St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

Septembeer Newsletter
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Neighborhood Social Events

Neighborhood Discussion Group

September 8 (Thursday) – The Neighborhood Discussion Group will meet at St Alban’s Church, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Our neighbors, Chris Boone and Pat Stenhouse, will present an information program about Our Towns Habitat for Humanity. Chris is the Director of Development and Pat is the Volunteer Coordinator.

Did you know that many of our neighbors either work or volunteer at Our Towns Habitat for Humanity in Cornelius? Our Towns is “our” local affiliate of Habitat for Humanity and it serves families who live or work in Mooresville, Davidson, Cornelius or Huntersville. Did you ever wonder who buys the houses that Habitat builds? Did you know that Habitat is a hand-up, not a hand-out? Chris and Pat will explain the program and answer your questions.

This is an information session and not an appeal for donations. Pat will explain the many opportunities to volunteer at Our Towns Habitat, and may encourage you to also consider volunteering, as do her husband Mike, Mike and Nancy Kota, Lovenia Summerville, Luann Christine, Doug Boone, Ed Riley, and others in our neighborhood. Pat and Chris promise an enjoyable program with snacks and iced tea for all.


If you have ideas about topics, please contact Arvind Patil at 704.892.9608 ( or Sherman Kahn at 704.655.8965 (

All Neighbors Welcome

October 1 (Saturday) – St. Alban’s Church Mission Day and Annual Pig Pickin’ Barbecue – Please see the newsletter article on page 4 for details of the barbecue dinner from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. The Mission Day activities run all day and are outlined on a sheet attached at the end of the newsletter. Contacts and phone numbers are listed on that sheet.

Every Morning (7:00 a.m.) – The Board Walkers meet at the corner of Twain Avenue and the intersection of Mary Jane McConnell and Miriam G. Tuttle Byways to begin their 50 to 60 minute walk around the area. If you would like more information, please call Bonne McCoy at 704-987-1877.



September 12 (Monday) – Women’s Group Breakfast – The women of New Neighborhood wish not to be outdone by the men and would like to start a Women’s Group Breakfast. The first breakfast for the group will be at the Cookhouse Restaurant (Shoppes on the Green complex, exit 28 in Cornelius) at 9:00 a.m. We hope to see this activity grow as popular as the Men’s Group Breakfast. If you plan to attend or have suggestions about the breakfast, please call Patti Mercer at 704.894.9411.

September 21 (Wednesday) – The Women’s Wednesday Bridge Club will meet at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Jennifer Welsch, 222 O. Henry Avenue. If you plan to play, please call Jennifer at 704.892.6917. Contact Jean Gilcrest (704.895.0839) for information about the Bridge Club.

September 21(Wednesday) - The New Da Daytimers Book Club will meet at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Barbara Zimberg (223 Twain Avenue). This month’s book is Isle of Palms by Dorothea Benton Frank. The author will be at the Annual Tea at the Pines in October and the book club plans to attend. Please call Barbara with regrets at 704.896.6195. For further information about the Book Club, please call Kathy Cox at 704.895.0325.

September 27 (Tuesday) - The New Da Women’s Group will have a covered-dish dinner at St. Alban’s Church. For information and possible future activities, call Luann Christine at 704.987.1527 or Pat Stenhouse at 704.895.1900. [NOTE: Luann and Pat are looking for someone who is willing to take over organization of this activity.]


September 8 (Thursday) – Men’s Group Breakfast will meet again at the Cookhouse Restaurant (Shoppes on the Green complex, exit 28 in Cornelius) at 7:30 a.m. Attendance in July was the best ever and the group will continue to meet the second Thursday of every month. Please contact Bill McCoy if you have questions or suggestions about the breakfast (704.987.1877).

September 15 (Thursday) - The Men’s Dinner Group will meet at The North Harbor Club (100 N. Harbor Place) at 6:00 p.m. The restaurant is located at Exit 30 off I-77 (first turn to the right heading west over the interstate). If you plan to attend, please call Ron Mercer at 704.894.9411 or e-mail at