St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

December Newsletter
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Living in the Neighborhood

In the Know in Our Neighborhood: Insurance for Townhome Owners

If you are new to townhome living in New Neighborhood, you may be paying too much for insurance. It has come to light that townhome owners pay anywhere from $150 to $600 in annual premiums and may be over-insured for their personal insurance. As you may know, the Neighborhood Association purchases the casualty insurance for each townhome building. This is paid through the Townhome Peer Group assessment. Although townhomes are deeded fee simple, including the land underneath the unit, the insurance covering the entire building is usually described as a Condominium policy. Townhome owners should purchase an HO-06 policy to cover personal liability and contents. Townhome owners may want to shop around. If there are further questions or you feel you may be over-insured, please contact Abbott Enterprises to obtain a copy of the report prepared in 2003 by the insurance consultant hired by the Neighborhood Association.

Please also be aware that the Neighborhood Association budget includes termite insurance to cover termite damage up to $100,000. Further insurance is probably not needed unless townhome owners wish to purchase interior or perimeter pest control policies.

In the Know in Our Neighborhood” is a new section that will continue to be a regular feature in the newsletter and is intended to provide important, useful, or interesting information that might not be known by all neighbors. It is intended to be positive and helpful, often humorous, and always short and to the point. It may appear on the front page or at other points in the newsletter depending on subject matter. Since this is a new addition to your newsletter, I am interested in input and suggestions. I also need topics (nothing heavy) that you feel appropriate. If you have some ideas, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472 or e-mail at

Bank Draft Error - November Assessments

Owners and residents having their monthly assessments paid by bank draft would have noticed that their dues were drafted twice in early November. However, credit was made to each of these accounts and the error corrected by November 14. Since different banks send out monthly statements at different times, your account may reflect the overdraft on the November statement, but fail to show the credit if closed prior to November 14. The credit should appear on any statements closed after November 14. Please notify Abbott Enterprises if this has not been corrected.

This was not an error by Abbott Enterprises, but rather one made by the bank. Abbott notified all affected residents at the time the error was discovered and apologizes for any inconvenience or confusion.

Neighborhood Streets – Update

On November 1, a final inspection occurred and on November 9, the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Davidson accepted maintenance of the streets and byways in New Neighborhood, subject to a one-year warranty by the developer.

As a result, the Town will take over financial responsibility for street lights. Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools will reassess its bus routes and stops and will notify parents when changes occur.

Newsletter Delivery Volunteers

Many thanks are due our newsletter delivery volunteers each month. The November newsletter was delivered by Tom & Barbara Doster, Norm Reid, Dave Smith, John & Marcia Williamson, and Chuck Womack.

If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.897.1472 (e-mail at davidbsmith

Increase in 2006 Neighborhood Assessments

Residents and owners attending the November 15 Membership Meeting for budget ratification are already aware that due to increased budget costs, the Association dues will be increasing effective January 1, 2006. The Common Area budget will require an increase of $6.00 per month ($72.00 per year). For townhome owners there is an additional increase of $2.00 per month to balance the operations budget for 2006. Therefore, townhome owners will see a total increase of $8.00 per month, regardless of type of unit. Single family homes will see an increase of $36.00 in each of their semi-annual payments.

There is no budget increase planned for the Townhome Peer Group Reserves as the reserve study conducted this year by an outside consulting firm indicates that the Association is fully funded at this time. Another reserve study is planned in four or five years to again verify that we continue to be fully funded in this area.

A brief explanation of these costs and a copy of the budget were included with the letter submitted by Tom Fischer, President, in the mail-out by Abbott Enterprises to each owner prior to the Membership Meeting in November. Please review the Report of that Membership Meeting on pages 7 and 8 of this newsletter for additional information regarding the budget and answers to questions asked at the meeting.

Abbott Enterprises has already ordered new coupon books for owners making payment by mail each month. These are expected to be mailed to residents on or close to December 15. Residents paying by bank draft will need to do nothing. The amount will be adjusted to cover the difference between 2005 and 2006.

It is important for owners and residents to understand that the assessment increases are due starting January 1. Failure to receive a new coupon book on time will not exempt anyone from payment of the increased amount. Please contact Abbott immediately if your account is in error or does not reflect the 2006 increase.

Homeowner Comments/Questions at Council of Stewards Meetings

Based on the last couple of regular COS meetings, there still seems to be some confusion regarding how homeowners should bring comments and questions before the Council. The Council of Stewards wants to encourage homeowner attendance or participation at regular meetings. However, as these meetings may often extend for several hours, the following procedure was developed to help streamline the process and better address concerns in an appropriate and timely manner.

  • The section of the meeting reserved for “Homeowner Comments” will follow the “Approval of the Minutes” on the agenda.
  • Any homeowner wishing to speak at the regularly scheduled COS meeting is required to submit in writing (hard copy or e-mail) a summary of the question or comment at least one week in advance of the meeting. This summary may be delivered to any COS member. [The time period will allow for the Council to gather necessary materials and be prepared at the meeting for a proper response.]

NOTE: The summary may be brief (one or two sentences), but must convey the subject of the comment or concern and must also be detailed enough to allow COS members to understand the issue if a response and actions are expected in a timely manner.

  • The requirement for advance written notice applies to regular COS meetings (every other month) and may be waived for special meetings of the homeowners (i.e.: August and November) or for special meetings called for specific issues or a single purpose.

This procedure does not preclude owners and residents from discussing concerns and questions with any council member at any time. A council member may decide to add such issues to the agenda under “New Business” or may choose to refer the concern or question to one of the committees for review and action. All neighborhood committees have at least one representative from the COS as an active member. The Council of Stewards greatly appreciates your cooperation in following this process.

Townhome Pressure Washing

The long awaited pressure washing, of the seventeen town home buildings not included in our earlier painting project, finally began in late-November. The washing is being done by Foreman’s Painting Company, the same contracting company that did the washing and painting this past summer for townhomes on St. Alban’s Lane, Caldwell Lane, and Twain Avenue. The pressure washing is intended to get rid of the dust and dirt that resulted from the construction over the last few years, and will also include a mildew cleaning to get rid of the mildew and, hopefully, provide a deterrent to future mildew growth. The pressure washing will be done only on the exteriors of the buildings, excluding the interior courtyards. However, due primarily to the interference with the holiday decorations on front porches and windows, we have decided to postpone any further pressure washing until after the first of 2006. Those affected will be notified prior to the resumption of this project.

It should be noted that this work is being financed "as a courtesy" of The Cunnane Group, specifically Mr. Lance Cunnane.

Holiday Season Security Tips

If you plan on traveling over the holidays, there are several things you and your neighbors can do to ensure the security and safety of your home and property while you are away:

  • Ask neighbors to keep an eye on your residence.
  • Lock all doors, windows and screens.
  • Consider asking a neighbor to park a vehicle in your driveway during your absence.
  • Do not stop newspaper delivery. Have a neighbor collect it for you.
  • Put lights and radios on timers.
  • Leave a phone number with a neighbor where you can be reached in case of an emergency.
  • If you have an alarm, use it.
  • Keep a close eye on strangers in the neighborhood.
  • Report unauthorized door-to-door solicitation to the Police Department.
  • Have a safe and happy holiday!