In the Know in Our Neighborhood“In the Know in Our Neighborhood” is intended to provide
important, useful, or interesting information that might not be known
by all neighbors. If you have ideas, call Dave Smith (704.987.1472)
or e-mail
The Davidson Farmer’s Market will be open every Saturday (8 a.m. until noon) through October, delivering produce and other goods from a collection of area farmers, nurseries, and vendors. The market site is next to Town Hall, between Main and Jackson Streets. |
The June newsletter usually carries final details and plans for SPINN (Spring Party in New Neighborhood). However, as first mentioned in last month’s newsletter, festivities this year will come in the form of OPINN(OctoberFest Party in New Neighborhood) in the fall. Details are not complete, but the date is expected to be the third or fourth week of October. (St. Alban’s Church holds a Pig-Pickin’ BBQ on the first weekend of October each year.)
Although we miss a June celebration, we start perhaps another great tradition!
Your comments and ideas are welcome. The concept is wide open. We also need
to start gathering volunteers now. Planning for an October event will present
a new set of exciting events and food ideas. If you are interested in volunteering,
please contact Dave Smith (phone: 704.987.1472) or any other member of the Council
of Stewards.
The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Eve and Winter Lantz of 132 Fairview Lane as the June 2008 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” This is another repeat winner. [See August 2007 newsletter.] As a repeat winner, the Lantz’s will join the Star of Excellence Honor Roll for one year before being eligible to win again.
The Lantzes continue to put a lot of work into their yard. The red roses provide a colorful compliment to the varied greens found throughout the ground cover and shrubbery. The shade trees have only grown larger and provide even more inviting comfort from the heat. The yard area between the sidewalk and the street is well maintained and is a rich green color. Although there is little grass other than the very front area, the plantings and flowers all work together to create a winner! The two white porch rocking chairs add a “down South” flavor to the setting. The American flag was fitting for the judging which took place during Memorial Day week. Although it cannot be seen from the front, the backyard décor, including water feature, is outstanding.
Each month from May through October, a yard will be selected among single-family homes. The criteria for selection are established by the Selection Committee. If you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please call Judy McLean at 704.895.0940.
Presenting these pictures in black and white [in the printed newsletter] never quite does justice for the winner. Catch your view of the Star of Excellence in color as you drive into the neighborhood on Fairview Lane (first house on the right).
Congratulations again to the Lantz Family!
With neighborhood break-ins (both car and home) over the last several years, an attempted abduction in McConnell Neighborhood in December 2006, and recent minor vandalism in our parks and common areas, articles have often been included in the newsletter about security and safety. As a reminder, and to emphasize a particularly important point, please immediately report suspicious vehicles and persons in the neighborhood to the Davidson Police. This includes door-to-door solicitation since there is a Davidson ordinance prohibiting such activity unless related to a religious, patriotic, civic, or charitable group (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.).
There have been one or two instances at night when suspicious, occupied vehicles were noticed parked on neighborhood streets. This type of activity should always be reported to police. When making such a report, the Police Department has requested that you “Dial 911” rather than using the non-emergency number of the department. This will direct more appropriate response to your concern.
Also, do not forget to take advantage of the Home Security Check option offered by the Davidson Police Department. If you want the police to pay special attention to your property while you are traveling or away, go to the Town of Davidson website and click on the “Home Security Check” tab. Complete and submit the form on-line between 12 and 24 hours before your departure. This is an easy way to gain a little extra security.
Be observant & cautious! Help prevent crime!
For about two years, our neighbors, Dave Stout and Shannon McLean (O. Henry Avenue) have volunteered to identify non-working street lights and to notify Duke Power. To report a non-working light, contact Duke Power directly or just notify Dave and Shannon at 704.895.9117.
Neighbors can still report non-working lights to Dave and Shannon, but the Davidson Police Department has offered another alternative. You may also contact Jennifer Hinds by phone (704.892.5131 ext. 221) or e-mail ( and give her the light location (as close as possible to a street address). The Town of Davidson police officers conduct an inventory of street lights on the first Wednesday and Thursday of each month and mark those needing maintenance with crime tape. The Police Department then reports a list for the whole town.
Thanks go to all of our delivery volunteers! Our May team included Adria & Woody Appleby, Tom Fischer, Norm Reid, Norman Richards, Dave Smith, and John & Marcia Williamson. Please welcome our newest delivery member, Barbara Dillman (Caldwell Lane).
If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472
(e-mail at
As the War in Iraq continues and the United States continues to provide military support to Afghanistan, neighborhoods throughout the country are certain to be affected in some way. For those residents who follow the articles in Davidson News and Notes, there was an excellent story written on April 29 about our very own Douglas Ivan Brown. If you are new to the neighborhood, you probably have not met Ivan because he has been on assignment to Afghanistan since January, 2007. Ivan, his wife Nancy, and their three children live on Harper Lee Street. Ivan joined the Davidson Police Department in 2002 as the training officer. He also worked training Marine Military Police Officers at Camp Lejune and was recommended for work as a police instructor in Afghanistan. He will likely continue in his role until February, 2009. Ivan sends greetings to all the “friendly folk who make Davidson such a unique community.”
Ivan Brown, we salute you and the job you do for us!
Our newsletter would like to recognize other residents or family members of our neighborhood who are serving in the Middle East. Please e-mail me your names and a brief story at We owe a lot to our servicemen and they should be recognized.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents. The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on June 25, 2008. |