St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

January Newsletter
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Living in the Neighborhood

In the Know in Our Neighborhood: Registration of Alarm Systems

The Town of Davidson requires that homes and businesses register alarm systems with the Davidson Police Department. Registration is FREE. Alarm permits can be obtained from the Town of Davidson web site at (under Police Department). Alarm permits are not transferable. Changes in permit information must be submitted in writing within 30 days. If police respond to an unregistered alarm, the owner will be fined $100. Fire and auto alarms are excluded. Audible alarms that sound for more than 15 minutes will result in a $100 fine. There is also a fine structure for false alarms, even if the system is registered.

Check with your security system provider if you are unsure if your alarm system is registered. Some will do this automatically as part of their service. Others may not be fully aware of the Davidson ordinance.

  • False alarms can be avoided by following simple guidelines:
  • Make sure that alarm users and key holders are trained to use the system.
  • Be sure doors and windows are properly locked before arming the system.
  • Be sure motion sensors are adjusted correctly, especially if you have pets.
  • If thunderstorms or power outages easily trigger your system, have it repaired or adjusted.
  • Periodically check batteries and test the system.

In the Know in Our Neighborhood” is a new section that will continue to be a regular feature in the newsletter and is intended to provide important, useful, or interesting information that might not be known by all neighbors. It is intended to be positive and helpful, often humorous, and always short and to the point. It may appear on the front page or at other points in the newsletter depending on subject matter. Since this is a new addition to your newsletter, I am interested in input and suggestions. I also need topics (nothing heavy) that you feel appropriate. If you have some ideas, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 or e-mail at

Pet Registration – Town of Davidson

All dogs and cats are required to be licensed by the Town of Davidson. Renewals of existing licenses are due each January. The cost is $10 for the year and valid proof of rabies vaccination is required at both initial registration and renewal. These tags can only be obtained at Town Hall. The good news is that if your animal is lost wearing its town tag, whoever finds it can use this system to return the pet to you.

Dogs and their owners continue to use the off-leash park in New Neighborhood. The Davidson Parks and Recreation Board has adopted rules for use of the park. These regulations are posted at the park entrance. Please note that one of the rules requires all dogs that use the park to be licensed in the Town of Davidson. This includes out-of-town users or guests who can also obtain a “Pooch Pass” at Town Hall with proof of current rabies vaccination.

If you have questions, call Town of Davidson, Parks and Recreation Department, at 704.892.3349 or

Don’t forget – Pick up after your dog throughout the neighborhood and in the parks. Mitt stations have been provided for your convenience.

Winter Season Tip

December ushered in winter with some very cold temperatures. With the warm weather in early January, we can be sure that the weather “gremlins” will even the score with more cold before the ground hog gets a good look at his shadow. Several neighbors have pointed out that it is important to disconnect outside hose stations and similar faucet connections if you have them. This will help avoid water freeze-up and possible pipe and/or hose damage. Outside faucets can be “winterized” with insulated covers or even by wrapping with an insulating material. In general, however, this has not been a problem unless temperatures are expected to dip into low teens or single digits for extended periods of time.

Neighborhood Association 2006 Calendar

At the December meeting of Council of Stewards, the 2006 Neighborhood Association Calendar was approved. A copy of the calendar is included on the last page of the newsletter.

Community Garden

It was hoped during the original planning of New Neighborhood that we would have a Community Garden at some point in the development. Rodney Graham (510 North Faulkner Way) has agreed to chair the Community Garden Committee and Dave Stout (328 O. Henry Avenue) has agreed to help with records and registration. Shannon McLean will also serve on this committee and help with organization.

The committee plans to meet in January with people interested in having a garden plot(s) in order to organize a steering committee and determine the next steps. Plans are to locate the first garden on the north side of O. Henry Avenue on the natural gas pipe line right-of-way along the gravel path leading to the dog park and nature trail through the woods.

If you are interested, please call Rodney at 704.896.8872 or Dave at 704.895.9117. Early planning should lead to garden plots by this summer.

DSL Service in the Neighborhood

Some residents were told that there is not enough capacity to install DSL service from BellSouth to their homes. If you made such a request and are still interested in DSL service, call Rebecca Codrova, BellSouth engineer for this area, at 704.376.3693. The demand for DSL was greater than anticipated and BellSouth needs to increase the size of its equipment at various locations in the neighborhood as people request service.

Increase in 2006 Neighborhood Assessments

Don’t Forget! Association dues increased effective January 1, 2006. The Common Area budget increased by $6.00 per month ($72.00 per year). For townhome owners there is an additional increase of $2.00 per month to balance the operations budget for 2006. Therefore, townhome owners will see a total increase of $8.00 per month, regardless of type of unit. Single family homes will see an increase of $36.00 in each of their semi-annual payments.

Abbott Enterprises should have already mailed new coupon books for owners making payment by mail each month. Residents paying by bank draft will need to do nothing. The amount will be adjusted to cover the difference between 2005 and 2006.

It is important for owners and residents to understand that the assessment increases are due starting January 1. Failure to receive a new coupon book on time will not exempt anyone from payment of the increased amount. Please contact Abbott immediately if your account is in error or does not reflect the 2006 increase.