REPORT FROM COUNCIL OF STEWARDS MEETINGSAUGUST 3, 2005 [SPECIAL MEETING]The Council of Stewards (COS) discussed these issues and took the following actions: Correction to minutes of June meeting: The minutes stated that the audit report of financial records would be available for the 2005 Annual Membership Meeting (August 9). Ed Riley clarified that it will be attempted to have the report ready by that meeting. If not available at that time, it should be available for review at the regular COS meeting on August 24. The COS agreed to schedule a meeting with Abbott Enterprises in the fall for a review of their performance to date. Management costs, slow response to phone calls, and other issues will be addressed at that meeting. Committee reports were presented. Each committee reviewed items that will be discussed at the Annual Membership Meeting. 1. Finance Committee – Ed Riley presented financial statements for period ending June 30, 2005. A summary will be presented at the annual meeting. 2. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – Hank Howell reported that the townhome painting and repair project is ahead of schedule. Minor problems have been encountered and have been addressed by the contractor. Concerns were expressed about management costs charged by Abbott vs. the actual time spent on site during the project. This has been addressed with the project manager and there has been improvement. Bids are being considered to paint exterior doors (excluding front doors). The offer from Cunnane Group to pressure-wash the exterior walls of all remaining townhome units has been accepted and will begin after road patch work is completed. The Association Reserve Study contract has been signed and is scheduled for completion by September, 2005. A study to reduce maintenance costs and a new review process of this work is being implemented. 3. Landscape & Grounds Committee – Norm Reid will follow-up on concerns regarding neighborhood fountain maintenance. Abbott will be asked to seek proposals to make electrical repairs to the St. Alban’s Square fountain. A meeting will be held to review landscaping costs for the upcoming 2006 budget process. 4. Architectural Review Committee – The committee has completed another walk-through of the neighborhood to note changes that have been made without proper approval. This list will be reviewed and owners will be asked to submit change requests. [Note: It is not the intent of the committee that all changes be reversed. However, the change request documentation is important to develop and maintain a history of where modifications have been made.] The new standards developed for storm door installation and house number signs will be discussed at the Annual Membership Meeting. Standards regarding the relocation of townhome A/C units will be submitted to the COS for review and approval at the regular August 24 meeting. 5. Covenant Committee – The “Governing Documents Enforcement Policy & Procedures” is awaiting final update and typing. When complete, it will be sent to the Association attorney for review. It will be ready for COS review and approval at the regular August 24 meeting. Three specific issues (street parking, garbage can rollout times, and placement & size of yard signs) will be addressed in the final version. The committee is recommending the creation of a simplified version of the policy in handbook format for distribution to all New Neighborhood residents. The policy will also be posted on the neighborhood website. 6. Nominating Committee – Sherman Kahn (chairperson) announced that Steve Baker and Bob Ashton have agreed to run for the two COS positions that come up for election at the annual meeting. The agenda for the annual meeting was discussed in Executive Session. It was decided to limit each homeowner’s questions or comments to five minutes each. AUGUST 24, 2005 [REGULAR MEETING]The Council of Stewards (COS) discussed these issues and took the following actions: In response to the issue raised at the Annual Membership Meeting regarding the road patching/paving project, Tom Fischer read a statement of action approved by the Council at an Executive Session held on August 22, 2004. “The road patching project is underway and near completion. It is anticipated that the job will be completed by September 15 (including byway patching). As stated in the motion passed at the Annual Membership Meeting, the Council will continue to monitor the project and will meet with county and city representatives in September to address the completion of the final paving of the roads. The Council of Stewards will report to the community at the regular October meeting.” Committee reports were presented as follows: 1. Finance Committee – Norm Reid presented financial statements for period ending July 31, 2005. Accounts receivable continue to reflect delinquent assessment fees of approximately $11,600. The COS will continue to take a strong collection position on these delinquencies. Currently, two property liens have been filed and a number of late notification letters have been mailed. The audit report for 2004 has been received and will be reviewed by the Finance Committee at a meeting on September 28. A review of the report will be made at the regular COS meeting in October. Tom Fischer requested that the budget planning process be monitored in order for the budget to be completed by the November 15, 2005, Budget Approval Meeting by the membership. 2. Townhome/Workplace Building Maintenance Committee – The townhome painting and repair project was completed on August 18 at approximately $2,800 less than the amount authorized by the COS. Exterior doors for the 41 units that were painted were not included in the original project. It is now obvious that many of these courtyard doors also need painting. Foreman’s Painting Company has submitted a bid of $45 per door for this work. In light of the project savings, the COS has directed the committee to make arrangements to have all of the exterior doors (excluding front doors) painted. This will require access to courtyards and the ability to open these doors during painting. Flyers will be posted on these units in advance of the work to allow painters appropriate access. The Cunnane Group will pressure wash the outside of remaining townhome buildings after the completion of road patching (mid-September). The Association Reserve Study is underway with the final report expected September 8, 2005. The study and evaluation of maintenance costs for the last four months continues. As more information is gathered, a more stringent review process will be implemented. The COS approved a recommendation by the committee to install gutter guards on Buildings U and T (and possibly A) in order to save repeat maintenance costs for cleaning. Abbott Enterprises is acquiring bids. 3. Landscape & Grounds Committee – Dave Smith, COS representative, and Norm Reid will meet with B. J. Talley, committee chairperson, regarding the status of fountain repair and maintenance. A decision on whether or not to close the fountains during winter months will be considered. The committee is expected to submit a budget request for inclusion in the 2006 budget process. 4. Architectural Review Committee – Luann Christine and Mike Stenhouse presented recommended standards for relocating townhome A/C units. Any townhome owner who wishes to move an A/C unit must submit a Request for Architectural Approval along with a completed work sheet which specifies how the new installation will meet the standard. Mike was requested to check with the Town of Davidson to see if there are any applicable building code requirements that must be addressed. Pending the code review, the COS approved a motion to accept the new standards. [See newsletter article on page 5 for availability of standards.] The committee has requested that the Townhome & Workplace Building Maintenance Committee notify the ARC as to which units receive gutter guards when that work is completed. All architectural changes to each townhome unit are recorded. These records are available for inspection at any time by existing, new, or potential owners. 5. Covenant Committee – The final draft of the “Governing Documents Enforcement Policy & Procedures” has been sent to the Association attorney for review. The attorney will condense the document and have recommendations ready for committee review at their September 14 meeting. The committee will present the final version at the regular October meeting of the COS. Plans are being made to distribute the Enforcement Policy and Procedures in handbook form to Association members. The Council discussed in executive session the growing problem of collection of delinquent fees. One point of discussion centered on the current process of closing on homes by second buyers and subsequent buyers. Original owners were generally given all details regarding payment of monthly assessments (including coupon books, in most cases) by a representative of the Cunnane Group. As townhomes and single-family homes are later sold, subsequent closing details are often not adequately handled. Abbott pointed out that this is also a problem in other associations. To that end, the COS will look into providing newcomers to New Neighborhood with adequate payment information as part of a welcoming procedure. Virginia Hart stated that she has received a number of complaints regarding poor maintenance of the community parks by the Town of Davidson. This was also raised as an issue in the Annual Membership Meeting in August. The Council will investigate options to correct this problem, which will be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. NOTE: The Council of Stewards meets regularly the fourth Wednesday of every other month in St. Alban’s Church library (lower level) at 7:00 p.m. Special meetings are called as needed throughout the year. Meetings are open to residents. The next regular COS meeting is October 26, 2005. |