St. Alban’s Square Neighborhood Association
Report from Council of Stewards Meeting
June, 2012 [Regular Meeting]

In attendance: Dave Stout (Presiding), Bob Cameron, Celeste Colcord, Tom Fischer, Gary Simmons, Jill Stierli (Secretary), Jennie Clifton (Recording Secretary), and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).

Two owners had called with issues for COS review. One townhome owner on St. Alban’s Lane expressed a continuing concern about the two large oak trees over-hanging the roof area. A quote for $150 was obtained for a professional to trim both trees. Although the townhome owner agreed to pay the cost, the COS approved the work as an Association expense and referred the issue to the Landscape and Grounds Committee to insure that this was not already covered by extra work quoted by Coleman Landscaping in the rest of the neighborhood.

A single-family homeowner requested a more consistent approach to parking enforcement. After brief discussion with Dave Stout over the phone, the issue was resolved.

The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:

  • Committee reports were presented as follows:

1.  Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee [Gary Simmons, COS representative and acting chairperson] – Two drainage issues are unresolved on North Faulkner Way. Following a lengthy evaluation period, the problem with one patio area appears to be a broken or missing underground gutter drain. The COS approved $4300 to repair the line and replace some tiles on the patio. In a second drainage issue, the COS reaffirmed previous approval of $3800 to resolve the problem. The owner of this unit agreed to pay the additional cost for a recommended French drain addition.

Gary Simmons had submitted a comprehensive list of ongoing projects to Ray McKeand, Abbott Maintenance Superintendent. Several of these items, with the exception of the drainage issues above, are complete. The largest outstanding item is resolution of crushed storm water drainage line ends in the byways. A quotation is expected within the next several weeks and will be reviewed at the next Townhome Maintenance Committee meeting.

Feedback from Ray McKeand and Foreman’s Painting is needed on the evaluation of shutter painting that is to be started this year. The Architectural Review Committee is researching the advisability of and recommended approach to painting of vinyl shutters.

Ray McKeand and members of the COS conducted a neighborhood walk-through of the second half of townhomes. A previous partial walk-through of the older townhomes was conducted earlier in the spring. No new major issues were found. The majority of items centered on rotting wood around porches and trim. The list will be prioritized and matched with available budget before proceeding to completion. Many items may be bundled with future painting projects. Safety issues noted on the first walk-through have already been completed.

Two or three new members are needed on this committee. If interested, contact Gary Simmons.

2.  Finance Committee [Tom Fischer, chairperson; Dave Stout & Jill Stierli, COS representatives] – The updated financial report for May was presented. Expenses are on target to budget with the exception of re-mulching expense which appeared in May instead of June as forecast.

Preparation and approval of the 2013 budget will occur between now and the next COS meeting on August 22.

Tom Fisher has started preparation of a long-term (3 to 5 year) Budget Reserve Plan. Input is required from all committees, especially Townhome Building Maintenance and Landscape & Grounds. This forecast will establish if funding for Reserves is on target with projected expenditures and will give owners and residents better information regarding the need for recent Reserve Fund increases in the Peer Group.

3.  Property Transition Committee [Celeste Colcord, chairperson and COS representative] – Activity in the housing market and in our neighborhood is continuing to improve. There are currently nine single-family homes for sale, with one pending and two being closed. Eight townhomes are for sale, with two under contract and one being closed.

4.  Landscape & Grounds Committee [Judy McLean, chairperson; Dana Sonnenberg, COS representative] – Two broken lights (one in Ashby Park and one in Forest Park) are being presented to the Town of Davidson for repair.

The Town of Davidson is still being asked to repaint fences around all town owned parks. No response has been given.

Due to rotting trim noticed on the neighborhood walk-through, the landscape contractor has been requested to further trim bushes and trees away from porches and trim. This will be done at no charge for ground level trimming. A quote is being obtained for tree limbing where necessary.

5.  Architectural Review Committee [Luann Christine, chairperson; Celeste Colcord, COS representative] – Two requests were approved: one for paint color change and a second for shutter color and hardware change. A third request to replace wood fencing with vinyl fencing was put on hold pending further research.

6.  Newsletter & Website Committee [Dave Smith, editor; Steve Lee, webmaster; Bob Cameron, COS representative] – Conversion to electronic delivery by residents continues at a slow pace. Newsletter delivery will continue every other month.

7.  Covenant Committee [Shannon Stout, chairperson; Jill Stierli, COS representative] – Placing of parking violation notices on cars parked overnight on streets was started on June 7. Repeat offenders will begin to receive fines following appropriate hearings before the COS.

A complaint was received regarding an “oversized” realtor sign. The committee has been charged to research town ordinances and/or covenant wording regarding limitations on signage size.

8.  Ad Hoc Safety Committee [Alfred Geiger, chairpersons] – Repainting of intersection markings was started on Fairview, but is incomplete. Parking markings were made on one side of the street in an attempt to limit parking to the east side only. Dave Stout will communicate with Doug Wright, Davidson Public Works Director, to resolve further work that was expected.

9.  Ad Hoc Neighborhood Beautification Committee [Dave Stout, chairperson and COS representative] – Jennifer Stallings and Julie Robinson have made a proposal to allow neighborhood kids to paint the Wolfe Street fencing, with the Association providing supplies. Jennifer and Julie will provide supervision. The COS is in agreement with this approach.

NOTE: If other parents are interested, please contact Jennifer or Julie. This work will satisfy Community Service requirements at most schools and is an excellent opportunity to help our neighborhood.

  • Management Report – The Aging Report and the Management Action Log were reviewed.

The next quarterly orientation meeting for association leaders will be held on July 9.

Abbott has initiated a work order to replace the broken light fixture in Forest Park.

The Violation Report from Vera Victorino’s weekly neighborhood-drive through was reviewed. Some neighbors have taken offense at this approach, but this is a contract activity expected of Abbott. The Covenant Committee reviews this list.

  • Unfinished Business – Work to repaint reserved parking pad numbers by Tom Fischer and Dave Smith is approximately 50% complete. If heat conditions improve, the work will be complete by mid- summer.

A question regarding responsibility for replacing burned out lights behind work units has been addressed and a request will be made to Cunnane to make arrangements to replace burned out bulbs.

  • New Business – Dave Stout reported on another dog attack (Fairview Lane) resulting in the death of a pet cat. The COS wishes to re-emphasize the liability to the dog owner when such an attack occurs. Residents are urged to call the Davidson Police Department at 911 should a dog attack of any kind be observed. (See newsletter article on page 3.]

A nominating committee, with Dave Stout as chairperson, was named. Dave will add one or two non-COS members to the committee. The objective is to find candidates for open positions on COS. Nominations and voting will occur at the September Annual Membership Meeting.

A Council of Stewards Town Hall meeting is planned prior to finalizing the budget at the August 22 meeting. The purpose is to solicit comments, questions, and input on any neighborhood issue, especially the budget. A neighborhood resident/owner survey is planned prior to this meeting. Celeste Colcord is organizing this activity. Since the next newsletter will not be delivered until September 5, communication of the Town Hall meeting time and place and survey input will be via e-mail blasts and phone contact. [Note: Please insure that current information is correct in the Abbot directory.]

  • The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
The COS went into Executive Session following the regular meeting.


NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting has been rescheduled for August 22.

If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting.


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