Report from the

Council of Stewards Meeting

October 22, 2008 [Regular Meeting]

New officers for 2008-2009 are as follows:

John Williamson: President
Dave Smith: Vice-President
Tom Fischer: Treasurer
Steve Kessler: Secretary
Jack Christine: Assistant (Recording) Secretary

Committee representatives are as follows:

Finance Committee: Tom Fischer, Treasurer John Williamson, President
Covenant Committee: Steve Kessler
Architectural Review Committee: Dave Stout
Landscape & Grounds Committee: Lemie Richards
Townhome Building Maintenance: Dave Smith
Newsletter & Website Committee: John Williamson
Property Transition Committee: Nancy Lingle

In attendance: John Williamson (presiding), Tom Fischer, Nancy Lingle, Lemie Richards, Dave Smith, Dave Stout, Jack Christine (Recording Secretary), and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).

There were no homeowner issues or comments.

The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:

• Committee reports were presented as follows:

1. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Total expense for work orders during the first nine months of 2008 is at $11,949. (Total work orders – 56; Average expense per work order - $213). Monthly expense is running right at budget and well below levels from 2005 and 2006. A schedule has been developed for cleaning the gutters of all townhomes. One cleaning will take place between mid-December and the end of January, and another will take place in the month of June. A review of Association responsibility for interior patio maintenance and repair will be included on the December agenda.

2. Finance Committee – The financial report for month-ending September 30 was reviewed. Income and expenses are on budget for the year. A motion was approved to donate a total of $500 to St. Alban’s Episcopal Church for 2008. [NOTE: This has been an annual donation to show appreciation for the support the church gives to the Association.]

3. Property Transition Committee – There have been no closings since August. Activity is low.

4. Landscape & Grounds Committee – A list, including cost, of shrubs needing replacement was presented to the COS. The Council approved a total not to exceed $900 to complete this work in the fall. Completion of landscaping renovation to the east side of Twain Avenue is estimated at $6500. The first building on the west side of Twain Avenue (closest to South Faulkner Way) is estimated at $7500. Estimates include installation of drip irrigation. Both buildings will be completed in November. The committee will communicate with the landscaping contractor and each resident affected by this work.

5. Architectural Review Committee – The meeting day has been changed from the third Tuesday of each month to the third Thursday of each month. A total of four requests were reviewed and approved in September. Mike Stenhouse is researching information in order to develop a neighborhood standard for awnings/retractable shades.

6. Newsletter & Website Committee – The committee will continue to investigate alternate delivery options as a means of reducing expense.

7. Covenant Committee – The Town of Davidson has completed revisions to parking spaces with the exception of elimination of approximately three spots at the intersection of Twain Avenue and Caldwell Lane. This change will be made in the next few months to comply with Davidson ordinances regarding parking near intersections.

In response to a growing number of requests for pest control, the COS reviewed and approved a resolution presented by Abbott to clarify the Association’s position regarding coverage. In general, pest control (excluding termite protection) is an owner expense unless it impacts safety or public health. A copy of this resolution will be included in the December newsletter.

Work by the Utility Conservation Committee to help reduce utility costs is underway.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on December 10, 2008. [NOTE: This is a date change due to the holiday season.]
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