St. Albans Square Homeowners Associationfountain

October Newsletter
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My wife and I recently returned from a three-week cruise of the Scandinavian countries, including Russia and Estonia. In looking back a few years (quite a few years, in fact!), most of us will recall the 50s and 60s – the days of Cold War, bomb shelters, and fear of nuclear proliferation. To Americans, our greatest enemy was a different “axis of evil” known then as the Soviet Union. Who would have guessed that forty years later we would be able to travel freely to Russia and be impressed by what we saw. Amazing! The citizens of Russia are people just like us – fellow neighbors!

Do you suppose that in our lifetime we will ever again be able to freely visit Kabul or Baghdad or Tehran?

I sincerely hope so.

— Dave Smith (and this is “the last page. . .”)