Committee Members Needed
The Council of Stewards relies heavily on the work of individual
committees to handle much of the needs and issues of New Neighborhood.
All committees can use new members and several are in need of new
blood NOW!
Workplace & Townhome Building Maintenance Committee
Hank Howell
COS Representative: To be named
This committee has recently lost two members and needs to fill
those slots as soon as possible. The function of this group is to
oversee maintenance needs of both the workplace and townhome units.
Members review bids and monitor expenses. For example, the painting
projects over the last two years have been a function of this committee.
If interested, please contact Hank Howell by e-mail (
or by phone (704.987.0363). No prior experience necessary!
Covenant Committee
Chairperson: Shannon McLean
COS Representative: Sam Coleman
The Covenant Committee has been quiet most of the year due to review
by legal counsel of documents drafted last year. At this point, these
documents are ready and the committee is trying to regroup. Currently,
there are only three active members and at least three additional
members are needed. Residents throughout the neighborhood are aware
of the need to clarify and enforce existing covenants and by-laws.
2006-2007 is expected to be a busy year for this group. Please contact
Shannon McLean by e-mail (
or by phone (704.895.9117). No experience necessary, but be prepared
to work!
Landscape & Grounds Committee
Chairperson: Donna Howell
COS Representative: Dave Smith
This committee recently lost Shannon McLean, who has agreed to
chair the Covenant Committee. This committee could use two or three
new members. The purpose of the Landscape & Grounds committee
is oversight of common areas throughout the neighborhood and stewardship
of expenses associated with various contracts needed to maintain
our neighborhood appearance. This committee also works closely with
the Architectural Review Committee regarding resident requests for
landscaping changes and additions. If anyone is interested, contact
Donna Howell by phone (704.987.0363) or e-mail (
Again, no experience necessary!
Property Transition Committee
Chairperson & COS Representative:
Teresa Furlong
This committee was just formed this year to help smooth out problems
encountered with communications when units are sold and new residents
move into New Neighborhood. As evident by the numerous “For
Sale” signs throughout the neighborhood, this task is never-ending
and much needed. Steve Baker had been doing this work prior to his
job transfer. Teresa will need help on this committee. Please contact
her by phone (704.896.6059) or e-mail (
No experience necessary, but be prepared to meet your new neighbors!
Newsletter & Website Committee
Editor & Publisher: Dave Smith
Webmaster: Steve Lee
COS Representative: Sherman Kahn
Writers and computer web gurus are always needed. Input from all
residents in New Neighborhood is a positive asset. If anyone is interested
in becoming editor of the newsletter, please step forward. The current
editor does have a limited lifespan!
Architectural Review Committee
Chairperson: Luann Christine
COS Representative: Dave Stout
This is an active committee that meets once each month and even
frequently reviews issues between meetings. The primary responsibility
of this group is oversight and approval of building and landscape
changes throughout the neighborhood. The committee also establishes
standards and guidelines, as needed. If interested in joining this
committee, contact Luann by e-mail (
or by phone (704.987.1527).
Finance Committee
Chairperson & Treasurer: Norm Reid
The Association president and the chairperson of The Workplace
and Townhome Building Maintenance Committee are automatic members
of this group. One or two new members would be welcome. Experience
with financial statements and budgets is helpful!
Obviously, there is room for many of our residents to participate
in keeping New Neighborhood a beautiful and enjoyable place to
live. At the Membership Meeting on Tuesday evening, August 8, sign-up
sheets will be available for anyone interested in being on one
of these committees. If you cannot attend, please contact individuals
listed above. Become involved NOW!
Newsletter Delivery Volunteers
Many thanks are due our newsletter delivery volunteers. The July
volunteers included Adria & Woody Appleby & Brandon Burrows,
Tom Fischer, Sherman Kahn, Nick Macos, Norm Reid, and Dave Smith.
If you wish to volunteer, please call Dave Smith at 704.987.1472
(e-mail at davidbsmith
Assessment Collection –
Improving, but Still an Issue
The Association relies on the collection of assessments (or dues)
as a means of meeting operations expenses and of maintaining adequate
reserve funds for neighborhood maintenance. Problems that were experienced
by some homeowners within the past year have improved and the number
of delinquent accounts has decreased. However, there still appears
to be some confusion regarding penalties applied for late payments.
The Council of Stewards has requested Abbott to take action according
to the Assessment Policy as revised in early 2006. This policy was
published in the March 2006 newsletter and can be found on the neighborhood
website by clicking on “Documents / Forms” and then on “Collection
Policy.” The March article provided a good summary of the penalty
fees and can also be found in back issues listed on the website.
To emphasize this policy again, please note the following:
- Fees for single-family homeowners are due semi-annually (January
1 and July 1).
- Fees for Peer Group (or townhome) owners are due on the first
day of each month.
- Late fees and possible additional charges begin when the payment
becomes 30 days overdue.
- All costs, including legal fees, incurred as the result of filing
a lien or foreclosure are the responsibility of the homeowner.
These expenses can become substantial.
- [important] Failure of the Council to fix assessment amounts
or rates or to deliver or mail each owner an assessment notice
shall not be deemed a waiver, modification, or release of any owner
from the obligation to pay assessments.
- Although the Council of Stewards can agree to waiver penalties
under unusual circumstances, this is rarely done. Payment plans
will be permitted only in cases of hardship, such as loss of employment,
or if otherwise permitted by the Council, who will review all requests
for such plans.
- All owners (and residents) are encouraged to read applicable
sections of the Covenant and to pay particular attention to the
Assessment Penalty Policy. If an owner does not make payment within
30 days of the due date, penalties WILL be applied.
If you have questions regarding your account, please contact Abbott
Enterprises immediately. Please be sure that the mailing address
for your account is to the Post Office box and not to the street
address. It might also be important to note that the COS is unaware
of payment problems occurring on any account that is paid by monthly
bank draft. If you do not already utilize this method of payment,
please consider this trouble-free approach to payment of assessments. |