Report fromCouncil of Stewards MeetingJune 28, 2006 [Regular Meeting]In attendance: Tom Fischer, Norm Reid, David Smith, Dave Stout, and Sam Coleman, and Vera Victorino (Abbott Enterprises). The Council of Stewards (COS) discussed these issues and took the following actions:
1. Finance Committee – Financial statements for period ending May 31, 2006 were available. Although the irrigation system was activated early this year, it was noted that utility bills (water) to the City of Charlotte appear to be high. Dave Smith, COS representative to Landscape & Grounds Committee, agreed to investigate and make a report at the next regular meeting. Norm Reid questioned the management charge for several maintenance items. Abbott does charge for project oversight. Vera agreed to follow-up with the contract provisions and report to the COS. The Aging Report Summary (report of overdue assessments) was reviewed and Abbott was requested to present account details on the four highest accounts. Interest rates on Peer and Common accounts appear to be different. Abbott has been authorized to investigate and seek maximum yields. The Cunnane account initially set-up to pay for pressure washing will be closed since the project is complete. The current balance is only $7.08. Abbott was requested to research all accounts listed under Association assets in order to better provide an accounting of funds each month. All monies are listed, but individual amounts are difficult to reconcile. A motion to increase insurance deductible limits from $1000 per occurrence to $2500 per occurrence was passed. This will save $1700 per year on policy cost and was recommended by the insurance carrier based on our positive experience. Abbott was requested to check on coverage for storms and other events likely to cause damage to multiple units. It is expected that damage from such an event is treated as a single occurrence. 2. Property Transition Committee – Abbott stated that, in addition to efforts by Steve Baker and this committee, it also hand-delivers a letter to all new residents. This has eliminated many of the problems associated with transition and collection of fees. 3. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – The painting project of townhomes on South Faulkner Way, including touch-up to all porches and casita stairways to units on North Faulkner Way, Harper Lee Street, and O. Henry Avenue is complete. Painting of the white picket fence along Wolfe Street at the Grey Road entrance has been completed at a cost of $2000 (General Reserves Common). Foreman’s Painting was requested to furnish a bid to paint all power panels (total of eleven) throughout the neighborhood. The COS approved a motion to accept the bid of $75 for each panel (common expense). Action regarding replacement of front door hardware (kickplates and lock-sets) was tabled and will be covered under unfinished business at the next regular COS meeting. Action regarding definition of responsibility for maintenance of powered attic ventilators and wind turbine ventilators was tabled until the August meeting. The COS expressed a feeling that this item should likely be covered by Townhome Peer Group expense. 4. Landscape & Grounds Committee – The dead tree in the common area on O. Henry Avenue has been removed. Contemporary Landscapes has been requested to review and provide quotes as appropriate for the following items: irrigation in Town Park areas; area near end of Clemens Square and O. Henry Avenue (stays wet); dead tree on Fairview Lane at Ashby Park; trimming of dead and low-hanging branches on street trees in front of single-family homes; trimming of tree blocking the STOP sign on the north side of Wolfe/O. Henry/Conroy intersection. Children playing in the Clemens Square water feature have become a serious problem and are adding to Association expense for replacement of plants and fish. This activity has been observed on several occasions during June. A newsletter article will again make an appeal for help from parents. If this issue is not resolved, the water feature will be discontinued. [See newsletter article on page 6.] Norwood Creek Water Gardens has been asked to submit a list of repair and replacement costs for the St. Albans Square fountain. Following discussion with Mecklenburg County officials regarding the status and upkeep of the “wetland” area at the corner of O. Henry Avenue and North Faulkner Way, the conclusion is that no action is appropriate or required at this time. Vera Victorino (Abbott) agreed to report any lawns that need attention as part of her monthly neighborhood tour. The Landscape & Grounds Committee and the Covenant Committee will then evaluate and take further action, if required. [See newsletter article on page 7.] 5. Architectural Review Committee – Approval has been granted for relocation of three A/C units. Approval was granted for installation of one set of solar tube lights. A guideline for use of basketball hoops on individual property has been drafted and reviewed by the COS. Several changes and additions have been suggested. The final approval of this document will be on the agenda for the August COS meeting. If approved at that time, the September newsletter will include the policy. In the interim, neighbors are asked to be considerate of others at all times. 6. Newsletter & Website Committee – No report. 7. Covenant Committee – Shannon McLean has agreed to chair this committee. Sam Coleman, recently appointed member of the Council of Stewards, will be the representative from that body. Kathy Cox will continue as an active member. At least two other members are needed. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sam Coleman at 704.896.8177. The first order of business for the committee will be review and approval of the Governing Document for Enforcement Policies and Procedures. This document was reviewed and revised by the Association’s attorney during the last month. Final approval by the COS is expected at the regular August meeting. Parking enforcement was discussed. Flyers will be distributed on vehicles parked on the streets at night sometime during the next month. This will be a first step toward enforcement of Covenant requirements. [See newsletter article on pages 6 & 7.]
The Council of Stewards wishes to congratulate and welcome our new members. We also want to pay special recognition and extend our thanks to both Bob Ashton and Steve Baker for their service. These two men will be greatly missed by the Association. We wish them all the best in their new endeavors. The COS adjourned into Executive Session to discuss plans for the annual Membership Meeting scheduled for 7:00 p.m., August 8, at St. Alban’s Church. Election of members to two expired terms on the Council of Stewards will be held at that time. Time to address member issues will be allocated. NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church library (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents. The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on August 23, 2006. |