Report from the

Council of Stewards Meeting

May 7 , 2007, Special Meeting

In attendance: Sam Coleman, Tom Fischer, Teresa Furlong, Sherman Kahn, Norm Reid, Dave Smith, Dave Stout, and Donna Howell (Recording Secretary).

The special session was held to hear further comments and to take a final vote on proposed revisions to Association Canons of Conduct. A copy of the proposed changes was mailed to all owners by Abbott in a letter dated April 12. Initial comments were heard in the regular Council of Stewards meeting held on April 25. On May 7, no homeowners were present to voice comments or opposition to the proposed items. Therefore, the Council approved the changes which by Association by-laws will take effect June 7, 2007 (30 days following the approval vote).

Abbott will be instructed to mail the following to all owners: (1) a copy of the amended Canons of Conduct (in full) with the date of revision, (2) a summary of key items from the Association Governing Documents (Covenants, By-laws, etc.), and (3) a cover letter explaining the packet of documents. Please replace the previous Canons of Conduct with the newly revised and dated version when this is received. The purpose of the summary is to provide owners and residents with a “quick” reference to key sections of our Covenants. The Covenant Committee has spent many hours preparing this summary for our use.

The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:

1.  Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – The contract to paint and repair the townhomes on North Faulkner was awarded to Foreman’s Painting for $44,821. Work is expected to start during the week of May 14 and be complete by mid-June.

The increase in townhome maintenance repairs is due to increased problems with roof leaks. This problem is being addressed by the committee.

2.  Finance Committee – The financial report for month ending March 31 was discussed. Homeowners will be able to request a copy of the annual audit report for 2006 when it is completed.

3.  Property Transition Committee – No report.

4.  Landscape & Grounds Committee – Due to a growing concern for Association liability regarding the common area at the corner of Fairview Lane and Ashby Drive, the posting of “No Trespassing” signs was discussed. The area is not currently maintained by the landscape contractor and has become predominantly a place for kids to ride trail bikes or skateboards. Of particular concern is the amount of debris and un-approved structures that have appeared in the area. In order not to develop a policy that limits any common area to residents, alternative means of addressing this issue will be considered. Several homeowners were present to present their comments regarding a solution to the problem

5.  Architectural Review Committee – No report.

6.  Newsletter & Website Committee – The importance of maintaining data in the website directory was discussed. Steve Lee will be contacted to provide information on how to properly change this information. [Note: See article on page 3 of this newsletter.]

7.  Covenant Committee – Abbott has been sending letters to homeowners who are in violation of neighborhood governing documents. In the past several weeks, this focus has been on parking violations. The committee has now been requested to begin consideration of issues regarding storage of garbage containers and of the recommendations to the Canons of Conduct that were proposed by Doug Boone, Neighborhood Founder.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m.

NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents. The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on June 27, 2007.

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