St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

April Newsletter
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Smoke Detector Batteries

On Sunday, April 2, we set our clocks forward one hour and begin Daylight Savings Time. This has also been suggested by many experts as a good time to change smoke detector batteries. If done at the same time each year, it becomes a matter of habit and is not as easy to overlook.

Most units in New Neighborhood have the same or similar smoke detector devices. By code, these devices are wired into the electrical system. However, there is a 9 volt battery in each unit that acts as a back-up in the event of a power failure. Most manufacturers recommend changing this battery on an annual basis. Although the device emits a “beeping” noise on low battery voltage, it is advisable not to allow the unit to get to that level.

In most homes in the neighborhood, carbon monoxide detectors are wired on a low voltage system tied to the master alarm panel. There is no 9 volt battery in the device itself since back-up is covered by a battery system in the main control panel box (usually located in a closet).
The security company that installed most of our systems has advised me that some of the early units had CO detectors wired into the main electrical system. These types of devices may also have a 9 volt back-up battery like those in the smoke detectors. It is also possible that some homeowners have duel devices that function as both CO and smoke detector. Other owners may have installed other types of systems. If you are unsure about what is installed in your home, and whether or not there is a battery, please call your security provider or someone familiar with the device.

Community Garden Organization Meeting

Interest in having a Community Garden has been encouraging. Plans are to locate the first garden on the north side of O. Henry Avenue on the natural gas pipe line right-of-way along the path leading to the dog park and nature trail through the woods.

Rodney Graham is chair of the Community Garden Committee and Dave Stout and Shannon McLean have agreed to help. Anyone interested in helping plan the community garden is invited to meet at the Graham residence at 510 North Faulkner Way on Thursday, April 6, at 7:00 p.m. At this meeting, decisions will be made regarding plot size and layout, organic gardening considerations, by-laws, and other items necessary to keep on schedule for a fall launch. We hope to see you!

If you are interested, but cannot attend, please call Rodney at 704.896.8872 or Dave at 704.895.9117.

Newsletter Delivery Volunteers

Many thanks are due our newsletter delivery volunteers each month. The March volunteers included Barbara Doster, John Hart, Dave Smith, Norma Stewart, Phyllis Twitty, and Chuck Womack.

If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 (e-mail at

NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church library (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents. The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on April 26, 2006.