St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

January Newsletter
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Townhome Pressure Washing

Pressure washing of townhomes not included in the painting project completed this past summer will resume on January 4. Due to interference with holiday decorations, completion of the work was discontinued during December. As mentioned in the December newsletter, the work is being done by Foreman’s Painting Company, the same company that completed the painting job. This work is being financed "as a courtesy" of The Cunnane Group, specifically Mr. Lance Cunnane.

The pressure washing is intended to get rid of the dust and dirt that resulted from construction over the last few years, and will also include a mildew cleaning to get rid of the mildew and, hopefully, provide a deterrent to future mildew growth. The pressure washing will be done only on the exteriors of the buildings, excluding the interior courtyards.

Fountain Maintenance

Norwood Creek Water Gardens of Statesville has been contracted to clean and provide routine maintenance for the St. Alban’s Square fountain and the water feature at Clemens Place. The front fountain has had some problems with the top section for over a year. This piece is being replaced. At this time, a decision has not been made regarding replacement of the Koi fish which recently died in the Clemens Place water feature. Norwood does recommend replacement with goldfish to help maintain an ecologically healthy balance with the plants.

Neighborhood Break-Ins – Update

Hopefully, all residents received and read the “ALERT” flyers distributed to each home in mid-December discussing recent break-ins to homes and automobiles in New Neighborhood. As of January 3, the Davidson Police Department had received no new reports of neighborhood break-ins.

However, this does not mean that the problem has passed or that future break-ins will not occur. It is important to follow the guidelines outlined in that flyer and in the December newsletter. Bottom Line: Do not relax your security. Lock all doors, windows, and vehicles. Use garages and keep them closed and locked when not attended. Arm security alarm systems and use them when away or out-of-town.

We hope all residents will have a safe and secure year in 2006!

Newsletter Delivery Volunteers

Many thanks are due our newsletter delivery volunteers each month. The December newsletter was delivered by Tom Fischer, John Hart, Norm Reid, Dave Smith, John & Marcia Williamson, and Chuck Womack.

Also, special thanks go to Tom Fisher, John Hart, Norm Reid, Dave Smith, and John & Marcia Williamson for a very short-notice delivery of “ALERT” flyers to all homes in mid-December.

If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.897.1472 (e-mail at

SPINN Volunteers Needed

For the last three years, the neighborhood has celebrated SPINN (Spring Party in New Neighborhood) in Faulkner Square. This is an annually budgeted event supported by the Neighborhood Association. However, it does require organization and communication in order to occur and be a success. The event has been traditionally held sometime in May.
Co-organizers for this event in 2006 will be Brian & Teresa Furlong (O. Henry Avenue) and Tom & Leigh Ann Hamic (Wolfe Street). With ice storms and cold weather, it may not seem appropriate to plan for SPINN now, but our past experience has shown that now is the time to begin thinking about this celebration. Lots of notes are available from past years to jump-start the planning process. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the Furlongs at 704.896.6059 or the Hamics at 704.895.7721.
This is a great way to celebrate New Neighborhood each spring and to meet both old and new neighbors. We are expecting the biggest party yet in 2006!