St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

December Newsletter
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Neighborhood Social Events

Neighborhood Dinner Out, Wednesday, November 2

The Neighborhood Dinner Out at Kudzu Restaurant was a huge success with over 50 neighbors participating. Patti and Ron Mercer did an excellent job in organizing the dinner and great food and fun was had by all present.

Here are some fun pictures from the evening. You may notice that the main course is not shown in any of these photos. You had to attend to see food that good!

This looks elegant! Where’s the food?
(l-r: Ron & Patti Mercer, Marta & Dan MacCallum, and Sylvia & Harold Whitt.)

I see appetizers and drinks. We must be getting closer to the food!
(l-r: Helen Patil, Paula Bell, and Lovenia Summerville.

The food is about to be served! That must be the reason for the big smiles.
(l-r: Phyllis Twitty, Bonne McCoy (Bill is around somewhere!),
Christine & Gary Davis, and Anne Jerands)

More fun! The food was great! We’re just waiting for the bill to arrive (. . . small details).
(l-r: Mary Ann & Nick Macos and Gretchen & Dave Smith)

If you missed making reservations early this time, please look for the newsletter announcement of the next dinner event. Plans are underway for a spring neighborhood dinner on a charter cruise (“party”) boat on Lake Norman. This will also be a dining experience you do not want to miss! Details will be included in the newsletter as plans are finalized.

Again, we owe Patti and Ron Mercer many thanks for a wonderful evening! Patti has also been kind enough to send a personal photo to everyone that appeared in a picture that night. She has even printed hard copies for those without e-mail access.

Neighborhood Discussion Group

The Neighborhood Discussion Group will not meet in December. Due to personal commitments and schedules, Arvind Patil has stepped down as an organizer of this activity. The neighborhood owes a great deal of thanks to Arvind for his work over the past several years in helping to secure many great programs.

Thank you, Arvind, for a job well done!

Sherman Kahn is evaluating the future of the Discussion Group and will keep us posted in future newsletters. He would welcome volunteers to help keep this activity alive. If you wish to volunteer or have program suggestions, please contact Sherman Kahn at 704.655.8965 (

All Neighbors Welcome

Every Morning (7:00 a.m.) – The Board Walkers meet at the corner of Twain Avenue and the intersection of Mary Jane McConnell and Miriam G. Tuttle Byways to begin their 50 to 60 minute walk around the area. If you would like more information, please call Bonne McCoy at 704-987-1877.


Have you ever wanted to learn to play Mah Jong?

Joyce Feir, one of our new neighbors on Wolfe Street, would like to teach the game to any and all who are interested, so that, hopefully, a group can be started. It is a fun game, not too complicated, and popular in many places. However, it does differ from the internet game. For further information, please call Joyce at 704.892.8985 (e-mail at


December 7 (Wednesday) – New Da Daytimers Book Club will hold its annual holiday brunch at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Kathy Cox (228 South Faulkner Way). The brunch will be hosted by Kathy Cox and Paula Bell. This month’s book is The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency by McCall Smith. Please RSVP at 704.895.0325 by December 2. For information about the Book Club, please call Kathy Cox at 704.895.0325.

The Women’s Wednesday Bridge Club will not meet in December. The regular schedule will resume on January 18 at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Helene Brown, 231 Twain Avenue. Contact Jean Gilcrest (704.895.0839) for information about the Bridge Club.

Women’s Group Breakfast – Due to the Christmas holidays, the neighborhood women will not meet for breakfast in December. The activity will continue in 2006 on the third Monday of each month. If you have questions about the Women’s Group Breakfast, please call Patti Mercer at 704.894.9411. We look forward to seeing more new faces in January.

The New Da Women’s Group needs a volunteer! Luann Christine (704.987.1527) and Pat Stenhouse (704.895.1900) did an excellent job of planning activities for this group for a couple of years and are now looking for someone who is willing to take over the organization. This was a popular neighborhood activity and we would like to continue regular events. Please give Luann or Pat a call if you are interested.


December 8 (Thursday) – Men’s Group Breakfast – The neighborhood men will meet again at the Cookhouse Restaurant (Shoppes on the Green complex, exit 28 in Cornelius) at 7:30 a.m. The group will continue to meet the second Thursday of every month. Attendance has grown and the restaurant has requested that we give them an estimate of the number in advance. Please contact Bill McCoy if you plan to attend or if you have questions or suggestions about the breakfast (704.987.1877).