Town of Davidson Events

Davidson Farmer's Market

The Davidson Farmer’s Market (next to Town Hall between Main and Jackson Streets) is operating under regular hours (8 a.m. until noon) on every Saturday.

This producer-only market features more than 35 local producers within a 100 mile radius selling a wide variety of locally grown vegetables and fruits, meats, eggs, honey, dairy and fresh flowers, as well as baked goods, soaps and farmer-made crafts. The market is a lively gathering place for meeting friends and for learning about food, agriculture and nutrition. Themed market days and activities are planned throughout the year. For more information, please visit the website at

Concerts on the Green 2012

May - September (first and third Sundays) — Village Green (6:00 – 8:00 p.m.) — Downtown Davidson brings back this popular series throughout the summer months. All concerts are FREE and open to the public. Families and friends are welcome to bring picnics and relax to the music. 10’ X 10’ tents are welcome, but must be set up on the perimeter of the event area.

For more information about the series, please visit the Town of Davidson website and click on “Downtown Davidson – Concerts on the Green.” Offerings for the next two months include the following:

  • July 15:                    The Back Beat  [Beatles tribute]
  • August 5:                 The Stranger  [Billy Joel tribute]
  • August 19:               The Rusty Knox Band  [Americana]
  • September 2:            Sunday Union  [variety]

Tour de Food

July 7 (Saturday) and July 21 (Saturday) – Tour de Food Gourmet Food Tour (1:30 – 5:00 p.m.) – Take a tour of Davidson, a quaint little town full of history and rich in flavor. The tour starts at the Old Cotton Mill, which houses the Brickhouse Tavern (209 Delburg St.). From there, you will wind through historical Davidson, down Main Street, stopping at 6 or 7 different restaurants from upscale dining to the Soda Shop. You will sample some of the finest culinary delights these establishments have to offer, paired with dynamic beer and wines at a few stops. You will get to meet the owners and chefs for a personal experience unlike any other. Eat, Drink, and Walk through Davidson!

Davidson Senior Scholars Programs

Third Wednesday from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m., Davidson Parks & Rec office (Room A, 416 Armour Street) – This activity was formed to provide programs that stimulate continual intellectual and cultural growth. The general meeting format consists of lecture followed by question and answer. The speakers, often Davidson College professors and local physicians, are experts in their fields. Programs are FREE and no registration is required! Call 704.892.3349 or visit the Town of Davidson website and click on “Parks & Recreation” for information.

50+ Coffee Club

Come and join friends and neighbors every Wednesday morning from 9 a.m. until 12 noon at the Parks & Recreation Department (Armour Street) for coffee, snacks and a social opportunity. No registration is required.

2012 Summer Camps

Registration is underway for all youth and pre-school summer camp opportunities: Arts, Science, Crafts, Music, and Sports. Call the Parks & Recreation Department at 704-892-3349 for more information and registration details. Please visit (“Online P&R Registration”) for full camp listings, age limits, and details.

WOW – World of Wonder

A nature program for children and their families!
(Co-sponsored by Davidson Lands Conservancy and Woodland Discovery)

July 21 (Saturday) – Through the Horse’s Eyes (9:30 – 11:00 a.m.) – Come meet the gentle herd of horses at Triple Play Farm and learn a little about how they see the world. We will talk about predator vs. prey, the five senses, anatomy/psychology of horses, and how to use your body language to communicate and build a relationship with horses. This outing is open to children. (7+ years) and their families. Rain will cause this event to be rescheduled. Pre-registration is required. E--mail for a registration form. Be sure to receive a confirmation of registration by e-mail. Directions and other details will be e-mailed on July 19.


Call the Town of Davidson at 704.892.7591 or visit the newly revised website at For Parks & Recreation information, click on “Parks & Recreation” under the “Services & Departments” heading on the town website.


St. Albans Square Neighborhood Associationfountain