St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

November Newsletter
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Living in the Neighborhood



During the last twelve months, many new residents have moved into New Neighborhood. If you are new or if you have never experienced Christmas in Davidson, I strongly recommend that you check out this extremely popular and wonderful event. As mentioned in the section on Town of Davidson Events, the festivities fall on November 30 through December 2 this year (6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. each night). This event is always held on the Thursday through Saturday of the week following Thanksgiving. It is certainly an event that will put you in the spirit of the holiday season.

Each year, a special tee shirt with a distinctive design is produced to commemorate Christmas in Davidson. For many, this is an annual collector’s item.

Please be aware that during the celebration times, Main Street will be blocked south of the Concord-Davidson Road intersection. You can get around on the Christmas Trolley, which picks-up at the Davidson Cotton Mill, South Main Street, or the corner of Main & Depot. The trolley travels continuously throughout the evenings to parking lots.

Please also be aware of street closings during the North Mecklenburg Christmas Parade on Saturday, December 2, from 12:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. Visit for a schedule of activities. Experience the Old Village of Davidson!

Join in the fun in 2006!

“In the Know in Our Neighborhood” is intended to provide important, useful, or interesting information that might not be known by all neighbors. I need topics that you feel appropriate. If you have ideas, call Dave Smith (704.987.1472) or e-mail

Neighborhood Surveys — Update

As you are aware from the October newsletter article and possibly a brief visit from one of your neighbors, the Neighborhood Survey is underway. The survey has been conducted in response to comments and suggestions at the annual Membership Meeting in August. Hopefully, this will improve communications and update the database information held by Abbott Enterprises, our Association management company.

The survey is progressing well and is expected to be nearly 100% complete in early-November. Input on address and data changes will be given to Abbott for correction. Comments and issues raised by residents during the interviews will be discussed with Abbott and/or brought before the Council of Stewards or appropriate committee for action.

Teresa Furlong and the Property Transition Committee have done an outstanding job in planning and executing this activity.

We hope all residents understand that this survey is completely voluntary and is not an attempt to invade privacy or gather personal information. The forms will be kept in strict confidence by the Association and will not be used to generate mailing lists or unwanted solicitation. At this point, neighborhood cooperation with this huge effort has been outstanding! The COS expects to provide general information regarding results in the newsletter and to follow-up with personal contact as needed.

Again, thank you for your help and cooperation!

Securing Your Wireless Network

Computer technology expands on a daily basis and one of the most common devices now in use may create trouble for users if not properly protected – the wireless router. It is exciting to be able to have internet access without having to be “plugged-in.” However, if you have neglected to activate even the most basic of security devices on the router, you may be allowing someone roaming through the neighborhood with a wireless-enabled device to access your network. If you use a wireless router, it is important to check settings and tighten your security as necessary. This is an important precaution to take, as an open wireless network can easily be hacked into, increasing the risk of viruses and compromised personal information. For those with the ability to install and configure computers and accessories, securing your wireless network is something you should have little trouble handling. If less familiar with such systems, the following link can be particularly helpful: This information should apply to most major wireless router brands. As the article states, applying even a few of these mechanisms will be more than enough to thwart all but the most devious of security hackers. If you have any trouble, there are a number of computer/network service outlets in the area.

Thanks to our neighbor Jason Stallings (327 O. Henry Avenue) for this observation and article.

Yard-of-the-Month Season Ends — Fall Begins

The Landscape and Grounds Committee has completed all 2006 awards for Yard-of-the-Month. Although originally planned to continue through November, the committee has decided that since fall is so unique, next year the Yard-of-the-Month will cover April through September and special fall awards will be given to the homes (including townhomes) that demonstrate the best of the fall season. The Winter Holiday Decorations Contest will also again be held in December in 2007.

Let’s pause and reflect on those families receiving Yard-of-the-Month awards in 2006:

April:  Jane & Edward Braxton (458 O. Henry Ave.)
May:  Cathy & Alan Sterling (107 Caldwell Ave.)
June:  Jason & Jennifer Stallings (327 O. Henry Ave.)
July:  Anthony & Frances Walley (613 Wolfe Street)
August:  Pat & Mike Stenhouse (115 Caldwell Ave.)
September:  Greg & Lesley Swartz (310 Fairview Lane)
October:  Pat McCall (214 Fairview Lane)

One last round of applause and congratulations to our 2006 award winners! Now is the time to begin planning and preparing your yard for 2007. Be a winner next year!

Fall Lawn and Garden Tips

The NC State Cooperative Extension has issued some fall gardening tips as a lead on the 2007 season.


  • Newly seeded grass needs to be mowed three times before it is considered established for a pesticide application to kill broadleaf weeds.
  • A leaf blower is more likely to remove leaves without disturbing the mulch when the leaves are dry. Run the blower on low and remove the leaves often before they pile up.
  • This is still a good time to fertilize fescue and bluegrass lawns if you did not do so in September. Use high nitrogen, slow-release fertilizer unless a soil test indicates the need for other nutrients.

Perennials, Bulbs, Roses, Etc.

  • Divide spring-flowering perennials in the fall. 
  • After the first killing frost, remove dead or yellowed foliage from perennials. Clean up your perennial beds and apply clean mulch to reduce the outbreak of diseases. While cleaning up the perennial bed, remember that some seedheads will provide winter food for birds.
  • If the weather has cooled, plant spring-flowering bulbs. If not, wait until November.
  • Winterizer fertilizer is more of a marketing term than a horticultural term. Without a soil test, the need for certain nutrients is strictly a guess.
  • Do not deadhead your spent flowers on your roses. Instead, remove the petals with your hands to allow the rose hips to form. This helps trigger the rose into winter dormancy.
  • Clean up your rose bed. Remove any leaves or flowers that may be on the ground.
  • Keep falling leaves out of your water garden, especially if you have fish. Decaying leaves can rob fish of the oxygen in the water.
  • If you removed your bird feeder during the summer, now is the time to put the feeder back out.
These tips will hopefully create a winning yard in 2007!

Winter Holiday Decorations Contest

holly wreathstar

The Landscape and Grounds Committee invites all residents (single family and townhomes) to participate in the New Neighborhood First Annual Winter Holiday Decorating Contest.  The contest will be judged in two separate categories:

  • Best Overall for Single Family Homes
  • Best Overall for Townhomes

The Yard-of-the-Month Committee will judge all entries. Judging will take place at night between 6:00 and 8:00 P.M. on December 10 and 11, 2006. Entries will be evaluated upon creativity, originality, thematic elements and overall design quality and not just on quantity of lights. Winners will be awarded a blue ribbon and photographed for the newsletter and website.

All participants will be asked to remove their decorations no later than the third Sunday in January, 2007.

Begin planning now. Everyone is invited to participate and we encourage all to get in the spirit!!

HOT TIP: You can get a head start on greenery at the St. Alban’s Church Sale. [See page 8 of newsletter.]

Annual Termite Inspection Underway

If you live in a townhome unit, it is time for the annual termite inspection. The Association carries insurance for damage from termites and has contracted with Termitech South of Charlotte for this service. Once a year, an inspection is required to maintain this policy. Inspections of external areas of each townhome block were checked in early-October. Termitech now needs to inspect patio areas and garages. All townhome residents received a flyer in early-October explaining this requirement. If you have not already had this check performed, please call Termitech at 704.663.1040 to set-up an appointment for interior inspection of patios and garages. Termitech hopes to complete all units by early-November.

This is an important service covered by your assessment fees. Thank you for your help and cooperation.

No Increase in 2007 Assessments!

The 2007 budget has been prepared by the Finance Committee and reviewed by the Council of Stewards. A summary of the budget is included with the package each resident will receive regarding the Membership Meeting on November 14. The resolution of total expenses and reserves with total income will result in no increase in assessments for 2007. Detail information by line item for expense categories will be available for discussion at the Membership Meeting.

Many thanks are due Tom Fischer and his committee for a job well done in preparing the new budget!

Clean-up after Your Dog — a Reminder

Please pick-up after your dog throughout the neighborhood and in the parks, including the off-leash park at the north end of the development. Failure to comply with this requirement continues to be a problem.
Neighbors have again expressed concern about people who do not follow common courtesy regarding pets. If neighbors see visitors to our neighborhood and parks who do not follow this request, please kindly remind them of our desire to keep the neighborhood clean for all. If repeat offenses are seen, please notify a member of the Council of Stewards.
The Town of Davidson has adopted the Mecklenburg County Animal Control Ordinance. The following regulations are applicable to our neighborhood:

  • It shall be unlawful for any person owning any animal, excluding cats, to keep such animal on his premises or off the premises unless such animal is under sufficient physical restraint such as a leash, bridle, cage, or similar device which restrains and controls the animal.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having possession of any animal to take the animal into or allow the animal to enter any County park or public property without being at all times under restraint of a leash.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person to own or maintain an animal in such a manner as to constitute a public nuisance. By way of example, the following acts are declared to be a public nuisance and are therefore unlawful: Allowing an animal to damage the property of anyone other than its owner, including but not limited to, turning over garbage containers, or damaging gardens, flowers, or vegetables, or defecating upon the property of another.

Citations can be issued for violations of this ordinance. The penalties escalate from a first offense fine of $50 to repeat offense fines as high as $500, including criminal prosecution and loss of the animal.

Use of the mitt stations throughout the neighborhood will help keep our parks and lawns clean and will eliminate violations. The Council of Stewards does not wish this issue to become a legal matter for anyone. We all want to maintain an enjoyable neighborhood and the cooperation of everyone will be greatly appreciated.

Newsletter Delivery Volunteers

Many thanks are due our newsletter delivery volunteers.

October volunteers included Adria & Woody Appleby & Brandon Burrows, Tom Fischer, Nick Macos, Norm Reid, Norm Richards, Dave Smith, and John & Marcia Williamson.

If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 (e-mail at