Living in the Neighborhood

OctoberFest Party — Volunteers Needed

The big neighborhood party event for 2008 will be held the third or fourth weekend of October as OctoberFest Party in New Neighborhood. Details are not complete. Your comments and ideas are welcome. The concept is wide open. We also need to start gathering volunteers NOW. Planning for an October event will present a new set of exciting events and food ideas. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Dave Smith (704.987.1472) or any other member of the Council of Stewards.

Parking Reminders

The Covenant Committee and the Council of Stewards continues to address issues regarding parking restrictions in New Neighborhood. In general, residents have responded well to receipt of initial and follow-up letters reminding them of restrictions. However, the committee has reviewed the list of repeat offenders and final notices are being sent to those that are still out of compliance. Although there is a lengthy process that must be followed, at least one case may result in assessment of penalties.
With this in mind, the following parking issues are also important to remember:

If you have questions regarding any parking restrictions, please refer to the Canons of Conduct and other governing documents on the neighborhood website ( or contact a member of the Covenant Committee (Shannon McLean, Chairperson – 704.895.9117).

Your continued cooperation is appreciated.

Yard of the Month, July, 2008

The Landscape & Grounds Committee congratulates Judy & Ed McLean of 150 Clemens Place as the July 2008 winner of the “Yard-of-the-Month.” Note: There is an interesting footnote to the Charleston style homes in our neighborhood. Although the picture was taken from O. Henry Avenue, the McLean address is Clemens Place. The address of Charleston homes is determined by the street that the side door to the porch faces. This is due to the fact that so many Charleston homes were, by necessity, oriented that way on narrow lots.

The McLean home has been a showcase for a long time, but Judy has always kept herself out of the judging since she chairs the Landscape & Grounds Committee. However, this month her sub-committee over-ruled her guidelines and rightfully declared a winner.

Judy and Ed have put a lot of hard work into planting the area outside the fence with lilies, daisies, and seasonal color and shrubbery. This area is also well mulched and trimmed. The white picket fence is a highlight in itself, but it does require a lot of time to maintain, especially with the plants. The trees add warmth to the yard. Even the flower wreath on the lower front door presents color. It all seems to fit this gorgeous Charleston style home.

The yard, side and rear, is beautifully landscaped. There is a natural wood arbor in the rear, introducing a terraced garden with stone walls. Neighbors may be interested to know that Judy and Ed contracted Anthony Walley (Landscape Solutions) to plan and landscape most of the yard area inside the fence, including a redo of the irrigation system. Anthony is a resident of our neighborhood on Wolfe Street. Several other neighbors have had excellent experience with his work.

Each month from May through October, a yard will be selected among single-family homes. The criteria for selection are established by the Selection Committee. If you have questions or suggestions regarding this plan, please call Judy McLean at 704.895.0940.

McLean house

It is always difficult to capture a single view of this home that says it all. This photo cannot begin to show the wonderful landscaping without an aerial view. Take some time to drive by on O. Henry Avenue or Clemens Place; or, if you are walking your dog, it is next to the Dog Park.
Congratulations to the McLean Family!

Newsletter Delivery Volunteers

Thanks go to all of our delivery volunteers! Our June team (in the early summer heat!) included Barbara Dillman, Barbara & Tom Doster, Tom Fischer, Sherman & Nancy Kahn, Norman Richards, Dave Smith, Norma Stewart, and John & Marcia Williamson.

If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472
(e-mail at

Landscaping Changes

With mounting fuel prices, businesses that depend on large vehicle fleets and gas powered equipment are truly feeling the pinch. Coleman Burnett Landscaping had requested the addition of a fuel surcharge based on gas pricing. Although the Association recognizes the problem and the impact on business, it did not desire to see a 3% or 4% increase to the largest contract within the neighborhood. After discussions with Coleman Burnett, a compromise solution was reached. From July until September (and possibly in December), the landscaping crew will skip service approximately every other week. As the heat takes hold of grass during these months, growth slows considerably and the lawns do not need to be mowed every week. It is the expectation by both the Association and the landscaping contractor that residents will not see a reduction in service outcome. Special needs will not be affected and the continuation of landscaping upgrades on Twain Avenue will be completed in the fall as planned.

It is hoped that residents will appreciate this cost saving effort and exercise patience through the summer months. Coleman Burnett Landscaping has been a good partner with the Association for several years and the benefit of not increasing prices will be advantageous to both parties. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
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