Living in the NeighborhoodST. ALBAN’S CHURCH MISSION DAY AND ANNUAL PIG PICKIN’ BARBECUEOn Saturday, October 1, the Outreach Committee of St. Alban’s Church invites the entire neighborhood to share in mission opportunities to benefit local charities and to give “The Gift of Life” at the church blood drive. This is the second such event sponsored by St. Alban’s Church and the first time that the neighborhood has been invited to participate. It is a great opportunity to give to our community. There is a complete list of projects and mission teams given on the last page of this newsletter. If you are interested in helping on any of the projects, please call the contact person or “shepherd” listed on that sheet.
Finish the day of sharing by attending the annual “Pig Pickin’” from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Tickets for eat-in or take-out are available for purchase by calling the church office at 704.892.0173. Tickets that have been reserved should be picked-up as soon as possible since they sell out quickly. Ticket prices are as follows: Children under 5 yrs. - Free 2005-2006 COUNCIL OF STEWARDS OFFICERSThe Council of Stewards has appointed officers for the term running from August 2005 until August 2006. New officers are as follows: Tom Fischer – President The Council of Stewards also appoints a representative to each of the neighborhood committees. COS members are assigned as follows: Finance Committee - Norm Reid, Treasurer Volunteers for neighborhood committees are always welcome and needed, particularly for the Finance and Covenant Committees. If you are interested in serving on one of these committees, please contact the appropriate chairperson as listed on pages 11 and 12 of this newsletter. STANDARDS FOR RELOCATION OF TOWNHOME A/C UNITSAs promised at the Annual Membership Meeting, the Architectural Review Committee has recommended a standard for relocation of townhome A/C units at the August 24 Council of Stewards meeting. The standards were approved pending further code review. Questions were raised regarding potential permit issues with the Town of Davidson and regarding electrical code issues that were not clear in the documents as presented. Therefore, the ARC is in the process of modifying the standards to cover these issues. It is anticipated that the requirements will be available for publication in the October newsletter. Development of this standard has turned out to be more complex than originally anticipated. The patience of neighborhood residents is greatly appreciated as the committee works hard to develop good standards. GARDEN CLUB ORGANIZATIONAmanda Turano and Mary Alice Mitchell have agreed to serve as chair and vice-chair of a neighborhood garden club. Initially, the club would maintain the two butterfly gardens planted this spring in Ashby Park and possibly start two to four new perennial flower gardens where color is needed in the town parks. The second purpose of the garden club is to consider starting a community garden for vegetables and flowers next to the gravel parking area off O. Henry Avenue in The Preserve. Now is the time to prepare the soil for the community garden. Please call Amanda at 704.892.1594 or Mary Alice at 704.892.5070 if you want to participate. NEWSLETTER DELIVERY VOLUNTEERSMany thanks are due our newsletter delivery volunteers each month. The August newsletter was delivered by Tom & Barbara Doster, Tom Fischer, John Hart, Nick Macos, Norm Reid, Dave Smith, John & Marcia Williamson, and Chuck Womack. If you wish to volunteer for newsletter delivery, please call Dave Smith at 704.897.1472 (e-mail at davidbsmith THANK YOU FOR BEING SAFE!
It is felt that this is not entirely a conscious decision to be unsafe, but rather more an issue of care and awareness. Please drive with care and pay particular attention to where these signs exist. Our “Number 1” concern is the safety of all neighbors and visitors to the community, but as stated in June, the Davidson Police Department has frequently issued citations for failure to STOP. Please remind visitors and other family members that as they enter the neighborhood, they will encounter a STOP sign at nearly every intersection. |