Report from the
Council of Stewards Meeting
August 26, 2009 [Regular Meeting]
In attendance: John Williamson (presiding), Tom Fischer, Steve Kessler,
Nancy Lingle, Lemie Richards, Dave Smith, Dave Stout, Vera Victorino
(Abbott Enterprises), and Jack Christine (Recording Secretary).
Several homeowners had voiced concerns and asked questions through COS members.
A townhome resident expressed concern over a recent incident where a reserved
parking pad had a car parked illegally for a number of days. Better marking of
the reserved pads was proposed. [See New Business discussion on page
The issue of installing mailboxes in the neighborhood resurfaced. The COS has consistently taken the stand that our neighborhood is not well suited to individual mailboxes due to the congested setting and small size of lots. It is not practical for townhomes to have individual boxes. The neighborhood Covenant prohibits mailboxes and the Town of Davidson Post Office has stated that they will not allow mailboxes in our development.
Finally, a homeowner on Fairview Lane has expressed concern over child safety and traffic safety. As this issue has been previously presented, the COS has agreed to seek help from the Davidson Police Department. [See newsletter article on page 6.]
The Council of Stewards (COS) also discussed these issues and took the following actions:
- Committee reports were presented as follows:
1. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – The 2009 painting project has been completed and all punch list items from the final walk-through have been addressed. Final cost for the Phase V project was $34,800.
A draft of the 2009 Reserve Study was submitted to the Association in early-August. Corrections were required to starting fund balances. There are also a number of corrections to the assumptions used and to the components included. This will be discussed with the committee and a final draft is expected to be available in September.
Repairs to rotting stair posts in front of townhomes on O. Henry Avenue are underway and should be completed by the end of August. All stair posts will be replaced. Cost of the project was estimated at $3,895. [See newsletter article on page 6.]
A meeting will be scheduled to discuss a proposed amendment to Exhibit E of the Covenant to clarify specific work covered in the Peer Group Maintenance Levels and resolve a request for waterproofing repairs on three townhome units on Caldwell Lane.
2. Finance Committee – The financial reports for July 2009 were reviewed. Expenses are running positive to budget in both Peer and Common.
The proposed 2010 budget was reviewed. Issues discussed will be included in preparation of a final version that will be approved by the COS and presented to neighborhood owners at the Membership Meeting on September 22.
A second meeting was held in Charlotte with Abbott Enterprises management on August 5. Tom Fischer and Dave Smith represented the Association. The meeting was held to resolve several maintenance issues and to fine tune problems associated with the new accounting software that was discussed in the June meeting. Good progress has been made.
3. Property Transition Committee – Nancy Lingle has requested that Abbott provide a form expressing Association needs and information to the buyer’s agent or attorney at closing.
4. Landscape & Grounds Committee – The landscaping contractor has completed work to resolve erosion problems where Cloyd S. Goodrum Byway intersects Miriam G. Tuttle Byway behind South Faulkner Way and at the base of St. Alban’s Church property. The sink hole at the bend of Marler S. Tuttle Sr. Byway has also been filled.
Funds ($100) were approved to upgrade Christmas decorations for New Neighborhood. Judy McLean will take care of this work.
The committee met with Coleman in June to discuss estimates for upcoming
work. Completion of landscaping upgrades to remaining townhomes on
Twain Avenue is expected to be addressed in late-fall.
Irrigation systems will be adjusted from twice weekly to once per
week as the weather gets cooler.
5. Architectural Review Committee – Two requests for home expansions were reviewed and put on hold pending additional information. At least one new member is needed on the committee.
6. Newsletter & Website Committee – Newsletter costs are running below budget. Plans for 2010 include nine, possibly ten, newsletters.
7. Covenant Committee – New members are still needed on the committee. A walk-around of the neighborhood was conducted to observe problems and compliance issues. Letters to homeowners in violation are expected to be mailed prior to the September Membership meeting.
- Management Report – The Aging Report was reviewed.
A resolution regarding “Capital Improvement Payments Release” was reviewed and approved by the COS:
Any capital improvement invoice received by the Management Company which exceeds $1,500 must have two authorized signatures before it is released for a payment; specifically, the invoice must be signed by the Chair of the Building Maintenance Committee and one of the authorized and above-referenced Officers.
A resolution regarding “Maintenance due to Negligence or Misconduct of an Owner” was reviewed and approved by the COS:
Unit owners at St. Alban’s Square will be held responsible for any damage where they are deemed negligently responsible for such damage. This includes, but is not limited to, damage by children and pets. The following scenarios are generic examples and should not be accepted as an exhaustive list. The Council of Stewards reserves the right for a final determination regarding the assessment of a Specific Assessment as outlined in the Association’s Covenant.
The Association strongly urges each Unit Owner to purchase a Condominium Unit Owner’s Policy, Homeowners form HO-6, to provide coverage for the personal property, including the parts of the building deemed to be part of the Unit, and personal liability coverage. The personal liability coverage included under this policy could respond to damages a Unit Owner is required to pay to the Association due to negligence.
Examples of claims that could occur and that may be covered under a Units Owner’s personal homeowner’s policy (due to being deemed negligent from the Association’s point of view) include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Unit Owner’s dog chews the siding on a building, resulting in expense to the Association for replacement of part of the siding.
- Unit Owner’s young child draws on the side of a building, discoloring the siding and resulting in expense to the Association for repairs.
- An umbrella on a Unit Owner’s patio that has not been properly secured blows into the building, damaging the siding.
Note: If you have questions regarding either of these resolutions, please contact a member of the COS.
- Unfinished Business - Two COS member terms expire in August 2009 (Tom Fischer and Dave Smith). Tom Fischer has agreed to serve another term if elected. The nominating committee (Nancy Lingle & Dave Smith) have recommended Jill Stierli (214 O. Henry Avenue) to fill the second seat. [See Candidate Profiles on page 7 of this newsletter.]
Melissa Graham has agreed to coordinate activities for the 2009
OktoberFest in New Neighborhood. [See newsletter article
on page 4.]
Plans for the upcoming Membership & Budget Approval Meeting on
September 22 were discussed.
- New Business – In response to a townhome owner’s concern regarding illegal parking in reserved parking pads, the COS has agreed to pursue remarking of all pads. Current markings are at the rear of reserved spaces and have become faded.
St. Alban’s Church now charges a fee for use of the facilities. Since the Association has historically made a $500 donation to the church each year as thanks for use of the facilities, it is expected that these charges will be waved.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly on the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church classroom (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed. Meetings are open to residents.The next regular COS meeting is scheduled on August 26, 2009. If an owner or resident wishes to address the COS at a regular meeting, please call a COS member about 5 days in advance of the meeting and the issue will be added to the “Homeowner Concerns” part of the agenda near the beginning of the meeting. |