There have been frequent requests for a printed and updated directory of all neighborhood residents and owners. When this was completed and distributed to all neighbors nearly two years ago, Steve Lee worked from data received from Abbott to complete a formatted directory. However, it became immediately obvious that a printed directory becomes out-dated quickly. In addition to neighbors who move and relocate, e-mail addresses change frequently. Because of this fact, the Council of Stewards has decided in the short term to work hard on maintaining an accurate version of the website directory rather than incur the expense of printing a directory that becomes outdated in only months.
Much information was updated by the Neighborhood Survey completed in early-2007. This information has been sent to Abbott to update “official” data in the master files. This information will also be furnished to Steve Lee and will be used to update the on-line website directory. (Note: This is a function provided by Steve Lee and is not automatically loaded from Abbott files.) A key component to maintaining a good database on the website is the input by the owner or resident. If changes occur, all owners or residents are requested to provide this information to the website directory.
If you are not familiar with how to update your information, here is a guide to performing this task:
It is simple to update if you have received your ID and password and have been a regular user of the system. Please take the time to verify and update your information.
Although the directory is not currently in a format to make a hard copy, this option is being investigated with our webmaster. Security issues have to be addressed before this will become a possibility. People without computers could then request a neighbor to print a copy. Also, work is underway to expand search capability to more than just last name. The newsletter will include an update on the status of such changes.
Remember: Your Neighborhood Directory is only as good as the information that you feed it!
Again, many thanks to Steve Lee, O. Henry resident and webmaster, for an outstanding site!
The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Don & Meredith Jennings of 317 North Faulkner Way as the June 2007 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” This yard is a true showcase of both spring and summer color in harmony with landscape and home. The hibiscus plants on either side of the porch steps add emphasis to both the planting beds and the front porch, decorated with hanging baskets. The magnolia in the corner of the yard provides accent with large white blooms.
This yard has been a candidate in nearly every month and was a runner-up in the Christmas Decoration Contest this past December. Located at the end of Fairview Lane as it turns into North Faulkner Way, the Jennings’ home is in a perfect position to highlight our neighborhood for both residents and visitors.
Each month from May through October, a yard will be selected among single-family homes. If you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please call Donna Howell at 704.987.0363.This is a perfect location for the “Star of Excellence.” Red, white, and blue bunting adds a patriotic touch to the setting and the Memorial Day Holiday.
With the neighborhood break-ins over the last several years and the attempted abduction of a girl in McConnell Neighborhood this past December, numerous articles have been included in the newsletter about security and safety. As a reminder, and to emphasize a particularly important point, please immediately report suspicious vehicles and persons in the neighborhood to the Davidson Police. This includes door-to-door solicitation since there is a Davidson ordinance prohibiting such activity unless related to a religious, patriotic, civic, or charitable group (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.).
Recently, there have been one or two instances at night when suspicious, occupied vehicles were noticed parked on neighborhood streets. This type of activity should always be reported to police. When making such a report, the Police Department has requested that you “Dial 911” rather than using the non-emergency number of the department. This will direct more appropriate response to your concern.
Be observant & cautious! Help prevent crime!
This is the time of year that we turn to thoughts of yard upkeep, landscaping, and development of flower beds and gardens. Numerous questions and issues are presented to the Landscape & Grounds Committee. Here are some key updates and points to remember:
If you have other questions regarding our neighborhood landscaping, please contact Donna Howell, chairperson of the Landscape & Grounds Committee (704.987.0363 or e-mail at Donna and her committee continue to do an outstanding job with maintenance of landscaping needs within a limited Association budget.
During the past month, a number of letters have been issued to townhome residents regarding parking violations. Fortunately, response to these reminders has been positive and no further enforcement or fines have been necessary. Now that parking restrictions have been reviewed by the Covenant Committee and a fee and enforcement policy put into place, residents should expect continued enforcement of the Canons of Conduct.
Exhibit C (Canons of Conduct) outlines restricted and prohibited activities in the neighborhood. Under Section 2a, parking of vehicles in the neighborhood is covered. These restrictions have been outlined in the newsletter on several occasions. For townhomes, parking is permitted along streets during daylight hours for a limited period, but, with the exception of house guests, street parking is NOT PERMITTED at night by residents. The obvious and intended solution is garage parking. Residents should begin planning toward this goal if not already in compliance. With the recently approved changes to the Canons, single-family home owners may park in driveways overnight, but may NOT block sidewalks with any part of the vehicle. Enforcement of this restriction has not been emphasized until now, but owners should expect reminder letters if they are not in compliance. (Note: This is also a Town of Davidson ordinance.)
In order to provide for the orderly administration of parking spaces within the Townhome Peer Group, parking spaces located on the Common areas (pads between units in byways) are dedicated to the exclusive use of the unit to which it is assigned. These pads have been pre-assigned to work units and to units with casitas and may not be used by other townhome residents. Pads have been marked and, with the exception of a number of places along Miriam G. Tuttle Byway (behind South Faulkner townhomes), nearly all other parking pads have been assigned and are not available.
It should also be noted that parking facing traffic is prohibited by a Town of Davidson ordinance. A number of streets throughout the neighborhood are clearly posted “No Parking on This Side.” Violations of these town ordinances are subject to enforcement by the Town of Davidson Police Department.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Many thanks are due our newsletter delivery team. May volunteers included Woody Appleby, Barbara Doster, Tom Fischer, Sherman Kahn, Norm Reid, Norman Richards, Dave Smith, Norma Stewart, and John & Marcia Williamson.
If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 (e-mail at