Report from the

Council of Stewards Meeting

June 25, 2008 [Regular Meeting]

In attendance: Sam Coleman (presiding), Tom Fischer, Teresa Furlong (secretary), Lemie Richards, Dave Stout, John Williamson, and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises).

There were no homeowner issues or comments.

The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:

1.  Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Total expense for work orders in 2008 is currently at $5,835. (Total work orders – 26; Average expense per work order - $224). Monthly expense is running right at budget and below levels over the past three years.

Foreman’s Painting Company completed the 2008 project on time during the first week of June. The original bid was based on six units in Building P instead of the actual seven. Additional carpentry repair work was done on two units on the north side of Harper Lee Street. Final charges for the project totaled $44,071.80 ($548.80 or 1.3% above the amount approved in April).

Painting of all fences belonging to the Association, including the Clemens Place arbor and the Clemens Garden trellis, was also completed in June. Final costs of that project will be reported in July.

2.  Finance Committee – The financial report for month ending May 31 was reviewed. Income and expenses are looking favorable to budget for the year.

3.  Property Transition Committee – During the past month, there was one closing of property sold within the neighborhood. There are two or three other sales pending.

4.  Landscape & Grounds Committee – The 2008 contract with Norwood Creek Water Gardens of Statesville for fountain maintenance at St. Alban’s and at Clemens Place was approved. No expenses were incurred in the first quarter of the year since no maintenance was performed on the water feature at Clemens Place and the fountain on St. Alban’s Lane remained off.

Coleman Burnett Landscaping, our neighborhood landscape contractor, had requested a fuel surcharge of 3% (or higher, depending on the price of gas) be applied to their monthly contract cost. After discussions with Coleman Burnett, a compromise solution was reached and costs will not be increased for the remainder of 2008.  [See newsletter article.]

A complaint by a Caldwell resident regarding mulching of the Wind Chime Park has been received and is under review by the landscaping contractor and the COS.

5.  Architectural Review Committee – A number of requests were reviewed in June. If you wish to make changes, including landscaping modifications, please visit the website at and click on forms and documents. A copy of the Request for Architectural Approval is included.

6.  Newsletter & Website Committee – Several residents have made inquiries regarding the status of a neighborhood directory update. This is still being planned, but no progress has been made.

7.  Covenant Committee – The committee has started the process of assessing penalties for repeat parking offenders.  [See newsletter article.]

A copy of the Lease Registration Form has been mailed to all non-resident owners. The intention of the form is to gain information regarding total rentals in the neighborhood. The Covenant allows the COS to request this information and to specify minimum requirements for owners that do lease. A review of the results and a possible revision to the form will be discussed in the August COS meeting.

The Town of Davidson had been contacted regarding lack of maintenance in Town Park areas. To date, mulch was added to the children’s play area in Forest Park and pine straw was added to trees and shrubs along North Faulkner Way. The dead tree in Ashby Park has been removed. At this time the status of further work in the parks, as well as painting of fences in park areas owned by the Town of Davidson, will depend on town budget allocations in July.

The two Council of Stewards positions held by Teresa Furlong (secretary) and Sam Coleman (vice-chairman) expire as of the September Membership meeting this year. A nominating committee will be appointed to present recommended candidates for these two positions at the August COS meeting. Lemie Richards has agreed to chair this committee.

Planning is underway for the annual Membership Meeting that will be held on September 23. At the end of last year, the COS reached agreement to combine the Membership Meeting previously held in August with the Budget Ratification Meeting previously held each November into one annual meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.


NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on June 25, 2008.


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