coming from the Church of the Nativity in Raleigh, where he serves as Associate Rector. He will begin his ministry at St. Alban’s in August.
The Rev.
Buck is a 1971 graduate of Davidson College, where he earned a B.A. degree
in French, cum laude. He continued his studies at Princeton,
where he earned his Masters of Theology degree, and at Emory University,
where he was awarded a degree as Doctor of Ministry in Theology, magna
cum laude.
He was ordained a minister in the Baptist church in 1974 and served in a
number of Baptist churches, including Independence Hill Baptist Church in
Huntersville from 1991 through 2001.
The Rev. Buck was increasingly drawn to the Episcopal faith, and after serving as an assistant at St. Patrick’s Episcopal Mission in Mooresville in 2002, made the decision to return to seminary and study to become an Episcopal priest. He received a diploma in Anglican Studies from General Theological Seminary in New York in 2003 and was ordained to the Episcopal priesthood in 2004.
“I first came to this community in 1967, a freshman at Davidson College. Forty years later - after my own wandering in the wilderness, so to speak - I’ve come home!” said The Rev. Buck. He follows The Very Rev. Mark Bourlakas, who left St. Alban’s in January to become Dean of the Episcopal cathedral in Louisville.
The residents of New Neighborhood hope to continue the close relationship with St. Alban’s Church.
In mid-July, someone damaged the Clemens Square water feature. The plants within the pond were pulled out and destroyed or thrown on the bank. Rocks were dislodged and thrown into the basin, causing injury to one of the two fish. The water controls above the pond were also tampered with and equipment moved. Unlike past incidents that have been predominantly caused by children playing too freely around the rocks and water, the damage this time appears to be the result of intentional vandalism.
Fortunately, the injured fish appears to be O.K. and the other fish has come out of hiding. Norwood Creek Water Gardens of Statesville, our pond maintenance contractor, has repaired some of the plantings and restabilized the rocks.
Residents are urged to be on the lookout for suspicious activity around either fountain, but especially the one on Clemens Place. Earlier this summer, problems were encountered with the St. Alban’s Square fountain when someone repeatedly turned off the fountain controls. Again, a malicious prank by youngsters or vandals is suspected. Parents should once again caution small children NOT to play on the rocks or in the water. These water features are meant to enhance the neighborhood and be enjoyed by all. However, if problems continue to be experienced in these areas, the Association will be forced to revert to a more static display and discontinue costly maintenance. Your help is appreciated!
The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Eve and Winter Lantz of 132 Fairview Lane as the August 2007 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” The Lantz’s have put a lot of work into their yard, both front and rear. The colorful flowers around the front steps compliment the tasteful shrubs and plantings in the front yard. Not all single-family homes have enough space to include a shade tree in the front, but in this setting it appears to be a plus. The yard area between the sidewalk and the street is also well maintained and presents a rich green cover. This area is important in the judging.
The backyard is also well maintained and includes a water feature with many fish. Front or back, one could relax and just “watch the world go by” from this yard.
Each month from May through October, a yard will be selected among single-family homes. The home will be selected one or two weeks prior to the month of the award and will be featured in the newsletter and posted on the website. If you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please call a member of the Landscape & Grounds Committee.
The “Star of Excellence” moves to Fairview Lane. Drive into New Neighborhood at the Fairview entrance and see this winner. It’s the first house on the right.
Congratulations to the Lantz Family!
Many thanks are due our newsletter delivery team. July volunteers included Adria & Woody Appleby, Tom Fischer, Sherman Kahn, Norman Richards, Dave Smith, Norma Stewart, and John & Marcia Williamson. Summer delivery can be a hot one. If you see a volunteer during delivery, please offer a cool drink!
If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 (e-mail at