St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

May Newsletter
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Spring Party in New Neighborhood

Saturday, May 21 – 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
Faulkner Square


Kid’s Games (and adults) – 4 - 6 p.m.
Food for All – 6 - 8 p.m.

The Neighborhood Association will provide the main meat dish. Neighbors are expected to bring the rest. A separate reminder will be distributed one week prior to SPINN and street assignments will be outlined in that flyer.

Volunteers are desperately needed for both planning and help during the day of the event. If you can help or serve in any way, please contact a member of our 2005 SPINN Committee.

Jeff & Celia Felthaus 704.892.2842

Steve & Kathy Watts 704.892.7944

Bob & Jo Herman 704.892.4872

Neighborhood Social Events

Neighborhood Discussion Group

May 12 (Thursday) – The Neighborhood Discussion Group will meet in the lower level of St. Alban’s Church, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The speaker this month will be Dr. Kristi S. Multhaup, Associate Professor of Psychology at Davidson College. Her topic will be “Myths about Aging.” You are likely aware of the many stereotypes about older adults. Particularly with the “Graying of America,” we must separate facts from myths so that we better understand older adulthood. Dr. Multhaup will share common myths about aging with our Discussion Group and talk about the data that suggests why these myths are, in fact, myths.

Kristi Multhaup was born and raised in Minnesota and, although she enjoyed her time there, she is now more than happy to live with the North Carolina winters. She received her B.A. from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from Princeton University. She studied aging on a three-year post-doc at Washington University in St. Louis and for another year on a post-doc at Duke University. Dr. Multhaup started at Davidson College in the fall of 1996 where she now teaches and does research in the areas of aging and cognition.

This should prove to be an interesting and informative meeting. Please plan to attend and extend a warm welcome to Dr. Multhaup.

Note: The Neighborhood Discussion Group continues to provide quality programs of interest and benefit to all residents of New Neighborhood in Old Davidson. All neighbors are welcome and encouraged to attend. Some programs are also of interest to children in our neighborhood. The discussions have, on occasion, been attended by community guests and leaders. Arvind Patil and Sherman Kahn have done an outstanding job in helping to arrange and organize these programs. We definitely want to see attendance and interest in this activity grow.
If you have ideas about topics you would like to see the Neighborhood pursue, please let your wishes be known. Please contact Arvind Patil at 704.892.9608 (e-mail at or Sherman Kahn at 704.655.8965 (e-mail at

All Neighbors Welcome

Coming Soon! Plans are underway for another Neighbor’s Night Out. The Kudzu, a once popular restaurant on South Broad Street in Mooresville, was completely destroyed by fire last year. The owner has announced plans to reopen this restaurant in the former location of O’Donnell’s Main Street Deli on Main Street in Davidson. You may have noticed the renovation work in the former deli and signs in the window. It seems only appropriate to celebrate the new site with a special dinner with neighbors and friends. As soon as an opening date is announced, details will be included in the newsletter. If you have other great ideas for a Neighbor’s Night Out, please call Patti Mercer at 704.894.9411 (e-mail at

Every Morning (7:00 a.m.) – The Board Walkers meet at the corner of Twain Avenue and the intersection of Mary Jane McConnell and Miriam G. Tuttle Byways to begin their 50 to 60 minute walk around the area. If you would like more information, please call Bonne McCoy at 704-987-1877.


May 18 (Wednesday) – New Da Daytimers Book Club will meet at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Marion Thomas, 125 St. Alban’s Lane. This month’s book is Heaven is a Beautiful Place by Genevieve C. Peterkin (with William P. Baldwin). Please call Marion with regrets only at 704.896.5653. For further information about the Book Club, please call Kathy Cox at 704.895.0325.

May 18 (Wednesday) – The Women’s Wednesday Bridge Club will meet at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Jean Gilcrest, 237 North Faulkner Way. If you plan to play, please call Jean at 704.895.0839.

The New Da Women’s Group is making arrangements for a trip to the Farm House Nursery & Gift Shop in Statesville with a possible program on container gardening. Details were not available at the time of printing, but when a date has been set, a flyer will be slipped into neighborhood doors approximately one week in advance. This flyer will provide all details and directions on how to get to the location. For information and possible future activities, call Luann Christine at 704.987.1527 or Pat Stenhouse at 704.895.1900.


May 12 (Thursday) – Men’s Group Breakfast will meet again at the Cookhouse Restaurant (Shoppes on the Green complex, exit 28 in Cornelius) at 7:30 a.m. Attendance at the April breakfast was excellent and the group decided to make this a monthly activity. To avoid meeting on the same day as the Men’s Dinner Group every other month, the breakfast was changed to the second Thursday of every month. Please contact Bill McCoy if you have questions or suggestions about the breakfast (704.987.1877).

May 19 (Thursday) – The Men’s Dinner Group will meet at 6:00 p.m. at Gagliardo’s Grill (417 East Statesville Avenue, Mooresville). Ron Mercer has visited this restaurant and heard good things about it. To get there, turn north on Main Street in Davidson (Hwy 115) and continue through downtown Mooresville. At the intersection of Statesville Avenue (Kangaroo Express gas station and Port City Shopping Center), turn right and proceed 3 or 4 blocks. Gagliardo’s Grill is on the right across the street from the old hospital
In Ron Mercer’s absence this month, Phil Roberts is coordinating the arrangements. If you plan to attend, please contact Phil and let him know you will be coming (704.895.7884 or e-mail at The restaurant can accommodate our group, but does have limited space and would like advance notice.