St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

April Newsletter
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Living in the Neighborhood

Notes from the Landscape & Grounds Committee

Now that spring is officially here and warm weather has returned to the forecast, neighborhood landscaping and lawn activity is about to peak. Several items are of particular note:

  • During the 2006 budget process, the Landscape & Grounds Committee decided to request the landscape service to freshen mulch around common and townhome areas every year. This activity is scheduled for late-March or early-April. The original mulch installed following construction was removed and replaced last season throughout all townhomes, with the exception of those newly constructed units on O. Henry Avenue. Old mulch for these units will be removed and replaced with the same mulch utilized throughout the rest of the neighborhood this year.
  • The Davidson Parks & Recreation Department has taken over maintenance of all common areas designated as Town Parks. Contemporary Landscapes of Charlotte, the same contractor used by the Association, was awarded the Town bid for maintaining these parks. This is good news for New Neighborhood as all areas will now be held to the same quality standards as existing peer group and common areas. Improvements are already planned for the trees, lawns, and shrubs that surround Forest Park and the wetland area at the corner of North Faulkner Way and O. Henry Avenue.
  • The Town did not accept turnover of the North Park area at the intersection of Grey Road and Wolfe Street. As a result, this area has been added to the contract currently held by Contemporary Landscapes by the Neighborhood Association. Improvements are planned at that entrance for planting beds, mulch, and upkeep of the area around the playhouse and creek bed. Dead trees will be removed and more appropriate shrubs planted where needed.
  • The wetlands areas adjacent to Forest Park and Ashby Park are not part of the Town of Davidson parks and are currently not covered by landscape contracts through Davidson or the Association. However, plans are underway to define needs in these areas so that an appropriate budget can be developed beyond 2006. In order to maintain the beauty and function of the two wetland areas, please remind children playing around these areas not to relocate or remove rocks and stone that have been placed to protect the banks from erosion. Also, some trash and debris have been thrown into the wetland at the corner of North Faulkner and O. Henry. Please help the neighborhood keep this area free of litter.
  • New Neighborhood also has a number of drainage easements that are designed to control the flow of storm water run-off. These areas are not “dumping grounds” for used Christmas trees and dead plants. They must be maintained free of natural debris and unwanted growth in order to properly allow drainage. Please respect these areas.
  • Due to dry conditions, sprinkler systems have been turned on early this season. Although Contemporary Landscapes does an initial inspection and repair of defective heads, other damage may occur to system lines and nozzles. Please report any damage or unusual water flow suspected to be related to the irrigation system to Abbott Enterprises or to the Landscape & Grounds Committee. The water and electric bills are part of your peer group and common area budgets.

The Landscape & Grounds Committee continues to work hard to keep our community beautiful. If you have issues that need to be addressed, you may contact Abbott Enterprises directly or you may pass the information to one of the committee members.

Shred It for Security!

So far, there has not been an overwhelming number of residents who have expressed interest in having a shredding service come to the neighborhood for a half or full day in the near future. Initial inquiries have already been made. However, we need to know the interest for such service among friends and neighbors. The Association has not budgeted such an event, so costs will be passed on to each user. However, the fees are minimal ($20 per large bag of total shredded paper). If you are interested in having a Shred It Day!, please contact Dave Smith by phone at 704.987.1472 or by e-mail at If there is enough interest, a committee will be formed to plan a date.

Yard-of-the-Month Winner – April, 2006

The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Edward and Jayne Braxton of 458 O. Henry Avenue as the April 2006 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” Their yard is an excellent example of how attractive late-winter/early-spring lawn and planting beds can be. The “Star of Excellence” was presented to the winner.

The Braxton’s are the first recipient of this neighborhood award. Each month from April through November, a yard will be selected among single-family homes. The home will be selected one or two weeks prior to the month of the award and will be featured in the newsletter and posted on the website.

Braxton yard

Jane Braxton sits on her front porch next the newly “planted” neighborhood Star of Excellence. The first winner of any award sets the bar for all future months. Please drive by and see the Braxton yard on O. Henry (at the intersection of Wolfe Street, O. Henry Avenue, and Conroy Avenue).

Congratulations to Jayne and Edward!

Selection Criteria for Yard-of-the Month

The Selection Committee (representatives from the neighborhood) has established criteria for selection of the Yard-of-the-Month. This award is our way of recognizing neighbors whose yards stand out from the rest. The extra time, energy and money these residents expend on their yards not only enhance the value of their homes and the homes around them, but the care also fosters a positive image of the entire neighborhood.

The total exterior appearance of the yard should be one of neatness and visually appealing as evidenced by:

  • Mowed and edged lawns.
  • Well defined planting beds that are mulched and weed-free.
  • Pruned shrubs and trees.
  • Effective use of seasonal color through plantings of annuals and/or perennials.
  • Plantings in scale to size of yard.
  • No, trash, junk, or dead plant/grass material.

If you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please call Shirley Fischer at 704.894.0222.

SPINN Organization Meeting

SPINN (Spring Party in New Neighborhood) has been set for Saturday, June 3, with a rain date of Sunday, June 4. This is an annually budgeted event supported by the Neighborhood Association. However, it does require organization and communication in order to occur and be a success.

Co-organizers for SPINN 2006 will be Brian & Teresa Furlong (O. Henry Avenue) and Tom & Leigh Ann Hamic (Wolfe Street). There will be an organizational meeting on Tuesday, April 11, at 7:00 p.m. in Doug Boone’s office on St. Alban’s Lane. This meeting is for anyone interested in helping with the party. Committees will be organized to cover such things as set-up/clean-up, adult games, greeting/name tags, etc. Volunteers are needed in many areas, including the job of Master of Ceremonies (emcee).

If you are interested in volunteering, but cannot come to the meeting, please contact the Furlongs at 704.896.6059 or the Hamics at 704.895.7721.