Report fromCouncil of Stewards MeetingApril 26 , 2006 [Regular Meeting]In attendance: Steve Baker, Tom Fischer, Sherman Kahn, Norm Reid, David Smith, Dave Stout, Vera Victorino (Abbott), and Donna Howell (Recording Secretary). The Council of Stewards (COS) discussed these issues and took the following actions:
1. Finance Committee – Financial statements for period ending March 31, 2006 were available. All Association funds previously held in a BB&T account have now been transferred to the bank used by Abbott Enterprises for other Association funds. In March, the Finance Committee authorized Merrill Lynch to place $100,000 in a Money Market Account. 2. Property Transition Committee – Steve Baker reported that information that he has gathered regarding pending property transfers is now in a spreadsheet. This will facilitate work of this committee when tracking the sale and purchase of homes in the neighborhood. Vera Victorino indicated that Steve’s work has been a help in eliminating past problems resulting from poor communications at closing. 3. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – A motion to approve the bid of $69,566 by Foreman’s Painting Company for the 2006 townhome painting project was passed by the COS. [See newsletter article on page 6.] Questions regarding what is and is not included in Association’s maintenance responsibility versus that of the homeowner were discussed. It was decided to table further discussion and request Mike Hunter to review the covenant regarding this matter. A report will be made at a future Council of Stewards meeting. 4. Landscape & Grounds Committee – The first winner of the Yard-of-the-Month competition was announced in April. All winners (April through November) will be announced in the newsletter and a certificate presented to each owner. [See newsletter article on page 5.] Contemporary Landscapes has completed mulching around the townhomes and common areas. They are still awaiting final approval from the Town of Davidson to mulch park areas. A new planting area was installed at the corner of the common area at Grey Road and Wolfe Street. All flower beds will be planted with summer flowers at the beginning of May. According to Ken Everton of Norwood Creek Water Gardens, the Clemens Square water feature was cleaned out in preparation for planting water plants and adding fish. However, when Norwood returned the next week, rocks that had been removed were back in the fountain basin. It is not known who is doing this or why. The committee decided to request residents to be aware that this pond should not be disturbed and to appeal to all residents to encourage anyone seen “playing” in the pond to not do so. Before plants and fish can be reintroduced to the water feature, it is important for all neighbors to understand the need to treat this area with care. [See newsletter article on page 6.] In early-March, Donna Howell and Dave Smith met with Doug Boone regarding the care and maintenance of the “wetlands” and other landscaping concerns. Upkeep of the two drainage basins (i.e.: “wetlands”) present a challenge and potential expense to the Association. Dave Smith sent a letter to the local Mecklenburg office of the North Carolina Extension Service requesting their input and assistance. In addition, the common area at the corner of Ashby Drive and Fairview Lane is currently not maintained. The committee is concerned about Association liability in this area and has asked the COS to take this issue under consideration. At the recommendation of Contemporary Landscapes, replacement of dead/dying plants and shrubs will be completed in the fall. Requests by residents for earlier replacement may be granted, but with the added responsibility for proper care and watering through the summer months. Subsequent replacement, if determined to be the result of planting off-season, may become the responsibility of the homeowner. [See newsletter article on page 5.] 5. Architectural Review Committee – No report. 6. Newsletter & Website Committee – Total newsletter copies have increased to 302/month with the completion of two new homes. Costs per month continue to be $50 to $80 below expenses in 2005. 7. Covenant Committee – Now that the covenant summary and guidelines for enforcement have been referred to new legal counsel, it is anticipated that this committee will renew activity. New committee members are being recruited.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church library (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed throughout the year. Meetings are open to residents. The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on June 28, 2006. |