If anyone in the neighborhood has difficulty getting to the post office, grocery store, dry cleaners, etc., during inclement weather or due to an illness or disability, there is a group of your neighbors who stand ready to make that trip for you. During the next several months, an effort will be made to update the list and to add it as a separate entry on the website. To make space for articles and news, a hard copy of the list will only be printed in the newsletter every two or three months. Please call Dave Smith (704.987.1472) if you wish to be included.
LOOKING FOR HOLIDAY DECORATIONS?St. Alban’s Church Greenery SaleOrder holiday wreaths and garlands right in the neighborhood from St. Alban’s Church. These wreaths and garlands are handcrafted by the same company that supplies greenery for the Biltmore House and the N.C. Governor’s Mansion. They are guaranteed to be full, fragrant and fresh. This Blue Ridge Mountain tree farm takes pride in the premium quality of its product. All proceeds will benefit the Parish Life Committee. Wreaths may be ordered in various sizes and are offered in four choices (Fraser fir, boxwood, bayleaf, and mixed greenery). Garlands may be ordered from one of three choices (white pine, Fraser fir, and mixed greenery). For information and order forms, call Pat Stenhouse at 704.895.1900. Orders must be received by November 13th. Greenery must be picked-up at 115 Caldwell Lane on Sunday, December 7th (9:00 a.m. until noon). This is the perfect way to order for the Winter Holiday Decorations Contest. THE PARISH LIFE COMMITTEE
Our neighbors, Dave Stout and Shannon McLean (O. Henry Avenue) have volunteered to identify non-working street lights during their evening walks and to notify Duke Power. If you notice a non-working street light, you can contact Duke Power directly or just notify Dave and Shannon at 704.895.9117.
Our Towns Habitat for Humanity is an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. Our Towns Habitat relies on the generosity of its donors and the strength of volunteers to further its mission of eliminating poverty housing. Your support is greatly appreciated. Volunteers are always welcome. If you are interested, please call 704.896.8957. Our Town’s Habitat for Humanity is located at 20310 North Main Street, Cornelius (between Davidson & Cornelius). Call 704.896.8957 ext. 1107 if you need items picked up.
Davidson News and Notes at http://davidsonnews.net is a volunteer project that combines original news-gathering, citizen contributions, and links to other sites to help you stay informed. Contact David Boraks at dboraks@mindspring.com to be placed on the contact list or to submit information about your organization.
The Rotary Club of Lake Norman/Huntersville is happy to announce the First Annual Art Spectacular Show and Auction, benefiting Hope House and Lake Norman Clinic. The Art Show will be held from September 20 to October 18 at Birkdale Village. The Rotary Club and Lake Norman Art League have joined together to create this exhibit featuring both two and three dimensional artworks. The Rotary Club of Lake Norman/Huntersville celebrates its 10th Anniversary this year. Rotary International is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide to provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. For more information about this event, please contact Arvind Patil, Art Show Chairperson (phone: 704.562.5327, or e-mail at aspatil@bellsouth.net).
The Creative Art Exchange has a mission to inspire creativity and build community through art. Please visit the studio and gallery in Cornelius (19725 Oak Street, Unit 1 – behind the Police Department). Inquire about classes. Opportunities include ceramics, drawing, painting, and jewelry making. Complete class descriptions for the fall classes and workshops are available on-line at www.creativeartexchange.org or call 704.892.7323 for information and registration.