St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

April Newsletter
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Neighborhood Social Events

Neighborhood Discussion Group

April 14 (Thursday) – The Neighborhood Discussion Group will meet in the lower level of St Alban’s Church, beginning at 7:00 p.m. The speaker this month will be Dr. Shaw Smith. Dr. Smith is an Art Historian and is Director of Belk Arts Center at Davidson College. He specializes in French arts and travels to various French and European arts centers every summer on behalf of Davidson College.
Dr. Smith has been associated with the Charlotte Panthers football team from the very inception of the team. His presentation will be about the Panthers and what we can expect from them in the coming 2005-2006 season.
This will likely be a good meeting for all neighbors, including any upcoming NBA kids that are big Panther fans.

Note: The Neighborhood Discussion Group continues to provide quality programs of interest and benefit to all residents of New Neighborhood in Old Davidson. All neighbors are welcome and encouraged to attend. Some programs are also of interest to children in our neighborhood. The discussions have, on occasion, been attended by community guests and leaders. Arvind Patil and Sherman Kahn have done an outstanding job in helping to arrange and organize these programs. We definitely want to see attendance and interest in this activity grow.
If you have ideas about events or activities you would like to see the Neighborhood pursue, please let your wishes be known. Please contact Arvind Patil at 704.892.9608 (e-mail at or Sherman Kahn at 704.655.8965 (e-mail at

Attendance was good for the March program presented by D. Ivan Brown of the Town of Davidson Police Department. Officer Brown and his family live in our neighborhood on Harper Lee Street. His presentation included an update on the break-ins in McConnell and useful information regarding the security of our neighborhood. Ivan was kind enough to provide us with a copy of his presentation which can be inserted as appropriate in future newsletters.
Mr. Brown also discussed the organization of the Davidson Police Department and the introduction of Davidson’s new initiative, Community Action Teams (CAT). An article expanding this program is covered in the “Living in the Neighborhood” section of this newsletter.

All Neighbors Welcome

Every Morning (7:00 a.m.) – The Board Walkers meet at the corner of Twain Avenue and the intersection of Mary Jane McConnell and Miriam G. Tuttle Byways to begin their 50 to 60 minute walk around the area. If you would like more information, please call Bonne McCoy at 704-987-1877.

Plans are underway for another Neighbor’s Night Out in May. Details will be included in the next newsletter.


April 20 (Wednesday) – New Da Daytimers Book Club will meet at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Erna Brandenburg, 133 Harper Lee Street. This month’s book is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Please call Erna with regrets only at 704.892.0194. For further information about the Book Club, please call Kathy Cox at 704.895.0325.

April 20 (Wednesday) – The Women’s Wednesday Bridge Club will meet at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Ellen Dellinger, 134 O. Henry Avenue. If you plan to play, please call Ellen at 704.895.1256.

The New Da Women’s Group: For information about April and possible future activities, call Luann Christine at 704.987.1527 or Pat Stenhouse at 704.895.1900.


April 21 (Thursday) – Men’s Group Breakfast will meet again at the Cookhouse Restaurant (Shoppes on the Green complex, exit 28 in Cornelius) at 7:30 a.m. This activity continues every other month on the third Thursday and alternates every other month with the Men’s Dinner Out. Please contact Bill McCoy if you have questions or suggestions about the breakfast (704.987.1877).

The Men’s Dinner Group was small on St. Patrick’s Day at Brick House Tavern, but the food and conversation was good. This group will meet next on Thursday, May 19, with the time and dinner location to be announced in the May newsletter. If you have questions, please call Ron Mercer at 704.894.9411 or e-mail at