St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

April Newsletter
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Town of Davidson Project Shelter
for Tsunami Survivors

The Town of Davidson continues Project Shelter to raise money to buy tents for survivors of the South Asian tsunami. Davidson’s citizens have a long history of community involvement and reaching out to those who need assistance. Cash and tax deductible checks (made out to Town of Davidson – Tsunami Relief) will be collected at Town Hall, at various retailers throughout town, and at the Parks & Recreation offices at 452 South Main Street.

All money raised will go to AmeriCares. They will purchase tents for Sri Lanken families. Their need is for shelters for 200,000 to 250,000 people and they have requested 50,000 tents to be used until permanent housing is constructed. There is now a Tent-o-Meter on the Village Green. To date, the town has raised enough money to purchase 50 tents of the 250 tent goal. Each tent costs $175. Please consider donating enough for at least one tent. This is a perfect opportunity for the Town of Davidson and our neighborhood to make a difference.

One of our neighbors, Jon Guttman, is a member of the steering committee and will be involved in community outreach and contact. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Jon at 704.892.1923 or the Town of Davidson at 704.892.7591 (ext. 230) or through the web site at