Living in the Neighborhood
2013 Nominations — Council of Stewards
At the regular COS meeting on June 27, a nominating committee was named to fill openings on the Council of Stewards for the upcoming year. The nominations will be presented for a vote at the Annual Membership Meeting on September 18.
Dave Stout is chairperson of this committee. If you have questions or know of someone who may be interested in serving on this association council, please contact Dave Stout at 704.895.9117 (e-mal at
Note: In order to be nominated, an owner must be in good standing with the Association (i.e.: no pending covenant violations and no overdue assessments).
Correction: Town Ordinance Regarding Dogs on Leash
In the May-June newsletter issue regarding recent dog attacks within New Neighborhood, information was given regarding town restrictions on control of pets (excluding cats). The statement that “anyone handling a dog on a leash must be 18 years of age or older,” was not correct. If you are walking a dog and are off your property, the dog must be leashed and it must be controlled by a “person of sufficient age and physical size or ability to reasonably restrain the animal.” If the dog is unleashed and on your unfenced property, it must be accompanied by a person at least 18 years of age who has command and control of the dog.
Exact language is as follows in the Municipal Codes:
Chapter 10, Article III, Sec. 10-71(a) – Physical Restraint: It shall be unlawful for any person owning or having possession, charge, custody or control of any animal, excluding cats, to keep such animal on his own premises or off the premises, unless such animal is under sufficient physical restraint, such as a leash, cage, bridle or similar effective device which restrains and controls the animal, or within a vehicle or adequately contained by a fence on the premises or other secure enclosure. If the physical restraint used is a leash, bridle, or other device requiring a person to control the animal, the person using such restraint must be of sufficient age and physical size or ability to reasonably restrain the animal. If the secure enclosure is an invisible fence system, then all components of the system must be in working order and in proper place. Additionally, there must be a visible, permanent sign on the premises stating that there is an invisible fence.
Chapter 10, Article III, Sec, 10-71(c) - Adult with Animal on Premises: If a responsible adult is physically outdoors, and immediately adjacent to the animal, on the land where the owner of the animal resides, and the animal is under the person’s direct control and is obedient to that person’s commands, this section shall not apply during the duration of the time the animal is in the company and under the control of that adult and the animal is on the premises. An adult is defined as a person 18 years of age or older.
In the specific incident mentioned in the previous newsletter, the child walking the dog was not of sufficient physical size to control the animal. The message is clear: Dogs must be restrained and in complete control at all times when off premises.
Please remember one other item: The Town of Davidson requires that all dogs using the off-leash park be registered and tagged by the town. This is a common violation among pet owners who use the park. Complaints of aggressive behavior of dogs continue to be aired by users of the park.
After yet another dog attack since the last newsletter, the COS wants to re-emphasize the huge liability of the dog owner in any such incident. This last attack resulted in the death of a family cat. What if this attack had been on a child?
Residents are urged to call the Davidson Police Department at “911” if an animal attack of any kind is observed. This is not “ratting” out your neighbor. It is the LAW!
Yard-of-the-Month, June, 2012
The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Jon Guttman and Lewis Deaton of 108 Caldwell Lane as the June 2012 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” This is the second time that Jon and Lewis have received the “Star of Excellence” and it is well deserved. The committee is faced with a close decision every month and has had difficulty shaking the award away from Caldwell Lane.
The yard does have a few differences over the appearance in 2011. The home continues to be bounded by a large crepe myrtle on the right and by two Rose-of-Sharon shrubs with beautiful red flowers on the left next to the porch. They continue to grow rapidly and, in fact, were rather small “twigs” when first planted. The raised planting beds display colorful yellow mums, a sure sign of summer. The raised stone border for the planting beds is covered in lush green moss. Jon commented that he has heard from gardening experts that this creates an ideal environment for the beds. The yard is always neatly trimmed and green. The house was been freshly painted earlier this year and adds to the overall appearance of a well kept home. Stop by and sit a spell on the front porch next to the Christmas cactus.
Caldwell Lane is a treat! Our neighborhood is blessed with these Charleston style homes.
The Star of Excellence adds an attractive touch to the landscape.
Congratulations to Jon and Lewis!
Yard-of-the-Month, July, 2012
The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Joel Macht and Susan Andre of 308 O. Henry Avenue as the July 2012 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” July is a good month for Joel and Susan as they also won the “Star of Excellence” award in July, 2011. They will now join others on the retired Hall of Fame list of repeat winners. A year has certainly made no difference in the care and upkeep displayed by this couple.
It is obvious that hard work has kept this yard in great shape. Varied summer color, including potted plants and flowers along the steps and at the garage center post contribute much to the effect. Brick-lined planting beds with color are on both sides of the walk. Colorful plantings are also found on both sides of the porch. The two maples and all shrubs, including two dwarf Japanese maples, are well trimmed and mulched. Of course the Japanese maples are just a little bigger now. A crepe myrtle draws attention to the right front of the house. Blue bottle art adds a new version of the traditional bottle tree and shows what a few accessories can do to the landscape. A large potted fern adorns the perfect spot next to the bright red front door. The original owners were very proud of the rocking chairs on the porch and they got a lot of use. They are still in their spot and inviting neighbors to stop and chat!
Our beautiful neighborhood maples are growing fast and making picture taking difficult.
But, hey, the shade and attractive appearance make a perfect place for the Star of Excellence.
Congratulations to Susan and Joel!
Each month from May through October, a yard will be selected among single-family homes. If you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please call Judy McLean at 704.895.0940.
Note: Since the newsletter is now delivered every two months, the August winner will be included with the September winner in the September-October issue.
Want to Make a Landscape Change or “Punch-up” your Yard’s Appearance?
This is a frequently asked question and there is a great answer within our own neighborhood. The newsletter does not run paid advertisements, but does pass the word when residents find outstanding companies to complete work. Neighbors on Caldwell Lane, especially Mike and Nancy Kota, and neighbors on other streets such as the McLean’s on O. Henry Avenue highly recommend resident Anthony Walley (Wolfe Street) for landscaping services. His company is Landscape Solutions of North Carolina – phone number: 704.895.9530; or e-mail address:
Anthony and his company have been responsible for many of our Yard-of-the-Month winners (multiple times). Anthony’s yard itself has been a repeat winner. Drop by Wolfe Street or call Anthony to see what he can accomplish for your little piece of earth!
Please contact Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 if you have other recommendations for GREAT landscaping contractors!
Chairperson Needed – OktoberFest 2012 |
Newsletter Delivery Volunteers
A special “Thank You” is always due our delivery volunteers! Although summer is almost here and delivery becomes easier, you can make their job even easier by having your newsletter delivered by e-mail. The May-June team included: Harold & Paula Bell, Barbara Dillman, Tom & Shirley Fischer, Jo & Bob Herman, Anne Jerands, Nancy & Sherman Kahn, Eileen Mason, and Gretchen & Dave Smith. New volunteers are always welcome.
If you wish to help, call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 or e-mail at
Go Green! – Receive Your Newsletter via E-Mail!Please consider receiving the newsletter by e-mail and save on Association costs and delivery times. If interested, e-mail Dave Smith at and give your name, street address, and e-mail. Your newsletter will be delivered earlier and in color! Don’t delay. Sign-up today! |