According to Association bylaws, the Neighborhood Association Membership Meeting must be held in the third quarter. The purpose of the meeting is to elect new members to the Council of Stewards and to present committee reports of the past year’s activities. This year for the first time, presentation and ratification of the next year’s budget was covered in the same meeting. Issues and questions are also discussed and official actions taken or referred to the Council of Stewards (COS).
Sam Coleman, Association Vice President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and introduced board members. A quorum of members was verified. Homeowner notification of the meeting was verified. Minutes of the 2007 meeting were approved.
The Nominating Committee presented via ballot the names of candidates for the Council of Stewards: Steve Kessler and Nancy Lingle to fill three-year terms that expired this year. There were no nominations from the floor and no other nominations had been submitted to Abbott Enterprises. A motion to elect the candidates by acclamation was approved.
A summary of the committee reports is submitted below. For questions, please call the committee chairperson or Council representative as listed in this newsletter.
Tom Fischer, Treasurer, reported that the current budget is on target. Delinquent accounts are at an all time low. The Council of Stewards approved the 2009 budget in the August meeting with an increase of $1.50 per month for Common charges (both townhome and single-family home owners) and no increase in assessments for townhome maintenance. Due to county restrictions, the Association has reduced water usage which was one of the major cost items in the budget. There were no objections to the 2009 budget and it was ratified.
This committee meets monthly to consider requests to make architectural changes and to establish neighborhood standards as needed. The committee continues to openly review all requests and the majority have been approved in a timely fashion during 2008.
This committee’s responsibility is to review reported or observed covenant violations with the intent of maintaining and preserving community standards. Parking violations have been a focus in 2008. The committee continues to look for additional volunteers.
Judy McLean, chairperson, gave an overview of her committee. Review is underway of shrubs and trees that have died and need replacement. This includes the upgrade of landscaping on Twain Avenue which is expected to continue in the fall. The contract for maintenance of the two water features continues with Norwood Garden Center. This committee is responsible for the Yard-of-the-Month award and the Holiday Decoration Contest. It is also responsible for the holiday decorations at both entrances. (NOTE: Volunteers to help put up these decorations are always welcome.)
Hank Howell, chairperson, reviewed his committee’s responsibilities which include the exterior maintenance of townhomes. The fourth phase of the townhome exterior painting project (buildings on south side of Harper Lee Street) has been completed. The priority has been to keep monthly expenditures to a minimum. These expenses have gone down from $1,750 per month in 2005 to $1,300 per month in 2007 and 2008. In addition, the number of total incidents per year has decreased from 87 in 2005 to an estimate of 60 in 2008.
Steve Lee, neighborhood webmaster, presented the report. Many residents in our neighborhood have contributed to the writing, production, and delivery of the newsletter and their volunteer efforts are greatly appreciated. The newsletter is posted to the website each month. During 2009, one or two newsletters may be combined to save costs. Casita residents may receive copies of the newsletter upon request. “Human interest” stories of neighbors are encouraged. To this point, the newsletter continues to operate without receiving paid advertisements, but will consider this as a possible future option. [NOTE: Please visit]
This committee was created in 2006 and Teresa Furlong has done an outstanding job as chairperson. The committee is charged with helping new resident transition by providing information regarding covenants, the website, committees, and the maintenance fee payment process. Verification of mailing address and phone number for Abbott files is also a key function. The committee attempts to meet all newcomers. The lease form has been revised.
Following committee reports, the floor was opened to new business and comments:
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M.