St. Albans Square Neighborhood Associationfountain

August Newsletter
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Report from

Council of Stewards Meeting

July 26, 2006 [Special Planning Meeting]

In attendance: Tom Fischer, David Smith, Steve Baker, Teresa Furlong, Sherman Kahn, Sam Coleman, and Donna Howell (Recording Secretary).

The Council of Stewards (COS) met in special session to plan for the upcoming Membership Meeting to be held on Tuesday, August 8, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Albans Church. Registration will begin at 6:30. An annual report will be presented by each committee chairperson. Time will be allotted for new business and will be conducted as an open forum, with discussion limited to five minutes per homeowner.

The primary order of business will be election of two new members to the Council of Stewards. The positions that are open this year are currently held by: Tom Fischer, current Association president, (This was originally a two-year term that expires this year.) and David Smith, who was appointed in 2005 to complete the remainder of a two-year term formerly held by Helen Patil. At this time, the 2005-06 Nominating Committee has two names for the ballot. These members are Tom Fischer and David Smith, who have both agreed to serve the Association for an additional term.

All homeowners were mailed a notice of this meeting, including proxy form, on Wednesday, July 26. It is important that as many Association members as possible attend this meeting since our by-laws require at least a quorum of 25% of all Class “A” members (owners) to be present (in person or by proxy) in order to conduct official business. If you cannot attend, please return your signed proxy statement to Abbott Enterprises or a Council of Stewards member as soon as possible. If you have additional nominees for the open positions on the Council of Stewards, the proxy statements must be forwarded prior to noon on Friday, August 4, in order to be entered on the ballot. If you are not placing another nomination on the ballot, proxy statements may be brought to the meeting by an attending neighbor.

No further business was discussed.

Welcome New Council of Stewards Members

At the regular June meeting, two vacancies on the Council of Stewards were filled by appointment as covered by Association covenants and by-laws. Sam Coleman was appointed as replacement for Bob Ashton. This appointment was effective at the June regular meeting and fills a term to expire in 2008. Teresa Furlong replaces Steve Baker, who left at the end of July. This term will also expire in 2008.

Sam Coleman (219 North Faulkner Way)

Sam has been a resident of New Neighborhood for 3½ years, but has lived in the Lake Norman area for over 15 years. He has two grown children, a daughter in the Cornelius area and a son in the Columbia, SC area. His interests include reading and just about any outdoor activity, including sailing, cycling and golf. Sam has agreed to serve as COS representative to the Covenant Committee.

Teresa Furlong (229 O. Henry Avenue)

Teresa and her husband have lived in New Neighborhood for almost two years. Brian received a job transfer to Davidson from Chicago, but the two both originally grew up in Iowa. The Furlong’s have a son who will be starting the first grade at Davidson Elementary in the fall. Teresa’s name may be familiar to many since she and Brian just recently acted as co-chairpersons for SPINN 2006. Teresa has agreed to chair the Property Transition Committee.

Please welcome both Sam and Teresa as capable and devoted servants to our community. Thank You!

NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church library (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents. The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on August 23, 2006.